JV Wire
JV news from the residents point of view
Next JVCCC meeting
Please join us in person or on-line by zoom for the next JVCCC meeting. It will be held a Harris County Smokehouse off 290 or you can connect to the following link. You must have the zoom app on your phone or computer to attend, it's free to download
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 9184 2998
Passcode: 263736
WOB Greenway Trail
On May 11 some JV residents took a tour of the White Oak Bayou Greenway Trail led by Jim Pulliman. Here is a link of driving directions and a map. This is a great trail for biking, hiking/walking that is easily accessed at JV's Clark Henry Park.
Trail around a retention pond
Another trail around a retention pond
From walking bridge at JV pool
Golf Course Advisory Committee Public Meeting
May 13, 24
The meeting packet can be viewed using this link:
- Landscaping and handicap parking was discussed
- The golf course is fully staffed and has added 2 new assistant pros.
- Revenues have been affected from the 9 days of being closed post construction
- Currently, the golf course is offering a 20% discount
- Golf course specialist from Florida located drainage for each 18 greens which has been improved
- Most of the original greens have been found and discovered that they have shrunk. Current goal is to increase size the greens to their original size from when they were rebuilt in 1987
- The golf course has leagues and tournaments scheduled to provide additional revenue
- There are new hitting bays - a proactive system - that can be booked on-line
- Mondays and Tuesdays, the snack bar will be open when Little Meadow is closed
- On maintenance days, the snack, hitting bays and driving ranges will be open
Pool Bond Meeting
May 13, 24
- Counsilman-Hunsaker completed the assessment of the JV Pool and found a list of issues that need to be addressed.
- The pool was built in 1975.
- Cracks, corners missing tile and concrete, issues in the plaster surface, and cracks in the stone
- Corrosion on pipes and walls of the chemical storage room
- ADA equipment not up to code
- Recirculation rate is 5 hours longer than regulation standards
- Next pool bond meeting will be June 12 at the Civic Center, please plan to attend.
URGENT: about the pool
Based on a Jersey Village News Facebook page, Drew Wasson posted information that the council and the city are planning to close the pool after this season due to the condition of the pool. Please watch the presentation of the assessment (above link) that gives information about the issues at the pool. The city will request citizens pass a bond for repairs and/or upgrades or a new pool. The latest bond included the building of a new pool for millions of dollars. That bond did not pass so residents will be asked to vote on a new bond to cover the pool.
If you would like to give feedback to the city from the information given on the presentation, use this link: https://www.jerseyvillagetx.com/page/city.bond2024
Do you think JV needs a brand new pool?
What can I do to help my community become more aware?
Please share this newsletter with JV neighbors and friends. Encourage them to sign up for JV Wire by emailing jvwire4jvccc@yahoo.com.