UPE News Update
September 18, 2020
UPE To Reopen Fully on Monday, Oct. 5.
The Transitional Hybrid Model will end at UPE on Friday, October 2. On Monday, October 5, both Cohorts 1 & 2 will combine in their classrooms for a return to “Full Reopened” schooling.
Our Superintendent’s letter describing this reopening decision is attached below. Please read it carefully to learn how this decision was made.
After many weeks of the Hybrid Model, UPE is confident in and highly adept at maintaining our Covid safety protocols. When we return to Full Reopening, we will continue our strong emphasis of the “Three W’s” with all children and families: At Ute Pass Elementary, we ask all children to Wear a mask (particularly when physical distancing is not possible), Wash hands frequently, and When Possible, Practice Physical Distancing.
In addition, we will continue to:
Cohort grade levels (keep them apart) by continuing to provide lunch in the classroom.
Conduct “push in” to the classroom specials (when possible).
Zone recesses to keep grade levels apart.
Use outside passing times via exterior doors (as we did during the Transitional Hybrid). This is done both to provide more access to fresh air and to reduce the number of children in the hallway at any time.
Continue to encourage outdoor learning and activities when it is possible and safe to do so.
Structure our morning drop off and afternoon release time in our parking lot using our current protocols.
Full reopening will dramatically increase your child’s experience with best, first instruction by highly qualified teachers. It magnifies our ability to live by our Core Values: Relationships, Deep Learning, and Opportunity.
We recognize that for many families, this decision will be met with joy and relief and for other families with concern and worry. Like the challenges of reopening school in August, we will meet each obstacle with a high degree of thoughtfulness, collaboration, listening, and empathy.
We thank you for your continued support and trust in us as we navigate these challenging times.
Chris Briggs-Hale, Principal
23 - No School/Staff Work Day
25 - Cohort 1 6th to Chico Basin
29- Cohort 2 6th to Sanborn Outdoor Learning Camp
30 - No School/Staff Work Day
5 - Return to Full In-Person Learning
7 - No School/Staff Work Day
14 - No School/Staff Work Day
22 - Half Day for students/Parent-Teacher Conferences
23 - No School/Parent-Teacher Conferences
27 - Picture Retakes
Library books coming home!
This week the mobile library cart began coming to classrooms for students to check out books. Students may keep their books until the first week of October. When books are returned they will be sanitized and put into a 72 hour Time Out to ensure they are germ-free before those books are eligible for check out again. Enjoy reading with your student!
From the Fuel ED Team for our online learners:
Be sure to keep an eye out on the Fuel Ed website for additional information:
Food Assistance:
Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students until winter break in December. Meals can be picked up Monday-Friday that school is open at 11:00 am at both Manitou Springs Elementary School and Ute Pass Elementary School.
Social Emotional Supports:
Each school’s counselors and the district social workers have made an introduction video. Please feel free to contact them if you or your student need support in this area. This and other supports can be found on the district website under the Fuel Ed tab.
K5 Families: Materials:
Our K12/Fuel Ed partners have informed us that all remaining Materials will arrive on or before September 22nd.
Connect14 Classes:
Connect 14 Classes will begin October 6th ONLINE for the month of October. Registration opens on the 17th of September and closes on the 5th of October.
Check out www.connect14.com for more information.
6-12 Families: Career and College Readiness Assessments:
September 23rd
Current 12th Graders:
Current 11th Graders:
ACT Career Readiness Assessment
Contact the Counseling Center with Questions
Athletic Information:
The HS Athletics Department has made a connection video for students. Please check them out on the webpage.
The 6-12 Performing Arts Team is working on a video for next week. Stay Tuned!
College info:
FREE Virtual College Fair Week for ALL Colorado students.
When: 5th-9th of October
Where: Online, register at https://form.jotform.com/201895923811157
Who: Over 70 colleges and universities from in state and out of state schools.
Scholarships: They will be raffling off 5 separate $500 scholarships for students who register to attend our virtual fair. Registering now at https://form.jotform.com/201895923811157
The Tech Team is readying the devices for our 8th-12th graders.
•Thursday, September 17—Cohort 2 Distribution to 10th, 11th, and 12thgrade students. This includes our students who are learning via FuelED. More information will be provided to families.
•Monday, September 21—Cohort 1 Distribution to 10th, 11th, and 12thgrade students. This includes our students who are learning via FuelED.
•Monday, September 21—Preschool-2ndGrade Distribution (at both UPES and MSES) of iPads.
•The final shipment should be received soon. As soon as those devices are received and readied, we’ll send out additional communication related to the distribution for 8th and 9th grade students.
•This device is a shift for our teachers also, so the Wednesday Staff Day will allow for some professional development time with this new instructional technology. While a laptop is not a new technology, our students using them daily in their classes will be new. We are excited about this opportunity for our students and staff.
•Thank you, Tech Team!
Tech Supports
UPES: Cat Olimb colimb@mssd14.org
MSES: Agnes Navaratne anavaratne@mssd14.org
MSMS: Mallory Susen msusen@mssd14.org
MSHS: Gabrielle Waters gwaters@mssd14.org
Building Mentors
UPES: Eric Wester ewester@mssd14.org
MSES: Kristen Kanaga kkanaga@mssd14.org
MSMS: Barak Ben-Amots bbenamots@mssd14.org
MSHS: Ben Gilliam bgilliam@mssd14.org
Academic support Program:
Starting the week of September 7th
Every Tuesday and Thursday math support will be offered to students
Here's how you find us....
Email: dhainds@mssd14.org
Website: http://upe.mssd14.org/
Location: 9230 Chipita Park Road, Cascade, CO, USA
Phone: 719-685-2227