The Woodchuck Review
August 9th, 2024
"It's a great day to be a Woodchuck"
A message from Principal Straw
Dear Gladys Wood Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 Gladys Wood Elementary School Year. We look forward to seeing you at our open house on August 14th from 3 - 5pm.
Gladys Wood continues to be a Title 1 School. We are looking for additional people to be a part of our Title 1 Team. This is a volunteer position and would require coming to at least three short meetings each year. If you’re interested in this, please contact me at 907-742-6760 or e mail me at straw_nicholas@asdk12.org
Document Updates: If you have important confidential court documents that pertain to the custody of your children that limits who can pick your child up, please let us know. Sometimes changes occur and contact lists are inaccurate. We rely on you to let us know if someone needs to be removed from the contact list you originally created at the beginning of the school year. If you have a new phone number or person you need added to your child’s contact list just call us at 742-6760 and we can get it updated.
Across the Anchorage School District we take safety concerns seriously. We teach the students here at Gladys Wood that if they see something dangerous and harmful to say something. It’s a catchy phrase! If you see something, say something! Thank you for encouraging your children when they see something anywhere, including online, that’s going to hurt someone to immediately say something to the adults in their lives at home and at school.
As the refreshing liquid sunshine days continue, please know you’re welcome to visit the Gladys Wood playground after 4p.m. on school days with supervision. Students are encouraged to have an adult join them for everyone’s safety. Thank you also for being mindful, safe and respectful of others while visiting the playground. Before school starts and on weekends the playground is open all day.
If there’s anything at all that we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email straw_nicholas@asdk12.org or by phone at 742-6760.
The Straw family will continue to think about all of you and keep you all in our thoughts and/or prayers. We’re thankful to have all of you as a part of our family this year!
Mr. Straw
Please take a few minutes to complete the ASD Volunteer application online. These applications must be completed annually and can take a few weeks for ASD to approve, so we encourage all parents and family members to complete an application now. That way, you will be approved and ready when an exciting field trip or volunteer opportunity comes up! (P.S. - 5th grade students could use a couple more male chaperones for their Portage Glacier Over Night Field Trip in September)
For more information on the ASD volunteer process, please visit: www.asdk12.org/volunteer.
Gladys Wood Elementary would like to thank Fred Meyer for their generous donation of bags for our fresh fruit and vegetable program.