CHS Weekly Update #5
September 2, 2024
Warriors Continue to Excel
Hello, Warrior Families!!! I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend and were able to get outside and relax a little bit more than usual! The weather was absolutely beautiful! I'm sure that many of you had a chance to attend some events this past week as our WARRIORS started to compete, and now is when all of the hard work of summer practices begins to pay off! We had wins in soccer, cross country, volleyball, tennis, and softball! We had a tough battle against FMHS in football, but we never gave up the fight! We had our first performance of the state program for our band, and the first game of cheering for our spirit team. We also had an INCREDIBLY large and spirited student body and parent section that supported all of our WARRIORS at Stocker on Thursday night. We hope to see you at the hometown rivalries coming this week, soccer on Tuesday against Palisade and the volleyball and football games against GJHS this Thursday (at GJHS) and Friday night (at Stocker)! We will be giving away more free Game Day shirts at the gate at Stocker, so if you didn't get one this past week, look for us right as you enter the gate.
I wanted to also let you know about our new youth-led project that started up two weeks ago...the Warrior Wagon!!! We have a group of students in teachers who have mapped out a weekly event to help provide transportation to events for students who need a ride. All a student has to do is sign up with Mrs. Smith or Mr. Dimas and return the permission slip. We can fit 15 students on the bus...meals plus swag are included on the adventure. So far, the Warrior Wagon has taken fans to the first Cross Country meet at Las Colonias Park and to the first football game at Stocker Stadium. Encourage your student to check out this option to get to events that are not held at CHS.
Another crucial component of your student's success is attendance. As of last Friday, we have 228 students with PERFECT ATTENDANCE for this school year!!!! We are so excited to celebrate and reward these students in the upcoming weeks, but I want to enlist your help of supporting us in the message that attendance at school is super important and one of the best ways to stay caught up on grades and connected to what is happening at school. If your student does have to miss school, encourage them to check on Student Vue and to be in close contact with their teachers.
The next opportunity to visit with teachers in person, on Google Meet, or on the phone is at mid-term, which is September 11th. We will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences from 3:30-6:30. This is an opportunity for a more in-depth conversation about your learners' progress and ways to support. Teachers will be sending out an invitation with a link to sign up for meetings in-person, online, or on the phone. Please look for that correspondence through Parent Vue and try to sign up with teachers to discuss your students' progress. We will also post a link on our homepage for all teachers so that you can sign up from there as well.
Also happening on September 11th is our first Parent Accountability Meeting in the library at 6:30. We will go over our School Performance Framework and provide some data from last year, but we will also go over some important information about the upcoming D51 Mill/Bond issue that will show up on the ballot in November. If you are interested in learning what benefits Central High School will receive, please plan to attend the meeting in the library to learn more. Central High School will receive $65-68 million dollars worth of additions and renovations, including a secure entry vestibule, the replacement of older classrooms with a new addition, and connecting the campus structures into one secure building. This will all be achieved without raising any taxes. We can answer informational questions only at this meeting, but in case anyone is asking you as parents or wondering just what Central High School will receive, we did want you to know some of the things that are planned if this were to pass.
Thank you for the incredible support you provide our learners and our school community! We hope to see you at some of the events this week, and hope to see you wearing your WARRIOR colors! Let's go, WARRIORS!!!! Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Tracy Arledge
Week at a Glance September 2nd-September 7th
- No School- Labor Day
2. Tuesday, September 3rd:
- Varsity Golf Away Vail
- Freshman and JV Football away at FMHS (3:00/5:00)
- JV Soccer at Long's Park at 4:00
- Varsity Boys Soccer at CMU at 7:30 PM
3. Wednesday, September 4th:
- Senior Class Meeting at 9:30 AM
- Panorama Wellness Survey
- Odd classes PLUS Advisory
4. Thursday, September 5th:
- Sophomore Class Meeting at 9:30 AM
- JV/Varsity Volleyball at GJHS at 5:00/6:30
- Panorama Wellness Survey
- Even classes, plus Flex Advisory
5. Friday, September 6th:
- Tennis Tournament-Western Slope Open All Day
- Softball Tourney away - Lakewood
- Cross Country - Connected Lakes
- Varsity Football - 7:00 PM vs. GJHS
6. Saturday, September 7th:
- Tennis Tournament-Western Slope Open All Day
Panorama Wellness Survey Window: August 19-September 5
September 2nd: Labor Day. No School.
September 11th: Mid-Term and Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:30.
September 11th: Parent Accountability in the Library at 6:30, Bond/Mill.
September 12th: Workforce Development Day for 11th graders.
September 18th: Academic Letter Awards Night. 6:30 PM.
September 23-28: Homecoming Week.
September 30: No school. Educator Effectiveness Day.
October 9: Last day of 1st Quarter.
October 10: No school. Teacher Work Day.
October 11: No school. Teacher Inservice.
October 14th: No school. Columbus Day.
October 15th: First day of 2nd Quarter.
WARRIOR WELLNESS CLINIC: Reminder that upper respiratory infection season is rapidly approaching, so we would like to remind all families that the Warrior Wellness Clinic is here for you! We are a fully functioning acute care clinic located inside CHS. With parent permission, we can see students for strep tests, COVID-19 tests, sinus infections, coughs, and lots more! Students can walk in or make an appointment to be seen, usually on the same day. Not only can we do the testing for multiple illnesses here, we can prescribe treatments, notify parents if a student needs to go home, or send the student back to class as appropriate. We can also administer vaccines with parent permission. We need parent/guardian permission to see any student under the age of 18, and these short forms are available in our office or online at We look forward to helping keep our students healthy this school year, and please feel free to contact us with any questions!
ATHLETICS: All students need to bring their student ID to get into the football games or any athletic events. Your SBA sticker will get you in free to any athletic events. All adults can purchase a punch pass for $100 that is good for 20 events. You can buy those at the gate.
COUNSELING: Upcoming College Events
- Sept 16 or 17: Day/Night College Fair. 10:00-10:30 @ GJHS. See Kline Donley for the permission slip.
- Sept 25-26: Front Range College Trip to CSU, CU, and UNC. Transportation, hotel, and food are provided. $20 to hold a spot on the bus (will be returned.) Stop by counseling to get on the list and pick up a permission slip.
- October 1: Colorado Western Slope College Fair (Aspen). Students can scan the QR Code to sign up or visit counseling.
- Senior Google Classroom: This is for seniors and their parents. The site will include updates for seniors regarding college applications, scholarships, financial aid, workforce planning, and much more. The code to join the class is: bxfgsgk
ADMINISTRATION: Please remember to follow the Cell Phone/Air Pod/Smart Watch Policy during class time. None of these devices are allowed during any instructional time which includes advisory and assemblies. Each classroom will have a secure place to store your electronics, or you may store them in your backpacks, but if they are visible at any time during class, your teacher will have to collect them. Please bring your charged Chromebooks to class for instructional purposes because your phones will not be able to be used to do classwork during instructional time.
Remember that your Student ID Badges need to be visible at all times. Please wear them on your lanyards or on a pocket clip. Badges are also required to get into athletic events and dances.
Please make sure to check your Parent Vue often. Parents will be able to see student attendance and updated grades. Parents can also reach out to teachers through Parent Vue by email. If you are having any issues signing into Parent Vue, please call Kellie or Andrea in the attendance office.