NHUF Elementary
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Friday, November 8, 2024
Upcoming Events
November 11 - Veterans' Day - Thank you for your service! - Wear Red, White and Blue!
November 12 - Committee of the Whole Meeting - GES - 7:00 PM
November 12 - PTCA Frecon Pie Fundraiser Order Deadline
November 14 - World Diabetes Day - Wear Blue!
November 21 - First Trimester Ends
November 22 - PTCA Kids Binglow
November 25-26 - Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences - 4:30-7:30 PM
November 25-27 - Early Dismissal Days - 12:25 PM
November 26 - PTCA Frecon Pie Fundraiser Pick up - 6:00-7:30 PM
November 28 - Happy Thanksgiving!
November 28-December 2 - NO SCHOOL
Day Cycle
We will be following a 6-day cycle again for school this year. Your child's special schedule will be based on the cycle days rather than days of the week. Below are the cycle days for the next two weeks.
Nov. 11 - Day 4
Nov. 12 - Day 5
Nov. 13 - Day 6
Nov. 14 - Day 1
Nov. 15 - Day 2
Nov. 18 - Day 3
Nov. 19 - Day 4
Nov. 20 - Day 5
Nov. 21 - Day 6
Nov. 22 - Day 1
NHUF Information
Parent Pick Up Reminder
Just a reminder that parents who pick their child(ren) up at the end of the day will not be permitted to enter the pick up line until 3:00 PM. Please know that waiting on Hoffmansville Road for the cones to be moved is NOT permitted. While this may be inconvenient for some of you, the safety of our students and staff is top priority.
Veterans' Day - Monday, November 11th
Monday is Veterans' Day. As a building we would like to show our appreciation for all of those who have served. The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. Staff and students are encouraged to wear red, white and blue.
Early Pick Up Procedures
If you are picking your child up during the day, please do not email the attendance email. Please send a note to school with your child on the day of pick up. If you make an appointment after your child has gone to school, please call the office. Thank you.
Parent/Principal PTCA Coffee Dates
Please mark your calendar and join the Principal and PTCA for Coffee on the following dates:
December 3 - 9:00 AM
February 3 - 6:30 PM
April 1 - 9:00 AM
May 20 - 6:30 PM
All meetings will be held at NHUF Elementary School with a zoom option.
Classroom/Birthday Treats
All classroom/birthday treats must be pre-packaged and store-bought with the ingredients clearly written on the label. If possible, please be sure treats are of the same type (same flavor, no icing, all icing, etc.).
For the safety of all students, DO NOT send in any nut products as there may be students in the class with nut allergies. Please read your snack labels and DO NOT send in snacks that state: "Manufactured in a factory containing nut products" or "May contain allergens".
Security and Sign In Procedures
In order to enter the school, all visitors are required to buzz the office by pushing the silver button located to the left of the visitor door. Once you are buzzed into the building, please report to the office to sign in and pick up a visitor or volunteer badge. Please be sure to carry photo ID with you whenever you are on school property. Deliveries of any kind (forgotten homework, birthday treats, lunches) are to be made directly to the office only, not to the classroom.
Early Dismissal Days
The Boyertown Area School District will have early dismissal days on the following dates:
November 25, 26, 27, 2024
December 20, 2024
January 17, 2025
April 16, 2025
June 3, 4, 5, 6, 2025
AM Kindergarten session will be 8:45-10:35. PM Kindergarten session will be 10:35-12:25.
As many of you know, Boyertown Area School District has a rich history of volunteerism. Last year, we updated our process for managing volunteers and their required clearances, etc. to include the Raptor software platform already in place throughout the district. We are pleased to share that the rollout was a huge success with more than 1,000 volunteers participating in the new process for 2023-2024!
As we approach the start of the 2024-2025 school year, more than 870 of those who registered remain active.
We strongly encourage the remaining 160+ who have expired within Raptor to update their documentation following the instructions received from Raptor.
Finally, we invite those of you who are new parents/guardians to the district, and those of you who want to become new volunteers to do so now. Doing so will ensure that you are ready to join us when volunteer opportunities of interest arise.
Avoid delays. Get started today!
Our volunteer newsletter outlines the process.
SMORE: https://secure.smore.com/n/kr7en
Our volunteer web page has the additional details and links you will need.
WEBSITE: https://www.boyertownasd.org/Page/6459
We are here to help! Please email us at volunteers@boyertownasd.org.
We truly appreciate your willingness to share the generosity of your time and talent with our students!
From the Nurse's Desk
Below are a couple of reminders for this upcoming school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the health room nurses at 610-473-1770.
Physical & Dental Forms: All state mandated Kindergarten and 3rd grade private dental forms and all Kindergarten private physical exam forms are due now. If you have an upcoming appointment, please notify the health room of the appointment and we will make note of the date in your child’s record.
Medication Information: If your child requires prescription or over-the-counter medication while at school, a medication authorization form (found on the BASD website) must be completed by your physician. Once completed, please submit the paperwork, and then contact the health room to schedule an appointment to drop off your child’s medication. Prescription medications must be in an original pharmacy labeled container. Over-the-counter medication must be in original packaging. Please refer to the BASD website for more information.
Returning Paperwork: Please return any health room forms (Physical, Dental, Medication) via email if possible. You can scan and email the original document or email a photograph from your phone to either dwilson@boyertownasd.org or ekovach@boyertownasd.org
Change of Clothing: Please consider keeping a change of clothing in your child’s backpack. Clothing can become soiled due to a bathroom accident, fall outside in the mud, or because of spilling food/drink. The health room may not have appropriately sized clothing, so if your child does have an accident of any sort, a parent will be called to bring clothing in for the child.
Food/Snacks: Please remind your child(ren) not to share lunch and/or snacks. There are several students with food allergies and/or food sensitivities.
Classroom/Birthday Treats: All classroom/birthday treats must be pre-packaged and store-bought with the ingredients clearly written on the label. If possible, please be sure treats are of the same type (same flavor, no icing, all icing, etc.).
For the safety of all students, DO NOT send in any nut products as there may be students in the class with nut allergies. Please read your snack labels and DO NOT send in snacks that state: "Manufactured in a factory containing nut products" or "May contain allergens".
Recess/PE shoes: Please remind your child(ren) to wear closed toe and comfortable shoes as they will be going outside for recess as the weather allows (please discourage crocs and sandals). Sneakers are encouraged for PE class.
If your child is not feeling well, please keep them at home. If your child arrives at school not feeling well (and does not have a fever), they will be encouraged to try to complete the school day.
When to keep your child home:
As stated in the BASD Student Handbook, if your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, it is recommended that you keep your child home from school and consult with the child’s primary health care provider:
1. A cough interfering with your child’s sleep or ability to participate in school activities
2. A cough that is productive and has phlegm or is associated with fever or trouble breathing.
3. Fever: A temperature equal to or greater than 100 degrees without the use of a fever reducing medication. Please note that the student’s temperature should remain normal without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours prior to the return to school.
4. Nausea, Vomiting or diarrhea
5. Unusual skin eruptions, hives or rash.
6. Redness or drainage from the eyes.
Head Lice: Although lice cannot jump, they are easily transmittable through hugging, sharing combs, sharing hats and coats, etc. Please remind your child not to share items such as these with other students.
We know this is a lot of information, so if you have any questions, please let us know.
From the PTCA
Bob Hilbert Spirit Wear Sale:
Calling all NHUF Family, Friends, Teachers, Staff, etc... It's time to get your NHUF Bears Swag. No idea what to get for your kids, your secret Santa, your spouse, let's not forget the grandparents! Who doesn't love to show their support of the best Elementary School around?!? Ordering is open with the link below. Orders will be accepted until November 18th and will be available on December 5 - in plenty of time for the holidays!
To access NHUF's store, click here. Store closes 11/18/24.
Frecon Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser:
Together with Frecon Farms, we are excited to offer fresh baked pies just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday!
Orders due by Tuesday, November 12th with pick up at school on Tuesday, November 26th 4pm-6:30pm. ***Note time change for pick-up.
How to Order:
Visit our personal ordering site: https://freconfarms-nhuf.square.site/
Password: NhufPies24 (case sensitive)
Pie Flavors available: Apple Crumb, Tart Cherry, Apple Cherry, Bourbon Apple Pecan, Pumpkin, Rum Pecan
BINGLOW!!! Who is ready for B-I-N-G-O with a twist of glow?! Wear NEON or WHITE to enhance the Glow!
Join the NHUF for our family Bingo Night on Friday, November 22nd from 6:30pm- 8pm for a glowing, fun filled, prize winning night of games. ~ and it's FREE for students and siblings!!
Each NHUF student and sibling(s) registered will receive a free Bingo playbook of game boards. **Additional playbooks will be available for purchase as well.
**Concessions will be available for purchase during the event.**
BINGO TIME: Friday, November 22nd at 6:30pm in the NHUF Multi-purpose room. Doors open at 6pm.
REGISTER BY: Monday, November 18th Click here to register.
Moe's Southwest Grill Pop-Up:
Together with Moe's Southwest Grill, the PTCA will be hosting a Moe's Pop-Up dinner night. Orders will be placed the end of November and pick up will be at the Parent Loop on Tuesday, December 10th. More information to come.
Upcoming events:
- PTCA Basket Raffle - March 7, 2025
Upcoming Fundraising:
- Moe's Pop-up - February 5, 2025
- Collegeville Bakery Pizza Kits - Dates TBD
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter
were purchased through www.canstockphoto.com before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout the newsletter will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
New Hanover Elementary
2547 Big Road
Frederick, PA 19435