Student TechBytes
February 4, 2025

Get Moving!
ITS Updates
Replacement Student Chromebooks
Replacement Chromebooks for students who lost devices due to the Eaton Fire have been ordered. If your PUSD Chromebook was lost or damaged due to the Eaton Fire, please let your school site know. We will be delivering devices to campuses for check out in the near future. Thank you for your patience.
Personal Devices
If you use a personal device to complete school work, please be careful when using different Chrome profiles to access your PUSD content. If you sign in to a personal Gmail account while also accessing Canvas, your Google integration can be broken, causing you to lose access to important files. It is recommended that you only use your PUSD Chromebook when using Canvas.
Disaster Related Phishing Scams
Multiple law enforcement officials are warning of bad actors scheming to take advantage of people who are victims or who want to be charitable towards victims of fires.
Scams include:
- False Job Solicitation Scams
- Fake City, County, or Federal Employees
- Phone and Text Message Scams
- Unsolicited In-Person Solicitations
- Gift Card or Payment Scams
- Fraudulent Donations
For details, please see the Community Alert sent out by the Los Angeles Police Department. If you receive any concerning communications, please contact the PUSD Help Desk at 626-396-3699 immediately.
ITS Resources & Information
PUSD Help Desk
Help Desk Support
As a reminder, when there are issues at your site, the best way to get help quickly is through a Help Desk call (626-396-3699) or ticket (gopusd.com/helpdesk). Not following this process can result in a delay in resolving your issue.
Common Issues to contact the Help Desk for include:
- Application or Account issue with
- Aeries
- Canvas
- Clever
- Chromebook issue
Chromebook Reference Information
Chromebook Operating System Updates
Please remember to completely shut down your Chromebook at the end of every day! This will ensure your device has received all necessary updates and that you are able to connect to all PUSD applications without issue.
Lost, Stolen, and Damaged Devices
A reminder that Chromebooks are instructional materials, similar to textbooks. We have been receiving a large number of tickets from school sites and from students stating students have lost or damaged their devices. Chromebooks range in cost from $389 to $758. We understand that devices may be misplaced and that accidents happen, but please make every effort to take care of your devices as well as locate lost devices before submitting a ticket for device replacement.
Once a device has been reported lost or stolen, it will be locked and unusable.
How to Guides
Did you know you can see what devices, textbooks, and library books are checked out to you? Check out the video linked above to see how.
It's a good idea to update your password occasionally to keep your account secure. Check out the video linked above to see how.
Caregiver How-Tos
- Are you ready to set up your Aeries Parent Portal account and don't know how to get started? Check out our series of how-to videos HERE.
- Are you an Observer in Canvas so you can see your student's assignments and grades? If not, check out this document with linked videos on how to become an observer in Canvas.
Email: EdTech@pusd.us
Website: pusd.us/its
Location: 351 South Hudson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, USA
Phone: 626-396-3699