Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
Week of October 4, 2021
Good Things
- From Ms. Delman: Shoutout to our excluded students for figuring out how to attend class look ins! We can’t wait to have you back in our classrooms soon!
- From Ms. Duncan: Thank you to everyone for their effort in kicking off the fundraiser! It’s going to be awesome!
This Week at FHMS
- RHMS @ FHMS Varsity Boys Tennis, FHMS tennis courts, 4:00 pm
- RHMS @ FHMS Varsity/JV Boys Basketball, FHMS gym, 4:00 pm
- LWSD School Board Meeting, remote, 7:00 pm
- TSA, Room 192, 3:10-4:00 pm
- Committee Committee Meeting, library, 3:15-4:00 pm
- Community Flu Clinic, FHMS main hallway, 4:00-7:30 pm
- "Cookies in the Courtyard" Admin Meet & Greet, FHMS courtyard tent, 6:30-7:30 pm
- Athletics Department Study Hall, 1:35 pm
- TMS, FHMS, KaMS @ KIMS XC Meet, 4:00-5:30 pm
- RHMS @ FHMS Boys Regional Basketball, FHMS gym, 4:00 pm
ASB Fundraiser
Students are selling popcorn and coffee from now until 10/14. Each item is $20.00 and the school keeps $10.00 of each item sold. We do not want students to go door to door or sell to strangers.
Popcorn comes in a one-gallon size bag and the coffee comes in a 12 oz bag. Both products are made in the Portland area. Every person that purchases an item will receive a free discount card. The deals on the discount card can be used throughout the year.
Checks should be written to Finn Hill Middle School
Turn in dates: Friday, 10/8/21 & Thursday, 10/14/21
Please help students to remember to CLEARLY fill out all information on the envelope and brochure. Help them make sure the money and orders match up before turning your packets into the school.
If students need an extra envelope or order form, go to the office.
Students will earn the prize for each level they reach in addition to the prizes from all previous levels.
Participation is the key to a great fundraiser! Go Falcons!
ASB-Spirit Wear
Our Finn Hill spirit wear order forms were given to your students during Falcon Time today. Students can pay and turn the forms in at the cash register window before school and during their lunchtime. Payment can only be by cash or check. If using a check, please make it payable to FHMS and put your student's name in the memo line. The last day to pay and turn in an order form is Friday, October 22nd. Please be aware that we will not accept any orders after that date.
Important Info: Pre-Arranged Absences
If your student is going to miss 3 or more days of school, a Pre-Arranged Absence Form MUST be filled out if you wish it to be an excused absence. This form enables students and teachers to be on the same page. The form needs to be submitted to the attendance desk at least a week before the planned absence, as admin needs to review and approve. Forms are attached.
Behavior Expectations
We need your help! We are noticing that students are struggling to remember how to behave safely and respectfully during bathroom breaks and lunches, so please help us reinforce the following expectations for restroom usage and lunch expectations at school:
- Follow established procedures for using the restroom. Stealing items liked bathroom passes and sign-out sheets prevents teachers from knowing where students are. If these items continue to be stolen, then students will not be allowed to use the bathroom during the period.
- Stealing items out of the restrooms and making messes on the floors, sinks, and walls constitute vandalism. We check hallway security cameras to see who is out of class during the time window the vandalism occurs.
- Make short and quiet visits.
- The standard we use is "restaurant behavior." Students are expected to use the same polite table manners they would in a sit-down restaurant: remain seat, keep hands and feet to themselves, use a conversational voice with those closest to them, and bus their own tables or areas.
Bus Passes
Flu Shot Clinic at FHMS
Lake Washington School District is partnering with Seattle Visiting Nurse Association to offer flu shot clinics. Vaccinations are available for all age levels. Pre-registration is required. There will be a clinic at FHMS on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 from 4:00–7:00 p.m.
Other dates and locations:
- Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at Kamiakin Middle School – 1:30 – 6:00 p.m. OR Rose Hill Middle School – 2:30-7:00 p.m.
Join the Community Sponsored 2021-2022 Orienteering Team!
Looking for a fun, outdoor sport without too much commitment! No practices-just 2 events per month!
Join the FHMS orienteering team, where there is never bad weather, only poor clothing choices. Learn how to read a map, get unlost, and problem solve in the most beautiful locations. The middle school league runs Nov 6th to Feb 20th. Events are twice per month.
What’s Orienteering? It’s a navigation sport! Orienteers use only map and compass to navigate, but compass knowledge is not needed to get started. In fact, the primary skill in orienteering is reading the map and relating it to the terrain, and you can do that with just your eyeballs.
Orienteering events are organized by Cascade Orienteering Club which is a non-profit organization in Washington State since 1977. More information on orienteering can be found here:
Registration is now open. Reach out to Vicki Morrella, your FHMS community coach, at for any questions or would like to register. You will need to register before October 10th to avoid $10 late. Free training at a local park will happen on October 9th, please let the coach know if you’re interested. She will set up a virtual meeting before the season begins Nov. 6th.
This is a low-pressure sport and you don’t need to come to every meet; between 4-6 meets is enough to contribute to the team effort.
Lost ID or Planners
Students can buy replacement IDs and planners in the office from ASB secretary Ms. Stephens before school or during lunch for $5.00.
Lunch Menu Changes
Food Supply challenges continue to affect Lake Washington School District as well as many other districts both locally and nationally.
These supply chain challenges may require last-minute menu changes based on the availability of certain food items, therefore the menu served may vary significantly from our posted menus based on product availability. Menu variety and options may also be reduced as a result.
There is a pop-up notification on the menu webpage sharing the potential for menu changes.
Please check with your kitchen staff if you have specific questions regarding the menu.
Math Help is Available!
Here are some things your child or you can do if you feel that they may need some extra assistance with math:
- Contact the teacher to ask for extra resources or input on how to support your student at home.
- Students can attend a math College Prep session during school hours on Tuesdays or Thursdays for extra support.
- Contact the teacher to sign up for math tutoring. More information is below.
Math Tutoring will begin on Wednesday, October 6th. Tutoring will take place during both A and B lunches. Availability is limited, so if you or your child feels that he/she/they need help in math, he/she/they can request a pass from their teacher to attend a tutoring session. Students may eat their lunch at math tutoring and work on homework while receiving help from a math teacher in a socially distanced setting.
Request for AVID Guest Speakers
Seventh grade and eighth grade AVID classes are looking for guest speakers to visit our classrooms virtually. If you would be interested in sharing your career and education journey, please contact to find out more information.
There's a Cell Phone in Your Student's Head
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 11
- KiMS @ FHMS Varsity/JV Boys Basketball, FHMS gym, 4:00 PM
- KiMS@FHMS Boys Varsity Tennis, FHMS tennis courts, 4:00 pm
- PTSA Board Meeting, virtual, 7:00-9:00 pm
Tuesday, October 12
- SBIRT Administration in Health Class, Blue Room, 8:35-9:25 AM
- SBIRT Administration in Health Class, Blue Room, 11:55 am-12:45 pm
- SBIRT Administration in Health Class, Blue Room, 1:20-2:10 pm
Wednesday, October 13
- Athletics Department Study Hall, 1:35 pm
- LEAP-Individual Teacher Work (ITW), 2:05 PM - 3:35 PM
- Department Chair Monthly Meeting, library, time TBD
- FHMS @ KiMS JV Boys Tennis, 4:00-5:30 pm
- KiMS @ FHMS Boys Regional Basketball, FHMS gym, 4:00 pm
- TMS, KaMS, KiMS, FHMS @ EMS XC Meet, 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 14
- Health Screening
- Last day to turn in popcorn orders
- KaMS @ FHMS V/JV Boys Basketball, FHMS gym, 4:00 pm
- KaMS @ FHMS Varsity Boys Tennis, FHMS tennis courts, 4:00 pm
October 15
- No School-District LEAP Day
October 20
- Unity Day
October 22
- Healthy Youth Survey administration for 6th & 8th (more information to come)
The PTSA Perch
PTSA Kicks Off "Reflections"
Students participate in the appropriate division for their grade: Middle School (Grades 6-8), or Special Artist. Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division or grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities.
This year's theme is "I Will Change the World By..." Students are encouraged to submit art reflecting the theme to the front office by Friday, October 29th in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts (note: only 2D).
FHMS is providing students an opportunity to work on a visual arts piece during lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays through October, ensuring all students are able to participate in this valuable program. PTSA is providing volunteers are needed to assist with setup and to help students as needed.
If you would like to include the SignUpGenius created for offering a chance to do the visual art entry during lunch, please see the already to go link.
Contact FHMS PTSA Reflections Chair, Tennile Jones, if you have any questions, concerns or if she can provide any other information.
PTSA Request: Hearing & Vision Screening Volunteers Needed
Below is the link to the Sign Up Genius for the upcoming Hearing and Vision Screenings on 10/14. Thank you in advance for volunteering to help this important yearly event run smoothly!
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS