Weekly Newsletter
September 18th, 2023

October 7th- October 11th
Happening this week...
General Annoucements
Spartan Food Pantry
Spartan Food Pantry is Open Again, Its our 3rd year!
· Open every Wednesday 2:30-4:00 PM
· Spartan Families in “need” of Food Support are Welcomed and Encouraged to Visit!
· Our Food Selection includes a variety of fresh, dry, and canned foods
· Bring your Shopping Bag
If you can Volunteer, please let us know and Join Our Pantry Helpers!
If you have earned a detention, please check in with the Supervision Office to serve it. Not serving your detention can result in all day IC and/or Saturday School, which is coming up on September 21st. Once your detention is served, you will become eligible to attend games and dances. If you have any questions, stop by the Supervision Office.
HOSA is hosting the fall blood drive on October 10th at Davis High School. Any student 16 years of age or older who meets the height and weight requirements is eligible to donate. Every 2 seconds someone needs blood and one donation can save 3 lives. Permission slips will be available at lunch at a table by the office, in room 907 and from Health Academy students and they can be returned to the same places. Please sign up to save a life! We can all make a difference!
Monday- 10/07
Tuesday- 10/08
Culinary Club
First Official Culinary Club Meeting Is on Tuesday October 8th in room 408 with Mr. Braxton during lunch. All are welcome to join!
Wednesday- 10/09 Minimum Day
Student Senate
Student senators- check in with your 2nd period teacher and then head to the cafeteria for this month's student senate meeting. Please complete the 5Star survey before attending.
5Star Store
The 5Star store will be open at lunch. Come to the SBO to redeem your points!
Science Olympiad
Science olmypiad meeting Wednesday at 1pm during lunch in Gudino's room 413
Thursday- 10/10
College & Career
Spartans, make sure to wear your favorite College T-shirts every Thursday of the week.
Friday- 10/11 (Minimum Day 1st Quarter end)
Saturday, 10/12 & Sunday, 10/13
Upcoming Events
Next Student Senate meeting
Next student senate meeting is on October 9th during 2nd period.