Diamond Fork Middle School
March 3, 2025
Respect, Courage, Compassion, Integrity, Perseverance, and Curiosity
Upcoming Important Dates
March 4 - 7th Grade Diamondback Day
March 6 - 6th Grade Diamondback Day Grade Cut-Off After School
March 12 - 6th Grade Diamondback Day
March 13 - 15 - School Musical - Matilda
March 14 - End of Term 3
March 19 - Half Day of School
March 17 - 28 - Make-A-Wish (Assembly on 28th)
March 31 - April 4 - Spring Break
Student PTSA
Student PTSA members! Join us Wednesday, March 12th in the lost&found room during lunch! Bring your lunch with you! We will eat together and work on “Break-A-Leg-O-Grams” for the drama department!
Food, Drink, Holiday Deliveries
As a reminder, no food deliveries are accepted by our office staff for students. A parent may bring in a lunch for their student only and leave it at the front office to be picked up before lunch. This helps our very busy office staff be able to do their jobs. Additionally, we don’t deliver fresh food or drinks beyond water bottles to students in the classroom, this includes holiday deliveries. We will keep them in the office for students.
School Lunch Balances
We are half-way through the school year and lunch balances are adding up. Please make sure you are checking up on your student's account and keeping balances lower than $50. It is not to late to apply for free and reduced lunch if you qualify.
Outside Lunch Recess
The weather is changing and it is getting colder! Please know that we will have outside lunch recess every day unless it is actively raining or snowing. We would ask that you please help your child dress appropriately to be in the colder weather.
DFMS Team Store
Need DFMS gear? Get custom shirts, jackets, backpacks, and more at the DFMS Team Store! Everything is shipped directly to your home! Please click the link to access the team store!