Pence Newsletter
February 2025
A message from Mrs. Jones
The cold winter weather has arrived in full force this past month! Thankful for few weather interruptions to instruction, like we did last year. However, sickness has hit in full force this past week. Please continue to keep you and your family safe by following our guidelines for illness. If your family is experiencing any hardships during these winter months, please let me know so we can help support your family. As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
:) Mrs. Jones
🧡Our Pence Family🧡
Upcoming Dates
February 7th, 14th, 21st- 2pm Early Dismissal
February 27th- End of 2nd Trimester
February 28th- No School; TQ Day
March 3rd- No School; Pence Conferences
March 13th- Pence Family Engagement Night- 5-7pm
March 17th- 21st- No School; Spring Break
Pence 100th Day of School- February 10th!
On February 10th, Pence will celebrate our 100th Day of School. We hope your child enjoys the day's festivities in their classroom, along with dressing up! Dress up as if you are 100 years old or create your own idea with 100 items & join us in celebrating 100 days of school!
Our LIM Crisis Team met a new record of 27 donors at their 3rd Blood Drive!
Welcoming our donors!
Visiting with our donors!
Greeting our donors!
Recess Information
If the temperature is above 60 degrees, the students may go outside with no coats. If the temperature is between 50-60 degrees, the students may go out without a coat if they have on long sleeves. If the temperature is between 32-50 degrees, we have students wear their coats. If the temperature is below 32, we have students wear a hat and gloves, along with their coats. If the “real feel” temperature is below 0 degrees, we do not allow students to go outside. These are the same rules for before school.
Students can be in the snow and walk around with snow boots, however, if they want to play in the snow, they will need snowpants. If your child is in need of boots or snow pants, please let us know. As always, wearing a hat & gloves is strongly encouraged anytime we are below 32 degrees.
We have finished up our WINTER FAST testing and we are SOOOO excited about our students at Pence! They have ROCKED it! Our mountain posters outside of the main office are getting updated to show the amazing growth we have seen in the classroom! Here are some highlights get excited about!
*2nd grade- 99% of our 2nd graders either were proficent and/or showed growth on CBMr
53% of students grew at least 20+ WPM
39% of those students grew 30+ WPM
*3rd grade- 97% of our 3rd graders either were proficent and/or showed growth on CBMr
54% of students grew at least 20+ WPM
30% of those students grew 30+ WPM
*4th grade- 98% of our 4th graders either were proficent and/or showed growth on CBMr
66% of students grew at least 20+ WPM
36% of those students grew 30+ WPM
Pence Spring Conferences- March 3rd- MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Pence will have its Spring Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday, March 3rd from 8:30-10:30am; 1-3pm and 4-7:30pm. These conferences are student led, and we look forward to you enjoying what your child has to show you! Link to sign-up for conferences:
A note from Nurse Beth
As we enter into the winter season, below are a few things to keep in mind for your student and school!
*If your child's temperature is 100.0 or higher, they will need to stay home. Your student may return to school once they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol/Ibuprofen).
*If your child has vomited in the last 24 hours, they will need to stay home.
Your student may return to school once they have been free from vomiting for 24 hours.
*If your child has had diarrhea within the last 24 hours, they will need to stay home. Your student must be free of diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
*Remember to cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or use your elbow!
*Wash your hands with soap and water on a regular basis for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
Nurse Beth
Update from Title 1 Services
Here is the Title 1 Newsletter with many resources for families.
2nd grade Superstars!
3rd grade Superstars!
4th grade Superstars!
January 2025 Trojan Trait Superstars
Our January 2025 Trojan Superstars are those who exemplify Trojan Traits (Respectful, Responsible & Safe) in and out of the classroom. We are honored to recognize these leaders within each class.
2Bo- The 2Bo Trojan Trait Superstar is Scarlett Laux. Every day she comes to school ready to learn. During every lesson, Scarlett is ready to participate. She works so hard to get all of her schoolwork done. Scarlett is such a sweet and caring friend. You can always count on her to lend a helping hand. She is a great leader inside and outside of the classroom. Scarlett is always willing to help students or staff. We are so lucky to have Scarlett in our class. Keep up the great work. You are a great example of a Trojan Trait Superstar!
2B- The 2B January Trojan Superstar is someone who enters the classroom ready to start the day. This Superstar has shown fantastic growth on his test scores and schoolwork. He is willing to try new things independently. When things are new or get tough, he pushes through until he succeeds. He has taken responsibility by setting small goals and working hard to achieve them. He has built friendships on and off the playground. Our January Trojan Superstar is Bexley Croswhite. Thank you, Bexley, for growing as a leader! We are so thankful to have you in our classroom. Keep up the good work! You truly are a Trojan Superstar!
2Bu- The Trojan Trait Superstar for 2BU is Madelyn Phillips! Madelyn is caring, loving, and kind to everyone around her. She comes to school ready to learn with a smile on her face and always puts her best foot forward. She is a helpful friend and is always in a cheerful mood. When things get tough, she perseveres and finds a solution. I can always count on Madelyn to do the right thing even when no one is looking. She is an excellent example of what it means to be a leader. We couldn’t imagine our class without her! Congratulations, Madelyn!
2J- Our Trojan Superstar for January in 2J is Gael Salinas-Ybarra! Gael is someone who works hard each day to do his best. He is focused during our lessons and is ready to participate. He shows his best and works well with his classmates. I know I can count on Gael to listen to others respectfully. He is a great leader for showing respectful and responsible behavior throughout the day. He is a caring friend too! Gael is kind to his peers and includes everyone during recess. We are lucky that you are a part of our classroom. Keep up the amazing work Gael!
2M- The Trojan Trait Super Star for 2M is a leader who is always doing their best! This second grader comes to school with a big smile on their face, always excited to be with our class. This Super Star is always sweet and helpful to her classmates. She shows all of her classmates that they are an important part of our class family. When it is time to work, this leader gives 100% every time. She has grown so much as a learner and a leader this year! We are so proud of Elaine Suddeth for being our Trojan Trait Super Star!
3SM- This month’s Trojan Trait Super Star in 3Sm is Lorena Meyer. Lorena is kind, caring, and including to everyone around her. She wants to do her best and also wants to see others around her doing their best too. She helps her classmates and friends when they need help. Lorena’s smile lights up our classroom! We are very proud of her and are lucky to have her in our classroom. Congratulations, Lorena!
3H- The 3H Trojan Trait Superstar for January is someone who has a love of learning and a kind heart. She greets her classmates and teachers with a friendly smile every morning and is excited to learn new things. She can be counted on to offer a helping hand when needed and is gentle with her words and actions. Our Superstar has a growth mindset and preservers through tough situations. When something is hard, she keeps trying and seeks the help of others to accomplish difficult tasks. We are so lucky to have Adalynn Surber in our class! Thanks for being a true Trojan Adalynn! Keep up the great work!
3S- The 3S Trojan Trait Superstar is Dax Woodsmall! Dax is a proactive leader that is always searching for ways to help in the classroom and help his peers. A classmate stated that “Dax is a really kind friend that always helps me”. Dax does a great job asking for help when needed, but really takes the initiative to think win- win to solve problems on his own. Dax truly makes our classroom a better place to learn and grow. Congratulations, Dax!
3O- The Trojan Trait Super Star for 3O is Sofia Gonzales. Sofia is a quiet leader, who can be counted on to do the right thing when nobody's watching. She is respectful, responsible, and safe at all times. Sofia is hardworking and strives to learn all she can in class. She is polite and kind to staff and students, and can be depended on to help those around her. We appreciate you, Sofia. Congratulations!
3M- The 3M January Trojan Trait Super Star is someone who always comes to class prepared and with a sweet smile on her face. She is known to be a GREAT listener. Her classmates notice that she takes her classroom leadership position seriously and is always helpful to others. Some characteristics that classmates shared about Bella Rhoy include kind, helpful, and hard working. One of Bella’s classmates said it best, “She is so sweet and is always participating.” Congratulations, Bella! Keep being you!
4N- We are incredibly proud to celebrate Tamiya Cross as our 4N Trojan Trait Superstar for January! Tamiya's positive attitude is truly contagious, brightening our classroom every day. She always has a smile or a hug ready for her teachers, creating a warm and welcoming environment.This year, Tamiya has worked tirelessly towards her learning targets, and her dedication is paying off! We are thrilled to announce that she recently achieved an impressive growth on her aReading test! That is absolutely AMAZING! Keep shining, Tamiya! Your hard work and positivity inspire us all!
4F- The January Superstar for 4F is Lena Miller! Lena is a person who strives to do her best work in all learning activities. She asks questions, volunteers in class, and is quick to help others. Lena works well with partners. She also is awesome at synergizing with her table groups. Lena is a good friend to others. She stands up for herself in a way that is going to allow a win-win situation. Lena also is awesome at helping keep our classroom clean and organized. She is part of our cleaning crew at the end of each day. Lena takes initiative and works hard to get the job done! I’m very proud of Lena and her amazing leadership skills!
4R- It is with great pleasure in announcing that Joshua Mwea is 4R’s Trojan Superstar for the month of January. Joshua exemplifies a reserved yet effective leadership style, demonstrating a continuous eagerness to acquire new knowledge. His presence in our classroom this year has been notably beneficial, contributing positively to the overall learning environment. Furthermore, Joshua excels in collaborative settings, showcasing his ability to engage with all his peers. Keep up the outstanding work Joshua, Congratulations.
4T- The Trojan Superstar for 4T is someone who continuously shows gratitude and kindness towards others.!! He comes into the classroom everyday ready to learn and is always willing to lend a helpful hand to anyone! No matter where he is, he works hard to be respectful, responsible, and safe! In class, he loves to share his ideas and collaborate with his peers. Everyday, he strives to incorporate the 7 habits into his daily life! You can also count on him to seek first to understand in any conversation! Khoen Davis, you are a fantastic role model and leader for your peers! Congratulations Superstar!! You deserve it! (:
4Ry- The January Superstar for 4Ry is Ava Roth! Ava has the incredible ability to see the best in others. She leads quietly by example, showing others through her actions how to be respectful, responsible, and safe. Ava always strives to produce her best work in all subject areas by working hard with a smile on her face. She is thoughtful and kind and can be found helping around the classroom, even without being asked. We appreciate you, Ava! Keep being your awesome self!
Fairfield, IA 52556
Pence Mission Statement: Pence loves me for who I am, celebrates my growth & encourages me to be my best. At Pence, I matter. #giddyup