Ambassador News
October 2024 Edition
Principal's Message
CIECHS Families,
In addition to the work our staff and students are doing in the classrooms, our clubs and organizations are busy planning and facilitating events, engaging with community members to learn valuable skills, and preparing for competitions. Below, are a few pictures of our students participating in the International Folk Festival. A key component of the Ambassador experience is to graduate proficient in a language of choice and exposed to global issues and customs.
Mark Your Calendars
October 9 - End of First Grading Period
October 9 - PTSA Fundraiser at Superior Bakery (6am - 3pm)
October 11 -- PTSA Meeting at 6pm (Link)
October 10-11 --- Student-Led Conference Presentation Forms and Reverse Progress Reports Go Home
October 12 -- Barnes and Noble Fundraiser (Speech and Debate)
October 14 -- Parent/Teacher Conference (Sign Up Below)
October 14-15 -- Fayetteville State Fall Break, College Courses
October 16 - Report Cards Go Home
October 17 -- Freshman College Visit (Field Trip)
October 21-22 -- CIECHS Student Holidays
October 28 - November 1 -- Spirit Week
November 1 - Homecoming
November 8 - Junior College Visit (Field Trip)
November 15 -- Sophomore College Visit (Field Trip)
Parent-Teacher Conferences
On October 14, we will host our fall Parent/Teacher Conferences for parents who would like to meet with any or all of their student's teachers. Use the sign-up link below to select a time for any teacher with whom you would like to conference.
Parents of students with academic concerns in multiple classes will receive a request for a grade level conference to identify necessary supports. These conferences will be held on October 15.
Student Led Academic Conversations
This week, students are bringing home documents to guide conversations about their academic success thus far this semester. Our 9th and 10th graders will share their Student Led Conference presentations with you at home and work with you to set goals for completing the semester.
11th and 12th grade students will bring home Reverse Progress Report documents.
For all students, you are encouraged to ask the student to log into their Infinite Campus and Bronco site to show your their grades.
These assignments are a key part of our school improvement process. One of our goals is to ensure parents/guardians are empowered with information regarding their students' academic success. Additionally, our students are learning to take ownership for their learning and advocate for supports they may need to ensure success.