Bradie Shrum Elementary
August 2020
Countdown to Day 1!
Bradie Shrum Teachers and Staff have been readying to provide a year of quality instruction and enjoyment for learning. We welcome six new teachers and five instructional assistants to our team this year. We look forward to making memories with our students as we build on a long tradition of success since 1964!
Kindergarten Kick-Off
Sessions by Last Name
A-H: 4-4:45 pm
I-P: 5-5:45 pm
Q-Z: 6-6:45 pm
All participants must be masked. Students may bring a max of two additional guests.
Thursday, Aug 13, 2020, 04:00 PM
BSE Main Office/Kinder"Garden"
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Are You Ready for the First Day of School?
K-2 Basics will be provided by JumpStart free of charge.
Please provide:
- Backpack
- Water Bottle (with no-spill lid and labeled with name)
- Headphones (wired; headphones, instead of earbuds preferred for K-2)
- Vinyl Folder for Writing Lab and Black Sharpie for Art
- Optional: Travel size hand sanitizer; Full bottles will be available throughout the building
3-5 Basics
- Backpack
- Water Bottle (with no-spill lid and labeled with name)
- Headphones (wired)
- Vinyl Folder for Writing Lab and Black Sharpie for Art
- Pencil box for supplies (will be used in Art as well)
- Crayons
- Colored pencils (8-10 pk)
- Glue Sticks and/or glue
- Scissors
- Pencils and personal sharpener
- Folders (vinyl/wipe-able preferred)
- Paper (wide or college ruled)
- Dry erase markers
- Optional: Travel size hand sanitizer; Full bottles will be available throughout the building
First Day of School
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 08:00 AM
Bradie Shrum Elementary School, North Shelby Street, Salem, IN, USA
Breakfast will begin on day 2. Grab and Go breakfast will be provided at entrances.
Please wear masks upon entry to school and while on sidewalk. Students will be able to remove masks when they have arrived in classrooms and are physically distanced. Students will report directly to teacher classrooms on entry to the building.
All BSE students receive FREE meals this year!
Breakfast will be grab-n-go and lunch will be cafeteria style.
Meet our New Staff
Stay Connected
Email: jlawyer@salemschools.com
Website: bse.salemschools.com
Location: 1101 N Shelby St, Salem, IN 47167, USA
Phone: 812-883-3700
Facebook: facebook.com/BradieShrumElementary
Twitter: @BradieShrum_ES