Dabney Discussion V8I2 - Sept.
School News from the Veterans Park Elementary Principal
Molly's Message...
Staffing Update
SBDM had a special called meeting to discuss staffing. The SBDM Council approved the addition of 2 para educators to help support in kindergarten and first grade. These positions were posted and should be filled soon!
Upcoming Events
September 4 - No School, Labor Day
September 6 - Spirit & Hat Day/Woot Woot Wagon & Grandparents Luncheon
September 9 - SBDM Meeting @ 3:00 (VPE Conference Room)
September 10 - Kindergarten Chorus Begins @ 7:20-7:45 am
September 11 - First Grade Chorus Begins @ 7:20-7:45 am
September 12 - Second Grade Chorus Begins @ 7:20-7:45 am, PTA meeting, 7:45 am VPE Library or Virtual & Parent Volunteer Training, 8:30 am, Intermediate Chorus Begins @ 2:35-4:00 pm
September 13 - Third Grade Chorus Begins @ 7:20-7:45 am
September 18 - Fall Pictures, Wellness Wednesday & Family Focus Night, Family Resource Center Advisory Council Meeting @ 3:00 pm
September 19 - Hearing Screening (K & 5), Open House @ 5:30-7:00 pm
September 20 - Hearing Screening (K & 5)
September 23 - Blood Drive @ VPE 12:00-5:00 pm
September 24 - Kentucky Kids Day, SBDM Committee Meetings @ 3:00 pm
September 26 - Gifted and Talented Virtual Parent Night @ 6:00 (Details will be shared in the Flash)
September 27 - Fall-Fest
September 30 - October 4 - Fall Break No School
October - Parent Conference Month
October 7 - SBDM Meeting @ 3:00 pm (VPE Conference Room)
October 11 - End of First Nine Week Grading Period, Spirit & Hat Day/Woot Woot Wagon
October 16 - Wellness Wednesday & Family Focus Night
October 17 - Fall Conference Night @ 3:00-7:00 pm
October 22 - SBDM Committee Meetings @ 3:00 pm
October 28-November 1 - Red Ribbon Week
October 31- Book Character Day, Book Character Parade @ 9:45 am - Bus Loop
November 1 - Spirit & Hat Day/Woot Woot Wagon
November 5 - No School - ELECTION Day
Grandparents Lunch - Friday, September 6th
We will have the return of our annual Grandparents' luncheon on Friday, September 6th. Grandparents are welcome to join their student(s) for lunch. Grandparent Adjusted Lunch Times are listed below based on homeroom. Please note that siblings will not be able to be pulled from homerooms to eat at different times and will need to eat during their scheduled times. Please expect long lines, but lots of fun! Thanks for your patience! Adult lunch is $5.00, exact change is appreciated or you are welcome to bring a sack lunch from home (no fast food per our policy).
10:30 -Kindred & Scott
10:35 - Rowe & Schaffer
10:40 - Workman
10:45 - Rawls & Nudd
10:50 - Pugel & Rogers
11:05 - Thayer & Sharp
11:10 - Boone & Knight
11:15 - Carter & Queen
11:20 - Altwies & Waters
11:25 - Miller & Randall
11:35 - Davis & Dickinson
11:40 - Belcher & Nally
11:45 - Robeson
12:00 - Lanter & Grossi
12:05 - Geldhof & Jones
12:10 - Hogan
Smile...It's Picture Day!
Wednesday, September 18th is fall picture day at VPE. Fall pictures are one pose of a headshot that is utilized for the yearbook and one pose with a scene backdrop. The following day students will be sent home with a flyer with instructions on how to view images and order pictures. For those who are absent during picture day, we have retakes scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th. For any questions before or after picture day, email info@tripleplaypro.com.
VPE PTA Directory
If you would like to sign up for the VPE Parent Directory for the 2024-2025 school year you will need to complete the following directory form:https://bit.ly/VPEPTAdirectory24
Each year families will need to resubmit the information on a yearly basis. New directory information will be shared with families in September. Deadline to submit information to be published is Friday, September 13th.
Student Absences & Make Up Work
Just a reminder that VPE & FCPS have a make-up work policy if your child should be absent, sick or misses school. Please reference the below VPE SBDM Policy with regard to make up work:
Absence due to illness: Fayette County Board policy reads that a student has the number of days absent plus one day to turn in missed work due to illness or any other excused absence.
Requests for missed work due to illness: Parents must call the school office before 8:00 a.m. in order for work to be prepared by the teacher on the day of the absence. The teacher will, when requested, deliver the work to a sibling or neighbor; otherwise, it will be placed in the homework tub outside the office. Homework pick-up is available each day until 6:00 p.m. outside the office.
Make-up work from absences other than excused absences: Teachers are not required to prepare work before a known absence such as a family vacation or sports competition. Teachers may choose to send work only if convenient. Any work that is given in advance to the student must be turned in the day the student returns to school in order to receive credit. A student will receive make-up work when he/she returns to school. The student will have the number of days absent plus one day to turn in missed assignments.
Extenuating circumstances will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the teacher and/or principal.
Thanksgiving Baskets From God's Pantry
If your family is in need of a Thanksgiving Basket from God's Pantry, families may self-refer by calling God's Pantry through September 30th. Please see the information on the flyer for phone number and times! If you have any questions, or need help with your referral, please contact Mrs. Love!
SBDM Parent Committee Members Needed
Veterans Park Elementary School-Based Decision-Making Council is made up of elective parents, teachers, and the principal. The council seeks input from various committees within the school to assist them in obtaining information about the school and developing policies.
The following committees are seeking parent involvement and will meet on the fourth Tuesday, of the month at 3:00 p.m. in September-April except for December. Meetings will be scheduled in various locations throughout the building.
(Membership – Two Parents & VPE Staff)
- Analyze the program review demonstrators and characteristics
- Determine essential elements that show effective implementation of demonstrators and characteristics
- Identify effective evidence
- Decide on the use of the budget to help extra-curricular groups such as chorus, band, orchestra, and academic team and to purchase supplies as necessary.
- Work with the SBDM Council, principal, and other SBDM standing committees to facilitate the development, implementation, and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan.
- Work closely with the first vice president of the PTA or designee to determine programming for in-school performances
- Other duties as assigned by the principal or council
(Membership – Two Parents & VPE Staff)
- Develop, coordinate and administer professional development activities
- Gather input from other SBDM committees to determine the professional development needs of the staff
- Formulate an annual Professional Development Plan with the SBDM Council’s approval, and submit it to the Kentucky Department of Education
- Monitor progress of required PD hours
- Other duties assigned by the principal or council
(Membership – Two Parents & VPE Staff)
- Annually review and revise (if necessary) the SBDM policies on Discipline, Classroom Management, and Safety Plan, Emergency Management Plan, Extracurricular Programs, Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff Time Assignment, Parental Involvement, and Wellness (Legally required for Primary to grade 5). Draft revisions for council approval/adoption.
- Develop a set of “non-negotiable” school rules consistent with district policies and directives.
- Review/revise the school-wide discipline plan as needed based on feedback and data.
- Recommend discipline and classroom management changes based on annual needs assessments and data gathering.
- Recommend discipline and classroom management changes based on annual needs assessments and data gathering.
- Review the school safety plan every odd-numbered year following the procedures outlined in the Discipline, Classroom Management, and School Safety Policy. Recommend any necessary changes based on needs assessments and data gathering. In consultation with the council and first responders, recommend changes in the Emergency Management Plan based on the annual review of the plan.
(Membership - Two Parents & VPE Staff)
- Assess needs and develop plans for effective communication among all staff
members, parents, and community
- Plan and conduct activities to promote a positive image of the school in our community
- Address staff, parent, and student morale by conducting a morale survey of staff and parents on alternating years.
- Analyze achievement/assessment data to establish curriculum and instructional goals
- Analyze outcomes and assessments in relation to meeting the needs of all children
- Make recommendations pertaining to any changes and/or additions to the school curriculum/equity/resources (i.e. textbook adoption plan)
- Develop plans to improve student performance in all the academic areas and make recommendations for professional development
- Determine reporting processes and instruments to be used for communicating student performance to parents
- Develop the ESS plan and implement it according to District guidelines
- Address equity issues
- Other duties assigned by the principal or council
- Develop, implement and annually update the school’s technology plan and KETS budget to support the school’s School Improvement Plan
- Submit the Technology Plan, including the KETS budget to the SBDM Council for approval annually
- Assess the staff’s needs and plan for professional development to meet these needs
- Participate in professional development activities as presenters when appropriate
- Other duties assigned by the principal or council
If you are interested in serving on any of these committees, please complete the attached form and return it to the VPE Office by, Friday, September 6, 2024. You can turn in the form the following ways: drop it off, fax it to 859-422-9975, or email it to molly.dabney@fayette.kyschools.us
The complete committee policy as well as all council policies are available on our website at http://www.veterans.fcps.net/sbdm.
Battle of the Books
We can’t wait for an exciting year of Battle of the Books at Veterans Park! If your child loves to read and enjoys friendly competition, this club is for you! Each year, FCPS hosts a Battle of the Books competition among elementary schools in the district. Participants compete in a “battle” in April over questions comprised from 12 different books they have read throughout the year. This is a voluntary reading incentive program open to students in grades 3-5. If your child is interested in signing up, please see this form for more information and to register. Our first meeting will be on September 11 at 7:15 a.m. in the VPE library. If you have questions, please reach out to Ms. Ault at jessica.ault@fayette.kyschools.us.
Hearing Screening
Universal Hearing Screenings for Kindergarten and 5th graders will take place at Veterans Park Elementary from September 25th-29th. Students can be screened in other grades if you have a concern with your student's hearing. The hearing screenings will take place at VPE during the school day. An examiner will measure sound waves as your child wears headphones and will be asked to raise their hand when they hear a sound. A child will pass if they respond at a sound level at all frequencies tested in both ears. If a child fails an initial hearing screening, the student will be rescreened, and caregivers will be notified. If your child is absent, the hearing screening will be rescheduled when they return to school. Please email Sally Blanton at sally.blanton@fayette.kyschools.us if you would like your child screened and they are not in Kindergarten or 5th grade.
VPE families, we are excited to bring back our VPE Fall Fun Fest this year. It will take place during school hours on Friday, September 29th. We will be celebrating Kentucky Kids Day and kicking off the fall season. The Fall-Fest will include grade-level activities during their special area time. We are looking for volunteers to help out throughout the day, if you are interested, we will be sending out a sign-up link to families so please look for that in the Friday Flash next month!
Help Us Be Bully FREE @ VPE!
At Veterans Park Elementary, we believe that bullying of any kind is unacceptable. All students should be free from worries about being bullied. Students who bully others must be taught other appropriate ways of interacting with peers. We implement a social-emotional curriculum called Caring School Community that teaches positive peer interactions. All students at our school will learn universal rules and expectations about bullying as well as different skills and tools they can use to prevent or respond to bullying. Bullying can take different forms, such as physical or verbal, and it can harm victims’ social relationships with their peers. Bullying is hurtful to students who are the targets of bullying as well as to students who witness bullying.
We define bullying as:
- One-sided, intentional, and repeated
- Happening when someone purposely hurts, frightens, or threatens someone else
- Happening when someone purposely leaves out, ridicules spreads rumors, or makes offensive comments to someone else
Our anti-bullying goals this year are to continue to create a positive school setting, increase awareness about bullying among all educators, staff, and students; enforce school anti-bullying rules; and teach students skills to deal with bullying, problem-solving, and making friends. Below is the list of skills and activities that will be introduced/covered this year:
- Act in safe, friendly, and responsible ways (grades K-1)
- Learn cooperative structures (grades K-1)
- Recognize, name, and express emotions (grades K-1)
- Act in kind, caring, and helpful ways (grades K-1)
- Developing empathy (grades 2-5)
- Friendship & celebrating differences (grades 2-5)
- Resolving conflicts (grades 2-5)
We ask for your assistance with reaching our goals by helping and encouraging your child to use these skills at home. We will also cover the following topics that will help our students to recognize and prevent bullying in our school:
- Recognizing Mean Behavior (grade 2)
- Bullying (grades 3-5)
- Exclusion, unkind speech, and teasing (grades 2-5)
Calling ALL Parents...Volunteer Meeting - Thursday, September 12th @ 8:30
We LOVE our parent volunteer and would love for you to help make VPE the wonderful place it is! Whether you are working with kids, hanging out in the cafeteria or library, or simply making copies, your help is always appreciated! If you are interested, please attend the volunteer training meeting on Thursday, September 12 at 8:30 a.m. following the PTA meeting!
Safety Reminders
Our goal each day is to ensure the safety of our students. Below are some reminders regarding building safety:
Must enter through the front of the building
MUST provide a valid picture ID - every time
State the purpose of the visit
Wear a visible visitor sticker while in the building
Sign out when leaving the building in the office
Please do NOT enter the bus loop until after the buses have dropped off around 7:20 am. Staff members will be assisting students in getting out of cars each morning to help the line move faster. Pull all the way forward to help get as many cars in the loop as possible. Only turn right into the bus loop and exit left along with only turning left into the parking lot and exiting right.
Car Tags:
Parents picking up in the car line must have a visible Veterans Park-issued tag. If you do not have a tag, you will be asked to go to the office to pick up a new tag before picking up your child.
Late Pick-Up:
If you are running late to pick your child up from school you will be asked to enter through the front office and sign your child out with a staff member.
Kindergarten Parents:
FCPS requires anyone picking up a Kindergarten student to present their ID. Thank you for helping with this safety procedure.
Transportation Safety
Transportation is one of the biggest worries for a teacher and making sure students arrive and get home safely. We are welcoming & dismissing close to 800 students on a daily basis and we need to ensure that every child gets to school and their home safely. Please help us by following these procedures:
Do not make unnecessary afternoon transportation changes, and only make changes during the school day in the case of an emergency.
All changes in transportation must be in writing and before 1:15 pm….please don’t email your child’s teacher with changes because they can’t be honored. You may send in a handwritten note, or email us at vpetransportation@fayette.kyschools.us
Parents please stay in your cars during arrival/dismissal and allow for staff to help students in and out. It is for your safety too!
Be a good role model and only cross at the crosswalk!
Do not drop students on Clearwater Way and please wait until you reach the sidewalk to allow students to get out of the car on the sidewalk side only.
We can not have cars in the bus loop until after all buses have arrived which is typically at 7:20ish therefore, if dropping students prior to 7:20 please use the parking lot side to drop off students.
A helpful hint….there isn’t a line in the car line at 7:20 but tends to be one at 7:40! Come early to keep from being tardy!
VPE SPIRIT Wear Back to School Sale!
It's time to show your school spirit, Veterans Park! Our Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale is here with 30% off the entire site. This is the final week, though! Check out our fresh new designs today! 🎒🛒
Medication at School
If your child needs to take medication at school, the following is required:
Medication Authorization form signed by the parent. Stop by the office to fill one out!
Medication must be in the original prescription container. The information listed on the container must include the student’s name and the prescribed medication.
Other medical issues include asthma and allergies…
If your child has an allergy, asthma, or other medical conditions that require special adult attention and/or medication while at school and you have not completed a medical information packet, please come by or call the office immediately.
Call our Nurse with questions.,
859-422-0025 ext 27202
Absences/Tardy- Excused?
Two Steps to an Excused Absence!
If your child is absent, please call the school at 422-0025 before 7:30 am. Please know that even if you call in, you will still receive an automated call about your child's absence.
For an absence to be excused, it must be followed up with a written excuse within 3 days. FCPS Board Policy does not allow us to accept notes after this time and absences will remain unexcused. Remember, when you take your child to a doctor or dentist, get a note.
See all the details in the FCPS Code of Conduct.
What is an Excused Absence/Tardy?
- Death of an immediate family member
- Illness of Student: Parents have a total of 10 notes to write for students' illnesses. After 10 cumulative absences due to illness students are required to present a written statement from a medical professional for each additional absence for the school year in order to be excused.
- Religious Holidays & Practices
- Medical & Dental Appointments: Be sure to grab note from the doctor's office!
- Family Emergencies: limited to three cumulative absent events per school year, as approved by the Principal.
**Family Vacations & Trips are NOT Excused Absences!
MAP Testing
How do schools and teachers use MAP Growth scores? Teachers can use the score to inform instruction, personalize learning, and monitor the growth of individual students. Principals and administrators can use the scores to see the performance and progress of a grade level, school, or entire district.
Can MAP Growth tell me if my child is working at grade level? Yes, but please note that MAP Growth scores are just one data point that teachers use to determine how a student is performing. Please discuss any questions that you have about your child’s performance with your child’s teacher.
How often will my child take MAP Growth tests? Most schools give MAP Growth tests to students at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year (in the fall, winter, and spring). Some schools choose to administer tests only twice a year as we do with our kindergarten students.
What are norms? NWEA provides schools with norms every three years. This is anonymous data from more than 10 million students around the country. Knowing the top, middle, and bottom scores of all these students combined allow teachers to compare where your child is to other students and help them grow.
Is MAP Growth a standardized test? Unlike a standardized test, MAP Growth is administered periodically during the school year. Instead of asking all students the same questions, it adjusts to each child’s performance— giving a more accurate measure of what they know. Teachers also receive results right away, which enables them to react more quickly.
What types of questions are on MAP Growth tests? The MAP Growth tests include multiple choice, drag-and-drop, and other types of questions. For sample tests, visit warmup.nwea.org.
Immunization Requirement for Elementary
Before enrolling in elementary school for the first time, children must have a current Kentucky Immunization Certificate showing that they have received:
· Four or Five Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP) doses, with the last one administered after age 4
· Three or four polio doses, with the last one administered after age 4
· Two Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) doses administered at least one month apart on or after 12 months of age
· Three Hepatitis B doses with last dose on or after 24 weeks of age
· Two Varicella (chicken pox) injections if child has not had chicken pox disease
State law also requires that children have:
· Physical Examination done within one year prior to or 30 days after entering school.
· A Kentucky Eye Examination done by a licensed Ophthalmologist or Optometrist before January 1 of the year of enrollment. (Students 4-6 years of age only.)
A Kentucky Dental Examination done by a licensed Dentist or Dental Hygienist is required for all 5- or 6-year-olds enrolled in public school, by January 1 of the year of enrollment. (Kindergarten only.)Birthday Treat Options
Student Code of Conduct - Opt Out Forms:
Every year your student receives a copy of the FCPS Student Code of Conduct. This booklet goes over all of the district expectations & responsibilities for students. This year the document is being shared online with families. You can locate the Code of Conduct using the following link: https://www.fcps.net/families/code-of-conduct Please note that on pages 71 & 72 are the FERPA Directory Information OPT-OUT and the Media Coverage OPT-OUT. We ask that families review these forms and determine if they are something your family is interested in. Here is a summary of each form:
FERPA Directory Information OPT-OUT: Complete this form to exercise your right to privacy
Media Coverage Opt-Out Form: Complete this form to exercise your right to not have your child or their work shown on the Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) educational access channel, the FCPS website, or the local news media.
This will also keep your student from being on the VPE website and/or Instagram postings.
All completed forms need to be turned into the Veterans Park Elementary School office. If you have questions please contact the VPE office staff.
SBDM Committees Looking For Parents to Serve
Each year our SBDM Council looks for two parents to serve as the parent representatives for individual committees. Please reference the information packet included in the back-to-school folder and sign up if you are interested in serving the school in this manner. We love having parent input and perspectives to help continue to grow our school community!
Non-CEP School Breakfast/Lunch Cost & Free/Reduced Meal Prices
VPE is not a free feeding site for the 2024-2025 school year. Therefore, students who do not apply and qualify for free/reduced meals will be required to purchase breakfast/lunch/milk if they so choose to eat school breakfast and/or lunch. Families must reapply each year to qualify. Please review the below information to determine if you qualify:
Who Can Get Free Meals?
- All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) or the Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP), are eligible for free meals.
- Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals.
- Children participating in their school’s Head Start program are eligible for free meals.
- Children who have met the definition of homeless, runaway, or migrant are eligible for free meals.
- Children may receive free or reduced-price meals if your household’s income is within the limits on the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.
To apply for free/reduced lunch you are encouraged to complete an online application instead of a paper application if you are able. The online application has the same information/requirements as the paper application. This process is more confidential and is the quickest way to get approved. Visit www.bit.ly/FCPSMealApp to begin or to learn more about the online application process. Contact the programs assistant at jessica.morgison@fayette.kyschools.us or 422-2152, if you have any questions about the online application or are having trouble accessing it.
If you need to send in lunch money to school we ask that you send lunch money to school in a labeled envelope with the child's name, grade and homeroom teacher listed. Lunch accounts may also be accessed at My School Bucks - https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/login/getmain?requestAction=home Accounts can be paid and monitored from this site.
Cafeteria Visitor & Helpers
Families & Parents are Welcome to Join Us For Lunch...but we ask that you let your child get into the routine of lunch before coming to eat with them.
VPE’s wellness policy does not allow fast food lunches or soft drinks for you or your child in the cafeteria. Please help us promote healthy living by not bringing in outside fast food.
For safety’s sake, strollers may not be in the cafeteria during lunch.
To not displace a student from his/her class, we ask that parents eat at the round tables with only their child.
We love cafeteria helpers...especially during Kindergarten Lunch times 10:50-11:25! Little hands need extra help at the beginning of the year opening lunches so we welcome volunteers!
Wellness Wednesday & Family Focus Nights
Accident Insurance Coverage
FCPS has selected K&K Insurance Group to help make reliable coverage available. For families without other insurance, K&K's plan is a resource to consider. It can also help fill gaps caused by deductibles and co-pays. Families may purchase this voluntary/optional coverage anytime during the school year.
Records Update:
We need to have the following on file for ALL students:
Utility Bill & Deed/Lease
Birth Certificate
Physical & Up-to-date Immunizations
Dental Exam
Eye Exam - by an ophthalmologist or optometrist
As we check our student folders, we may be contacting you to provide the information that is missing or out of date. Thank you for helping to keep our records current.
PTA Meetings - In Person & Via Zoom
This year we will be offering PTA meetings on two platforms - in person and on Zoom. They are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at 7:45 in the VPE Library or using the following Zoom link: link:https://fcps-net.zoom.us/j/99018941544
Volunteer Background Checks
VPE loves to have volunteers helping throughout the school day, attending field trips, and helping out in the building. Any and all adults accompanying a school group while on a field trip must first undergo and pass the background checks required for all FCPS volunteers through the volunteer application system. This applies to listed chaperones, volunteers, and anyone who travels separately to join the group at the respective venue. If you plan on coming to help in the building or on a field trip at any point in the future when allowed you will need to complete the following background check: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MjAwOmVuLVVT
Parents don't need to be approved to eat lunch with their child, attend parent/teacher conferences or attend evening events. All other activities will require you to be an approved volunteer. These background checks are good for three years.
Newsflash - Weekly SMORE newsletter will be emailed to families on Friday afternoons via Infinite Campus.
Twitter - @vpepatriot
Instagram - vpeinaction
Infinite Campus - Attendance, weather calls & more! https://fayetteky.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/fayette.jsp
Email: molly.dabney@fayette.kyschools.us
Website: http://www.veterans.fcps.net/
Location: 4351 Clearwater Way, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: 859-422-0025
Twitter: @vpepatriot