Head's Highlights
December 6, 2024
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
The Georgia School Climate Survey is an anonymous, statewide survey instrument that identifies school safety and climate issues that impact student achievement. You should have received a link to this survey this week. Please take a moment to share with us your valuable input. I hope you are enjoying the 12 Day of Head Festive Fun - I loved seeing everyone in red/green with festive socks this week. Bundle up and enjoy your weekend!
PTA News You Can Use
Yearbooks are a fun way to look back on each year as you grow, so make sure you order one for your student today! Each book comes with 2 free Custom pages for you to include your own special photos and memories of the year, but those pages don’t have to be created until April. So purchase at this link in the meantime!
And please send any photos you’d like included in the book or questions you may have to Meghan Chambless at rdyearbook@gmail.com
Parents, please make sure your student has a set of wired headphones for school. Students will need headphones for upcoming assessments as well as daily instruction.
Some students have misplaced or may have broken their headphones since the beginning of the school year. A pair of new headphones would make a great holiday gift! 🎁 Thank you so much for your help with this!!
**Unfortunately, students will not be able to use wireless/Bluetooth headphones at this time.**
12 Days of Head Festive Fun!
Participate in as many days as you'd like!
On December 13th, send in gently used jackets, scarves, hats, gloves, and NEW socks. All donations will be delivered to MUST Ministries.
On December 19th, bring a $1 donation for Fifth Grade activities, and get decked out in your holiday bling!
Connecting With the Community
Brookwood Cheerleading's Cheerleader for a Day
When: Friday, December 13, 2024
Check in at 5:15 PM in the BHS Band Room (F hall; doors next to the tennis courts will be open)
Pick Up: 7:45 PM in the hallway outside of the maroon gym (after the start of the Varsity Boys game!)
What: The cheerleaders will learn a chant and dance from the BHS cheerleaders and perform between the Varsity basketball games.
They will have dinner and get a bow to wear for the performance!
Who: Students in grades K-8th. Wear a black Bronco spirit shirt or just plain black with black shorts/leggings.
How: Fill out this form (link below). Bring a copy of insurance and $25.00 (cash/check to BCBC) the day of.
Contact: Emma.Towey@gcpsk12.org with any questions!
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
12/7 - Robotics Regional Tournament at Grayson High School 7:30 AM-2:00 PM
12/9 - Wear Holiday Headgear
12/10 - Bring a Stuffed Animal to School
12/11 - Bring Your Teacher's Favorite Treat
12/12 - Wear a Holiday Sweater (tacky or nice)
12/13 - Beta Club Warm Clothing Drive
12/14 - Chorus Sings at Santa in the Sanctuary 6:45 PM