It's almost that time!

Note from Mr. S.
Dear St. Therese families,
I am over the moon happy to tell you all, officially, that we hit our goal of $50k in this year's Jog-A-Thon!! Thank you to everyone who contributed in ways large and small! As of now, our JAT crew is still tallying up donations and entering every last dollar into Pledgestar. The kids are beyond eager to learn who ran the most laps, which classes hit their goals in fundraising, and which students are at the top of each list. The truth is, I don't know yet!
I assure you that details are forthcoming and we will definitely have a big celebration to acknowledge all of those folks and more. I know that for most of the dollars raised, and pledges that came in, they would not have without parents chipping in and helping their students do that work. So, thank you all! It takes a village, and as such, we were successful in hitting our goal which will get much needed new curriculum into the hands of your students and the teachers! Go Eagles go!!
We have our next Parents Club meeting this Monday at 6 pm in the Parish Social Center, and all parents and guardians are cordially invited! If you have a kiddo at St. T., you are officially a member of the Parents Club. This Monday, the PC is serving pizza and drinks. We hope to make the meetings valuable and informative, yet we recognize the value in becoming more familiar with new families, and reconnecting with old friends, and just plain old socializing. We all have busy lives, careers, kids, soccer practices, and so on, which makes it hard to find the time to connect with other school families. PC meetings are a great way to do that, so come have a slice and get to know new folks! Bonus: attendance at the meetings count as Fair Share Hours. There will be an overview of Jog-A-Thon as well as info on other ways to get involved this year.
The teachers spent today's inservice day catching up on work and preparing for conferences, though the highlight of the day for all of us was seeing the big yellow school bus arrive with our 6th grade class, accompanied by Mrs. Baumbach. By all accounts, they had a great time and had good weather to boot!
Please enjoy the photos below of the many things happening at school, as well as photos from JAT last Friday. Lots of good info too on the upcoming events such as Boo Bash, conferences, and sports. Swimming and basketball registrations are open!
As always please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
We came. It rained. We worried. Skies cleared. We ran. We conquered!
Parent Teacher Conferences
October 31 & November 1
There is no school for students on these days. Students in grades 5 - 8 should attend conferences with their parents.
October 31: 7:30AM - 3:30PM
November 1: 8:00AM - 4:00 PM
Please use the Sign Up Geniuses to set up your conference time.
Middle School Families: You only need to meet with one teacher, but have the option to meet with other teachers as need be!
Specials teachers will be available in the gym during conference days; stop by before or after your conference time if you have a question or concern about their class!
Save the Date: October 25 is our Halloween Bash
Our annual Halloween Bash is back! This year we will celebrate on October 25th from 5:00-8:00PM! Want to earn Fair Share hours?! Sign Up Genius to come soon for volunteer opportunities!
We kindly request families who are so inclined to donate 1 bag of pre wrapped candy to our Halloween Bash. These candies will be used as prizes for games at the Halloween Bash.
Athlete's Foot
*****Basketball Registration is Now Open! Still room in Swimming Too!!!!*****
- Registration is open for the swimming team, and it will be open through the end of September, register here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/24610/st-swimming
- Swimmers ages 3rd grade through 8th grade can join the team, and should be able to swim across the pool (we are NOT instructors on how to swim)
- We have GREAT coaches who are all former swimmers led by our very own Dave Tabayoyon who coached last year
- We are partnering with FMES school to create a team
- Practices are still being scheduled, but we will likely swim at 7pm two nights a week at Parkrose pool
- Please contact athletics@stthereseschool.org with any questions!!
We are excited to announce that St Therese basketball registrations are now open on the CYO Camp Howard website. You can access the information here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/16527/ST-Basketball
Beginning Wednesday October 9th we will be offering OPEN GYMS for 5th - 8th grade on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. These will be managed by Coaches Avery Robinson and Trey Harry who coached the 6/7 Boys team last year.
This is free and open to all interested athletes. Students outside of St Therese are welcome to attend! You will be required to sign a waiver for your student the first time your student participates.
Here are some important dates and information for the upcoming season:
- Registration Fees: Players are $275 per person (scholarships are available through CYO) if you register before 10/31
- Season Schedule: Practices will begin in November most likely, the first games are not until January
- Volunteer Opt-Out: There is a $50 opt-out fee if parents do not want to volunteer
- Coaches: We are seeking all interested coaches and volunteers, please contact our Athletics Department at: athletics@stthereseschool.org
- Fees: Fees cover the cost of tournaments (pre-season jamboree, and end of the season tournament)
- Home Games: We are hosting home games, we will have that volunteer schedule -- WE NEED PARENTS TO VOLUNTEER AND SUPPORT THE GYM, A SIGN UP LINK WILL BE AVAILABLE BEFORE THE SEASON
We are really trying to make a push, please spread the word and encourage students to come out. We have some GREAT coaches and are continuing to find more. With an early start on the season we should see some great turnout.
Please let us know if you have questions!
Catholic High School Open House Season
High School Open House season is here! All 8th grade families interested in Catholic High School should visit each Open House for more information! It's also time to start those High School applications. Students can create accounts and begin Shadow Days!
Dates to Know
10/11 No School
10/14 Parent's Club Meeting @ 6 pm in the Parish Social Center (large building next to the church)
10/25 Last Friday of the Month Free Dress
10/25 Halloween Bash 5-8PM
10/31-11/01 Parent Teacher Conferences
11/05 School Picture Day
11/27 1/2 day, with noon dismissal.
11/27 School mass changed to 8:30 a.m. Join us!
12/9 School mass at 1:15, Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Recurring Events
- Vietnamese classes. Beginners' class: 3:30 - 4:15, Intermediate class: 4:15 - 5:00
- School mass: 1:15 - 2:15 (subject to change based on holy days of obligation, feast days etc.)
- Sacraments classes with Sister Martina: 2:45 - 3:45 in the PSC.
- Open Gym Time, 6 - 8 pm. St. Therese Students from Grades 3 - 8 are all welcome! Free!
6th Graders at Outdoor School!!
It was a blast!
This week the 6th graders spent the week at Camp Collins! The students spent each day in a different field study learning all about Water, Soil, Plants and Animals!
2nd Grade is Batty!
The 2nd Graders are learning about bats. We read about bats and how there is a bat hospital that helps baby bats. Then, we made our own bats and tried to fly them with and without a paper clip attached to the bat. We discovered that the bat flew farther with a paper clip on its wing.
-Cathy Lavagetto 2nd Grade Teacher
4th Grade Robot Fingers....yikes!
4th Graders made robot fingers after studying about muscles, bones, and tendons during a mystery science lesson. - Mrs. Hayes
Kindergarteners have been busy this week!
Kinder turned witches into art!
Parachute fun in PE with Mr. Grant.
Student Council Elections Next Week - Our Hopeful Candidates Hard at Work
Coding for All Ages! Middle School Students Helping Kinder Level Up!
Christmas Ornament Ordering Info
Hard to believe that we're already closer to the Christmas season, than not!
Last year Mr. Rymer showed his students the new Glowforge laser cutter, which he got for the school through a grant. By showing the kids the hardware, Mr. Rymer and the kids came up with the idea of making Christmas ornaments for their families. In doing so, the students are learning about engineering, design, and production. They are handmade by the students, with Mr. Rymer's guidance.
Post-pandemic, the prices of materials have gone up significantly and Mr. Rymer uses Baltic birch for these, which isn't cheap. It's a great way to get a custom made keepsake for loved ones and support the school at the same time. The price is $30 per ornament, or $50 for two ornaments.
Please see the links for a video with more information from Mr. Rymer, and the order form.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400