February Newsletter
What Sutherlin FFA has been up to this month!
Chapter Meeting
This February we held our first-ever Tuesday chapter meeting! At this meeting, our members planned different events for the upcoming FFA week festivities. We all laughed while watching fellow members tackle blindfolded Pictionary and ended with a delicious chocolate fountain!
FFA Legislative Conference
Our chapter officers had the opportunity to travel up to Salem for the FFA Legislative conference where they had an opportunity to interview different sets of panelists. They also were able to be recognized on the Senate floor!
District LDEs
District Leadership Development Events (LDEs) were a HUGE success for the Sutherlin FFA Chapter! We had a member competing in every competition and had at least 1 banner in every competition. Seventeen of a maximum possible nineteen banners were brought home that day. A record that will never be beaten!
Adv Parliamentary Procedure: FIRST!
Jada, Marley, Lainey, Ashley, Camila, Annabelle, Jackson, Ryder
Conduct of Chapter Meeting: FIRST!
Addi C, Noah, Lane, Khloe, Reece, Brooklyn, Adriahna, Maleah
Adv Public Speaking:
FIRST - Lainey Sherman!
SECOND - Jada Gary!
Beginning Public Speaking:
FIRST - Khloe Grotting!
SECOND - Lane Gomes!
Creed Speaking:
FIRST - Brooklyn Baker!
SECOND - Reece Sandberg!
FOURTH - Addi Cross!
Sophomore Public Speaking:
SECOND - Camila Castillon-Gordian!
FOURTH - Raylan Kimbrel!
Extemporaneous Public Speaking:
THIRD - Ashley Palm!
FOURTH - Makenna Cantwell!
Adv Job Interview:
FIRST - Ryder Murphy! - moving on to Sectionals
Bree Sulffridge!
Travis Ragon!
Beg Job Interview:
FIRST - Khloe Grotting!
SECOND - Lane Gomes!
THIRD - Noah Magana!
AND you can't run NINE different events at the same time without amazingly capable Sutherlin FFA members to run rooms, organize judges, and make it all happen! Great job to the hardest working people:
Trinity Lee
Keeley Guthrie
Terrin Umbarger
Kellsie Engelstad
Hailey Holgate
Emma Singleton
Madison Huntley
Arianna Flores
Addison Roberts
Hannah Blake
Akela Hunt
Hayleigh Mock
Landen Whited
Markis Boehm
Thanks to Family Church in Sutherlin for letting us host there and to all of our judges!
FFA Week 2024!
On President’s Day, we had over 35 members spend their day off helping out by making goody bags and decorating for the Upcoming FFA Week!
FFA Week - Landscape Project
Many members hung out after the setup to help in a school landscaping project! The previous Friday a group went down to a nursery to pick out a selection of plants to landscape an area of the school for this year's community service project. A landscape was designed by students and executed in the Special Education Department of our school. More will be added later, but it was a good start to the project!
FFA Week Assembly
On the Tuesday of FFA week, our officers led an assembly for the school where we had many members share their experiences in FFA and touch on the different aspects of the program.
Alumni Auction
The Alumni Auction is one of the biggest fundraisers of the year. We had over 40 members in attendance who represented the Blue & Gold well. We had the opportunity to interact with the community and local business owners to develop important relationships. Thank you to our Alumni & Supporters, the donors, and the auction attendees!
FFA Week - Agricultural Literacy Project
During this FFA Week we had members go to the primary and intermediate schools to teach the younger students about plant growth and where their food comes from. We did this through interactive matching games and planting radishes in a fun new way!
FFA Week - Member Mingle
The member mingle is an opportunity for our students to unwind after a busy week while having some good food and better company!
FFA Week - Bonfire
The bonfire is a big social event for our students! Our Land Lab committee was in charge of this event, planning the games, snacks, and prizes! We had over 70 members in attendance. This was the perfect way to end FFA Week 2024!