West Sylvan Middle School
May 24, 2024
Happy Friday, West Sylvan families!
As we enter these final weeks of school for the 2023-24 school year, we want all students to have a strong finish to their school year! This is a good time to help your student check their grades, see how they may improve if they are missing items for classes, and encourage them to perform to their best ability on final projects or exams. Middle School is a time period when students are building habits for High School and University, so we want them to practice their good habits now to build a strong foundation for the future! Thank you for encouraging your students to finish their year with successful habits! As a reminder, Monday is Memorial Day, so we will see students on Tuesday!
We are finishing up with final Math and Science OSAS exams (Science is only for 8th Graders), and each grade has a final IB MYP service project. Eighth grade students have a much more involved and personalized Capstone IB MYP project, which they have been working on for several months. Our sixth and seventh grade students will have a service opportunity through the Run for the Homeless which is spearheaded and organized by our Ethics class students. Our goal is to give each grade of students an opportunity for a culminating project, which aligns with our IB MYP authorization work.
The list of groups who are testing in the next two weeks are below so that your student is prepared for those days. Please send students with their charged Chromebook each day so that they are ready to go! We are moving onto Math and Science (8th graders only for Science) after English testing concludes. Please send students to school rested and nourished for testing.
We hope you have a wonderful longer Memorial Day weekend!
Jill Hunt, Principal
Ben Keller, Assistant Principal
Jewish American Heritage Month
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- Mon, MAY 27th: NO SCHOOL due to Memorial Day holiday
- Thu, MAY 30th: Eighth Grade MYP Expo
- Fri, MAY 31st: Final All-School Assembly (*Special bell schedule and NO Advisory ~ any early student pick-ups must be prior to 3:00PM)
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
- Mon, JUN 3rd: MYP Run for the Homeless (*Special bell schedule and NO Advisory)
- Thu, JUN 6th: Eighth Grade Congressional Hearings
- Fri, JUN 7th: *Chromebook/charger collection from all 6th Graders
- Mon, JUN 10th ~ Fri, JUN 14th: NO Advisory all week *bell schedule revised
- Mon, JUN 10th: *Chromebook/charger collection from all 8th Graders
- Tue, JUN 11th: *Chromebook/charger collection from all 7th Graders
- Tue, JUN 11th: Eighth Grade FIELD TRIP to Oaks Park (9:30AM-1:30PM)
- Wed, JUN 12th: Eighth Grade FIELD TRIP to University of Oregon (9:30AM-6:00PM)
- Thu, JUN 13th: Eighth Grade Promotion practice (9:30AM-11:30AM at WSMS)
- Thu, JUN 13th: Eighth Grade Promotion CEREMONY (evening at Lincoln HS)
SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL SURVEY ~ available until May 31st
Please share your feedback! Each year, our school district collects data from our students, our Educators, and our families in the Successful School Survey. Families will select your site from the drop-down list at the following URL. Families with more than one student can respond for their eldest student, or you may choose to take the survey more than once. https://surveys.panoramaed.com/portlandor/familyspring24/surveys
- Profesor Mike Salmon will be joining us on a part-time basis to teach Spanish next school year. We are offering more sections of World Language with the added period in the school schedule, and Mr. Salmon will help us grow our Spanish offerings! He will split time between WSMS and his current middle school, Harriet Tubman Middle School. A short introduction follows:
¡Muy buenas a todos!
My name is Mike Salmon, known as ~Profe Salmón. Next year will be my 6th year teaching Spanish at Harriet Tubman Middle School, where scholars have endearingly named me 'Mister Profe'. I have various roles, originally as a gymnastics coach at the Multnomah Athletic Club which evolved to leading a yoga practice twice a week before school. I integrate these roles into my classroom, creating a community based on the principles of the term Namaste and the poem In Lak'ech. I have taught Spanish to students across all grades and enjoy paddling sports, snowboarding with my son, swinging weights, and watching my teenager play football and rugby in my free time. I arrived in Portland in 2002 for my student teaching at Roosevelt High School, and have been in the district since 2003 and have taught at a total of 7 different schools in my career. I look forward to sharing my time with both communities and spreading my roots.
- Mr. Adam Clay is returning to WSMS as a Special Education Specialist for next school year. He was on a temporary leave to serve as a Vice Principal for Evening Scholars in PPS this year, and will return to his teaching and case management role for next school year. Welcome back, Mr. Clay!
- Mr. Bradley Fleegle is joining as our Math and ELA Interventionist Educator. A short introduction from Mr. Fleegle is below.
Hello West Sylvan students and families,
I'm Bradley (Mr. Fleegle) and I'm so pleased to join your community! I come from Nevada originally, but have been living in Portland for just over ten years and love it. Most of my teaching experience has been as a middle school math teacher, though I like all subjects and would be happy to help students with anything I can. As for who I am personally: I'm a huge bicyclist, but I spend most of my free time changing diapers and playing hot wheels on the floor with my two children, Natalie (1) and Alden (4). When the kids finally go to bed, my wife and I like to sneak in a board game. As a family, we try to do a lot of hiking, but the little ones aren't very good hikers yet. I look forward to meeting you this upcoming Fall, if not sooner!
- Bradley Fleegle
- Mr. Casey Bartlett is joining us as a new PE Educator next school year after teaching Adapted Physical Education for four years for PPS. Mr. Bartlett comes to us because of the added period of learning in the day next year and the need for all three grades of students to meet Oregon PE minutes expectations by having three quarters of PE in their schedule.
Next year will be his 10th year teaching. He has taught and ran physical activities for almost 20 years with a wide range of ages and abilities. He has worked in schools, gyms, a cruise ship, and a variety of camps. Casey was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. He is a husband and father of two kids. They love spending time outdoors, playing basketball, swimming, and going to the beach. He has a passion for helping all students be active and supporting their fitness goals. He is looking forward to being at West Sylvan MS.
On June 3rd, we are hosting a fundraising run for the homeless, organized by Ms. Melanie’s 1st period Ethics class. This opportunity to create a school-wide community service project is part of the MYP program. Eighth Graders are doing their own, more robust service project as their Middle School MYP Capstone, and are still welcome to be part of this larger fun!
All money that is being collected will be donated to the Portland Rescue Mission. Sponsor forms and envelopes have been passed out in all Advisory classes. Checks need to be made out to the Portland Rescue Mission and are preferred over cash, although we will accept cash.
Students will collect sponsors and donations from friends and family. Sponsors can make a donation per lap a student runs or make a flat donation at this link. Forms and money are due by June 9th.
We will have a modified schedule (see below) so that this may occur in the morning with each grade level’s participants running for 40 minutes prior to their lunch. Every student who runs/walks at least 3 laps in the forty minute time period will get an otter pop. The grade that raises the most money will get an ice cream party. The student in each grade who runs the most laps will get a $50 Visa gift card. Thank you to the Friends of West Sylvan for their gift card donation!
Our building will, once again, be a closed construction site all summer for the second half of a needed roof replacement. The building will be closed to all community members and students from June 17th until we are cleared to let people in again.
All students, regardless of grade will be expected to return their Chromebook and charger prior to summer break. Because none of our WSMS students are being offered summer school through PPS, there is no need for Chromebooks at home over summer. The dates for return are below:
6th grade: Friday, June 7th
7th grade: Tuesday, June 11th
8th grade: Monday, June 10th
For the start of next school year, the first calendar day of the year, August 27th, will be just for 6th Graders to have a "Jump Start" and get a day on campus without the entire student body. All 7th and 8th grade students will begin their school year on August 28th. Students who serve as Packleaders will be invited to help welcome the 6th grade students on August 27th.
Each day we have approximately 200 vehicles circulate through the parking lot. There are two lanes of drop off and pick up traffic created in the school turnaround. Please be considerate of others by pulling all the way to the front of school to drop off and pick up. Stopping half way through the driveway and/or waiting for students for long periods of time while at the front of a traffic line is inconsiderate of others and creates a backup in traffic. If your student is taking extra time to exit campus, please pull out of others’ way so that they may continue their path of travel. Also, there is a lane designated for our Special Education buses to pull to the side, and we ask that families do not park in the lane with the cones, as we try to give the buses a designated lane to park and move through, helping the overall flow of traffic.
With just a couple months left in Middle School, we are planning some activities for final memories for our Eighth Graders. As we are within the last thirty days of school, any major referrals or suspensions for Eighth graders will take them out of participation for the fun activities below. Students participating in celebratory activities should have positive behavior leading up to the end of the year. Here is what we are planning:
Friday, June 7th:
8th Grade Pack Party
Final dance for the 8th Graders together at WSMS *hosted by The Friends of West SylvanTuesday, June 11th:
8th Grade Field Trip to Oaks Amusement Park
Buses take students for a day at Oaks Park, lunch is served there, and we return to the school in the afternoon.Wednesday, June 12th:
Class field trip to University of Oregon
Day trip returning by 6:00PM
*This trip is sponsored by the Middle School Redesign team, which has created a culminating University visit for all 8th Graders in PPS this school year to support the District vision of connecting students to college and career opportunities. You can find out more about the Middle School Redesign efforts here.Thursday, June 13th:
8th Grade Promotion Ceremonies
At Lincoln High School starting at 6:00PM in their Gym. Families have an unlimited number of guests, as we will pull out both sides of the bleachers for the event.Friday, June 14th:
Last day of Middle School!
We’re working on some fun items for 8th graders who join us after they have their Promotion.
As the temperatures warm up, the link to the PPS dress code is here. Please help your students make choices that meet these PPS requirements.
With the goal of improving the mental health of West Sylvan students, two brilliant minds from our West Sylvan 8th grade are on a mission to create a tranquil haven, a Calming Room, as part of their MYP project. But they can't do it alone! We need your generous support to bring their vision to life. Click on the Amazon Wish List link to contribute, and don't hesitate to reach out to Mr. Almeida (ralmeida@pps.net) if you have any questions or ideas. Let's make this project a reality together!
The following groups and spaces have existed all year and continue to be available to students who share the affinity. Students can initiate Affinity spaces with adults on campus who share their affinity, or district-approved volunteers may run Affinity spaces for students during Advisory or lunches.
Asian Student Union: meets weekly on Fridays during Advisory
Black Student Union: meets weekly on Wednesdays during Advisory
Black Excellence Group: (RESJ partners) meets weekly on Thursdays during Advisory
Jewish Student Union: meets weekly on Tuesdays
Students Organizing for Leadership (SOL)/LSU: meets weekly on Tuesdays during Advisory
Gender/Sexuality Alliance: meets weekly at lunch
Neurodivergent Affinity Group: meets monthly
Equity: meets monthly
No Place for Hate: meets monthly
We are thrilled to recognize two West Sylvan scholars as some of Portland Public Schools' All-Stars!
As part of PPS's commitment to Racial Equity and Social Justice and vision of the Graduate Portrait, students were nominated for an All-Star Award. The All-Star Awards Ceremony is Portland Public Schools’ premier recognition event for students and communities of color to relish in a night full of excellence, community, and celebration.
Their stories, victories, resilience, and successes -- often in spite of difficult circumstances -- are just a few reasons they were nominated and selected by teachers, family and/or friends to receive this year’s prestigious recognition.
~ API Voices ~
Mila Kashiwabara
~ Take Flight, Native Pride ~
Kaalogi Mercier
Mila Kashiwabara & Kaalogi Mercier
PPS has created a tutoring option for all students to access! The information is here for how students may access tutoring support through the new PPS partnership with VarsityTutors through their school Chromebooks.
We work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We develop innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges, change, and uncertainty. We take risks by TRYING new things, FAILING again and again, and LEARNING new tools for success through our failures.
The 8th Grade Community Expo will be on May 30th! This year, students will have the opportunity to share their projects with their peers and educators in the MYP Community Project Exhibition, which will take place during the 4th Quarter. They will be assessed based on the Community Project assessment criteria and graded through their social studies classes. This project will be worth 10% of both their 3rd and 4th Quarter grades. Thank you for your ongoing support.
After completing community service hours through their Block classes during the first semester, 8th Grade students at West Sylvan should now be in the REFLECTING phase of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) Community Project, which is an essential component of the MYP curriculum and a capstone project of students’ Middle School education.
The MYP Community Project is a student-led and collaborative project that aims to encourage students to explore and reflect on real-world issues within their local community. This project enables students to apply their learning from their prior service and different subjects to develop essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration.
The project has four main components: investigating, planning, taking action, and reflecting. Students should have already identified a real-world need within their community that they are passionate about and wish to address. Now, they are conducting thorough research to better understand the issue and its possible solutions.
We believe that the MYP Community Project is an excellent opportunity for our students to develop essential skills and become active, responsible, and compassionate members of their community. We encourage you to engage with your student about the importance of service as they work to make a positive impact in their community.
Translation available: Español / Tiếng Việt / Русский / 中国人
Throughout the year, we have still had patterns of late buses to/from WSMS. If you need to contact Transportation in the afternoon because a route is taking longer than expected, please call this hotline to get real-time status on your child’s bus route:
Child Missing Line
Press '2' when prompted
FRIENDS OF WEST SYLVAN is parent/family organization that supports Scholars and Staff and fosters community connection through fundraising and volunteer opportunities. Join the mailing list and stay connected with other families!
Click on the image above to register for the Lincoln Culinary Summer Teen Camp
Members of the public are invited to attend the community event on Tuesday, May 28 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Grant High School. Food and childcare will be provided.
During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to meet and greet finalists, listen to opening remarks prepared by each finalist, and hear candidate responses to community questions submitted in advance.
Community event schedule:
- 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.: Meet and greet with all finalists
- 7:05 - 7:35 p.m.: Breakout session 1
- 7:45 - 8:15 p.m.: Breakout session 2
- 8:25 - 8:55 p.m.: Breakout session 3
We have a really exciting camp coming up at Providence Park lead by Diego Chara and Eryk Williamson of the Portland Timbers. All participants will receive a custom t-shirt, trading card, and a ticket to a Timbers or Thorns match.
Use this code for a $15 off coupon that you can use for the camp: 914463
Counselors are best reached and contacted via email. Next year, School Counselors move with their grade level, and Ms. Kandice Abney receives the new 6th Graders!
Interested in Volunteering and Being More Involved?
Become an approved PPS volunteer by following the information here. Once your application is approved, please contact the Main Office to see how and when you can be of service. Our Friends of West Sylvan organization also regularly shares ways to get involved on campus, specifically to volunteer in the Library, monitor hallways, help in the Main Office, help in classrooms, and do recess duty.
Please make every effort to pick up students before or after their grade-specific Lunch period (see below). Once students are scattered around the field playing at recess, picking up during Lunch recess becomes more timely for all involved. Please do not call or text your student to tell them you are here or to tell them to come to the Office. If a student uses their device to check a text and/or answer a phone call, their phone will be confiscated.
6th Grade LUNCH: 11:37 AM ~ 12:07 PM
7th Grade LUNCH: 12:31 PM ~ 1:01 PM
8th Grade LUNCH: 1:25 PM ~ 1:55 PM
Breakfast is available in the hot lunch room at that time. With the colder weather, we are having students who are dropped off early sit in the hot lunch room until 9 a.m. so that they are not sitting in the cold outdoors. Students with Choir before school (appears as period 0 on StudentVue), start school at 8:00 AM each day. Students should ring the bell upon arrival.
Ms. Crombie accepts Chromebooks for repairs between 10:00AM - 3:00PM each day. Damaged devices are picked up for repair each Friday, and are usually returned the following Friday. A loaner Chromebook can be issued to students in the meantime. Remind and encourage your student to take care of their Chromebook, and keep them in protective cases. If they don’t have a protective case, the school can provide one. Chromebooks are used for class assignments daily. Students will need to charge their device each night and bring their charged Chromebook to school each day. We do not have enough loaners to give to students who forget their chromebooks. Students and families will be responsible for paying for replacements for lost chargers throughout the 2023-24 school year. They will be ordered through PPS OTIS, and cost $12/each.
The district IT office has removed access to any non-US based web pages. This is to project student privacy. In addition, students will not be able to access my.pps.net outside of the United States from now on. If this provides a hardship, please contact Ms. Crombie and she will help you ask for an exception.
Bring the world home this summer: Host an international student for 2-4 weeks! A local nonprofit is seeking hosts for Japanese high school students (7/11-25) and college students from various countries (8/11-31, 8/18-9/7, 8/18-9/14). Hosting an international student is a great way to make international friends, learn about a new culture, and have fun! Students will have weekday classes and activities at PSU (commuting on public transit) and look forward to spending evenings and weekends experiencing American culture and practicing their English with their host. Hosts receive orientation materials, 24/7 support, and a small stipend. ACES is a PNW nonprofit that has been connecting families and students since 1995. Learn more at acescollegehomestay.org or apply online. Questions? Contact emily@exploretheworld.org or (503) 673-6898.
Please remind your students to bring and wear their school ID daily. We’ve shared out many ways that our students can be safe by displaying their IDs throughout the day through our Advisory videos. IDs are used on campus for quickly identifying students (this is especially helpful for Substitutes). Students use them to check out library books and to buy hot lunch. Bus drivers also look for student IDs to be sure that students are on the correct route.
We do NOT allow students to order items directly from delivery services throughout the day, as they are inviting strangers to our campus, and we have no way of monitoring what they are delivering. There is an unfortunate option where students can order illegal items, such as VAPE devices through delivery services. Students are reminded of this school policy regarding food delivery services when it is violated, and items are held in the office for end-of-day pickup. Family members are also notified when this occurs.
Please remember, for safety reasons we do not have microwaves, stoves, etc., available for student use, or for staff to use on behalf of students. If students are bringing lunch from home, it should not need to be warmed or re-heated.
WSMS is a NO cell phone zone from 9:00 AM - 3:45 PM daily. We request and advise all families to keep scholars’ cell phones at home during the school day. If a scholar brings a cell phone to school, they will be expected to store their turned-off phone in their locker throughout the entire school day (including lunch periods). Important messages can be sent to our main office via email (westsylvanoffice@pps.net) or phone, and will be forwarded to your scholars. Please do not call or text your student. If your scholar chooses to use their cell phone, smart watch, air pods, tablet, et al, the device will be confiscated. If your scholar uses their device to check a text from and/or answer the phone from you, their phone will be confiscated.
(503) 916-5690
[Staff / Substitutes / Financial]
Jerda Solonche
[Students / Attendance / Enrollment]
Kirsten Crombie
West Sylvan Middle School
Website: www.pps.net/westsylvan
Location: 8111 Southwest West Slope Drive, Portland, OR, USA