ELC at George Earle Weekly Update
Friday, October 14th, 2022
PBIS- What is it and how we celebrate it here at The ELC.
Hard work pays off! Our students are working hard every day in their classrooms and the learning goals are coming right along! Students not only receive positive reinforcement for their efforts in academics, they also receive accolades for leadership, showing grit in the classroom, and kindness. They will be rewarded for their good habits and hard work. Our school implements a PBIS program where we identify and reward leadership and grit characteristics in our students. Throughout the year, students work on getting tickets individually as well as a class. They work towards a goal as a whole school to earn a reward with their tickets. On top of whole school rewards, each quarter, each teacher picks 2 students that represent going above and beyond in every day behavior and kindness in our Royalty Court. Each teacher also picks 2 students that have made huge strides in learning and academic growth as their GRIT workers. We celebrate the students with a Royal Gala at the end of each quarter. Our first one is right around the corner on 10/20. You can learn more about the PBIS definition and trend here Positive Behavior Interventions and Support.
Time Out For Reading!!
Last Friday morning, we celebrated “Time Out For Reading” where members of the community came into each of our classrooms at 10am and read a story to the kiddos. Each kindergartener also got their very own copy of the story that was read to them to keep at home! They read ”There was an Old Lady who Swallowed Some Leaves” and they loved it!!! A huge THANK YOU to Dr. Buffington-our superintendent of SCOH, Mr. McKee-our director of transportation, Mrs. Smith-director of food service, Mr. Osika-head football coach & principal at HHS, Miss Megean-LCPL children’s librarian, Mrs. Ragon-ELC custodial engineer, Mr. Ling- owner of Classic Photo, Mr. VanMilligan- police officer & Miss Deter’s fiancé, Mr. Perry-director of support services, Ms. SeDoris- secretary for the Mayor of Hobart, Ms. Burczyk- Director of Early College and Career, and Jackie Rogers-retired SCOH teacher. We are so grateful for you all that you took time out of your day to visit with us!
Click on the link below to sign up for Mindful Parents Connect.
Brickie Bulletin Board
School Hours
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/schoolhours to view the start and end times for the 22-23 school year, including Late Start Wednesday times.
School Calendar
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/calendar to view this year's updated school calendar.
School Supply Lists
Click here to view the 2022-23 ELC Supply List.
Student Handbook
Click here to view the 2022-23 ELC Student Handbook.