LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 10, 2024

February 24th, 2025
Hello Levelland Lobos!
"Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them." - Carmelo Anthony
I hope you always work towards chasing your dreams. There are so many amazing examples of Levelland Lobos chasing their dreams below.
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent of Schools
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
Celebrating our CTE Educators and Courses.........
Agriculture Food & Natural Resources
As we continue to celebrate CTE Month and all that Levelland ISD offers, please enjoy learning about our Agriculture Food and Natural Resources teachers and classes. These courses open up doors for students who might not have known they loved these sciences! We #expectexcellence and are so glad that we are able to offer more than most! https://files.gabbart.com/455/copy_of_ctemonthagfoodnatres_2.mp4
Health & Human Services
It's still CTE Month and we are featuring our Health and Human Services educators and courses. These classes give students another opportunity to pursue a degree or career after high school graduation. Students loving these courses all love the science field and the well-being of others. LHS offers several courses that enable student success! Check them out for yourself! https://files.gabbart.com/455/copy_of_copy_of_copy_of_ctemonthhealthhumanservice_1.mp4
Information Technology & Computer Science
Our final CTE Month focus is on Technology & Computer Science! Everyone knows that our world is moving more and more towards technology-savvy individuals. These courses prepare students for any job or furthering their education! It might be something simple or something complex, but our LHS and LMS students are well-prepared to take on the task at hand! https://files.gabbart.com/456/ctemonthtechnology.mp4
All Things LISD..................
MLK Study
YELL Gets Their Ducks in a Row
Have you ever had to sort out 1,000 ducks? No? Well, our YELL members did just that. They sorted and organized the ducks from 1 to 1,000, preparing for their annual DuckPluck Scholarship Fundraiser. These 1,000 ducks will all be sold for $5 each before being plucked. The plucked duck numbers are the winners of cash! YELL Students are looking forward to visiting our Civic organizations around town and speaking to them about this fundraiser, which in turn helps them become leaders of our community. Thank you to The Chamber for always hosting a great lunch and learning opportunities for YELL members.
DI Kicks Off Their Competitions
We are so proud of our Destination Imagination program which offers another avenue to students to learn outside the classroom. Destination Imagination Coordinator Alexis Gavina #expectsexcellence and says, "We have DI on all campuses and this program presents challenges to students to solve problems creatively. DI students develop teamwork, leadership, and critical thinking skills. Destination Imagination infuses academics with creative expression as they perform in front of judges." This Saturday, LISD has 10 teams competing at the Northwest Plains Regional Tournament in Midland, Texas. Two teams from each campus will compete in Rising Stars, Improv, Scientific, and Technical Challenges. We wish these students and their DI Coaches the best of luck!
South Sings @ TTU
Some South students were caught at Texas Tech singing the National Anthem at a Girl's Game with South Music Teacher Jennifer Turner and Teaching Assistant Juana Soliz. This was a great opportunity to sing on a big stage! Thank you, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Soliz for putting together this event for choir students!
More FFA Showing Success.............
Ride With Rotary
We are so thankful for the Ride With Rotary Program! We thank the Breakfast Rotary Club for donating bikes each nine-weeks to students at Capitol and South Elementary who earned perfect attendance. These students were drawn and surprised by Rotarians with a new bicycle for have perfect attendance! They got them just in time for the weather to warm up tomorrow! Thank you Breakfast Rotary!
YELL Community Service!
Thank you YELL (Young Emerging Leaders of Levelland) for spending your Saturday to help others. This YELL Community Service was a huge success with eight overflowing grocery carts of donated food to help Hockley County Food Box patrons. Thank you United Supermarkets for allowing students to do this. Thank you to the Levelland community for supporting our cause!
All-District Honors!
LHS Girl's Basketball Coach Barnett #expectsexcellence and sends out congratulations to his Loboettes on yet another milestone! These Loboettes are honored as making the All-District Teams! We are so proud of each of you! Your hard work on the court and in the classroom pays off!
PACK Tennis
LHS Tennis Coach Jeffrey Braziel shares that they hosted the Annual Pack Invitational Meet over the weekend. In attendance were multiple teams who went multiple rounds deep in the 4A team tennis playoffs, as well as the big school state champs in Tapps. Braziel says, "We are also super excited that we had Several JV players step up and take wins on varsity teams." Achievements for the PACK Tennis Tournament this week are:
Nathan Ellis/ Micheal Canon - Boys doubles Champions
Marc Muniz - Boys Singles Consolation Champion
Deigo Franco/Alexis Sanchez -Mixed doubles 4th place
Reese Payton - Boys Singles 4th place
Zackary Lopez - Boys Singles 6th place
Daisy Perez/Fabiola Hernandez - Girls Doubles 8th place
And, Junior Micheal Canon joins the Century Club getting his 100th win of his Career!
Congratulations to all these tennis athletes!
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item of the month is..............
granola bars!
BBP is always accepting donations.
Thank you to our guys.........
who do most of our heavy lifting! We appreciate you both!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict