9th Grade Course Requests
Now Open!
The 9th Grade Course Selection Portal is Now OPEN!
It's time to start making course requests for the 2025-2026 Academic Year!
Dear Families,
The scheduling portal is now OPEN! Students and parents are encouraged to begin making course requests for the 2025-2026 school year. The portal can be accessed via Genesis Parent Portal. In April, the high school guidance department will begin holding individual scheduling meetings with ALL current 8th grade students to review course requests and teacher recommendations.
Please use the Jackson School District Program of Studies to read descriptions of all courses prior to making your requests.
Step 1: Log into the parent/student portal
Step 2: Select "scheduling" on the left hand side tool bar.
Step 3: Then navigate to "requests" also located on the left hand side tool bar.
Step 4: To make course requests, click in to each department. Teacher course recommendations are marked by an "apple" icon.
All course requests and teacher recommendations will be reviewed during your student's individual scheduling meeting with their counselor. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's counselor.
Joe Palumbo
Director of Guidance
Jackson School District
Here is what you will need to do:
When you enter the scheduling portal you will select the following:
1. World Language: Spanish, French, or Italian (requests for honors level will be verified with a teacher recommendation)
2. Electives: You may choose a minimum of two electives, and a maximum of four. Please note that you will NOT receive all electives that you choose. This gives the team alternative options when scheduling. All of the courses listed are available for request for incoming 9th grade students. Please read the program of studies for all course descriptions.
3. Visual and Performing Arts: This is where you will select Band, Percussion, or Choir if you are interested.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All Core Subject area courses will be based on teacher recommendations.
A comprehensive guide to all high school courses and programs in the Jackson School District
This Program of Studies is designed to be used as a planning guide to the wide variety of required and elective courses, across all disciplines. The curriculum is broad and attempts to prepare students to meet the demands of living, working, and studying in today’s world. Both required courses and the vast array of electives give students the opportunity to pursue their goals and interests while addressing the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. In addition to a summary of our courses, this guide contains information about graduation requirements, program development, and student services.
You can access the entire 2025-2026 Program of Studies here.
What happens next?
Next Steps!
In the month of April, all current 8th grade students will meet with members of the high school guidance team individually. At this meeting, the counselors and students will review the course requests, and the teacher recommendations.
If your student is selected to an academy, their course requests will be modified to fit the required course progression.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Course requests do not equal a final schedule. Course availability is dependent on many factors such as enrollment. A finalized schedule will be available on the parent portal in late August.