Aiken Summer Update
August 2, 2024
Message from the Principal
I hope you are doing well and having a wonderful summer! We had a fun trip visiting family in Buffalo and the kids loved getting soaked on the Maid of the Mist and seeing Niagara Falls. We also spent a great week in Lake George. It was my family vacation spot when I was growing up, so it was fun to go back again with my own kids.
It has been a busy July at Aiken. This summer we were hosting a district wide summer school program. The last day is today, so the custodial team will be working very hard over the next few weeks to clean the building. I look forward to seeing the staff as they start coming in and watching the classrooms come alive with the anticipation of the new year.
We continue to be a growing and thriving school community. We will be welcoming 23 new students into grades 1-5. That is an Aiken record! We will also be welcoming 55 kindergarten students this year.
Teacher assignments will be mailed on Friday, August 9th. In the mailing you will receive a letter from your child's teacher, a class list, a letter from me and a form to fill out regarding your child's dismissal plan. The teacher letters will include any school supplies that are needed for the upcoming year.
Listed below is some information regarding beginning of the year activities as well as school procedures. Please tell your children that I say hello and miss them! To our incoming kindergarten students and new families, I look forward to getting to know you. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a partner in your child's education.
Please do not hesitate to reach out via phone or email if you have any questions regarding the information in the update. Enjoy the rest of your summer. The staff and I look forward to seeing everyone at the end of the month.
Shannon Mlodzinski
Beginning of the Year Events
On Monday, August 5th at 9:00am, a bus will be available at Aiken to take incoming Kindergarten students and a parent or other adult on a short ride to experience riding the bus. Following the bus ride we invite you to stay for popsicles and a playdate on the playground.
Our Open House Meet and Greet, will be held on Monday, August 26th from 2:00-3:00. This is an opportunity for your child to visit their classroom and meet their teacher.
The Open House for our ELC students and families will be on Wednesday, August 28th.
Morning Class: 9:30-10:15
Afternoon and full day students: 10:30-11:15.
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 28th. Please remember that our Wednesday dismissal time is 2:00. Every other day is a 3:20 dismissal. In the morning, the first bell rings at 8:30 and the late bell rings at 8:35. Supervision for drop off begins at 8:20. Students will line up outside their classroom doors and teachers will welcome them into the building.
Here is a guide to where classroom doors are located around the exterior of the building. Classrooms facing the courtyard will line up in front of the main entrance.
This year curriculum night will be Thursday, September 19th. This will be an event for parents and caregivers. Additional details regarding the schedule and times will be sent home in a few weeks.
Parents are invited to a coffee social after drop off on the first day of school. Depending on the weather, the event will be held in front of the building or in the small cafeteria. Please join us if you can.
General Information:
Students will be entering and exiting the building from their exterior classroom doors.
The only exception is students in classrooms that face the courtyard because they do not have a back door. Students in these classes will enter and exit from the main entrance.
Supervision for arrival will begin at 8:20. The first bell rings at 8:30 and the late bell is 8:35. Dismissal time is 3:20 on every day except Wednesday which is a 2:00 dismissal.
Drop off Lane Procedures:
Cars will enter Aiken off of Peyote Road. The drop off lane is monitored by staff from 8:20-8:35
Students will exit from the passenger side and are encouraged to open their own door to maximize efficiency.
Parents, please remain in your car.
We ask that cars do not pass each other and wait patiently until the cars ahead of you move forward.
Please do not park or pull into any of the parking spots. If you would like to walk your child to their classroom please park on King Philip Drive or Hilldale.
Students will walk along the path to their exterior classroom doors. In the event of rain students will enter the building by the WHEE/Music Room Door
To ensure the safety of our students and to provide access for the buses, cars will not be allowed to park on school grounds during arrival or dismissal. The only exception is cars in need of handicap parking.
Please park on King Philip Drive or Hilldale
Parents and caregivers can walk their child to the exterior classroom door and pick them up in the same spot at dismissal.
West Hartford Public Libraries are OPEN and excited to see you this summer!
Click on the link below to visit West Hartford’s Summer Reading website:
The website includes links to summer reading book suggestions by grade level, a digital copy of the Summer Reading Log, the public library’s hours, library card application information, and an overview of summer library program offerings.
There are two ways you can keep track of your summer reading at home:
Option 1: Use a paper reading log over the summer. When you return to school in the fall, give it to your school’s Library Media Specialist. Summer Reading Logs were sent home with students; however, if you need to print another copy please click here: Pre-k to 5th Grade Summer Reading Log
Option 2: Submit a digital reading log through the West Hartford Public Library website (select the “going paperless” Google Form link). You only need to complete this form ONE time, at the end of the summer, with your book totals. Complete the form by August 28th and you will earn a free book from the WHPL. Simply visit any West Hartford Public Library Children's Department between August 19 to the 28th to pick out your book. Let the staff at the desk know that you completed your form online. Your reading totals will also be shared with your School Media Specialist. Please do not also turn them in when you return to school. Forms submitted after August 28 will not be eligible for a book, but will still be shared with your school.