Northwest News
Summer Updates for NWES Families
Welcome Back
I am hopeful you have enjoyed your summer break. Our first day of school is just around the corner and this newsletter contains some information to help you prepare.
Class Placement and Class Lists
Careful consideration was given to your child’s placement. Classrooms have been balanced academically and socially. Our class lists are structured to provide equitable class sizes at each grade level, as well as the best way to meet the needs of all learners based on academic performance. Moving students is difficult without causing imbalances and inequities.
Open House and Title I Annual Meeting
Tuesday, August 8th at 5:00PM
There will be two sessions for families with multiple children at Northwest. The first session will begin at 5:00 in your child's homeroom classroom. At the beginning of this session, important school-wide information will be shared.
Parent Teacher Association
First Day of School
On August 11th, only Pre-K and Kindergarten families will be permitted to walk to the classroom. Beyond the first two days, only Pre-K families with the proper credentials will be permitted to walk their child to the classroom.
Each car rider will be given a car tag sign at Open House. Please fill it out with your child’s name and grade on it and display it on your rear -view mirror so our staff can call for your child. If you chose to park, your child must be designated as a walker and will be in a hallway near sign #1.
Only NWES staff and students should access the front car line walkway due to traffic and students moving to their number. IF you need assistance, ask the staff member at #1 with a radio to locate your child.
*** Please be patient the first few days of school as we help our new families adjust and make sure that all students get to their proper dismissal location. The line moves more quickly when everyone is following the procedure. This includes following the traffic pattern and remaining in your car. It does get better!
Back to School Forms
Please complete important back to school forms online! The process has been made much easier this year!
To do this:
1. Go to Focus at
2. Enter your parent ID and password to log in.
3. Complete your Back-to-School Forms packet. You will be prompted to fill out the forms as soon as you log onto Focus.
Information regarding digital forms and directions are available at
Before and After Care
Early online registration for the school year has begun for the YMCA. Avoid the lines during open house and meet the teacher event and register NOW! There are only a few days left to apply online. To register online, visit :
You can also register your child/children in the cafeteria during the Open House event on August 8th.
JW Cate is just around the corner. They provide before and aftercare for many Northwest students. They provide transportation to and from school.
(727) 893-7751
Stay in Touch
Visit our school Website:
The website is updated regularly and contains school supply lists, upcoming events, and currently features some information about myself, your new principal.
See You Soon
I look forward to a wonderful school year filled with fun and learning. As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or compliments, please do not hesitate to contact myself ( or Mrs. Wahl ( We love to hear from you!
Read a great book with your child and enjoy the last moments of a sweet summer.
Casey Maker, Principal
Northwest Elementary School