Amherst Middle School
January 17, 2025
Message From the Leadership Team
Message From the Leadership Team
Dear AMS Families,
Happy New Year! We hope 2025 is off to a great start for you and your family. As we jump into January, our administrative team set a special New Year’s resolution—to get into every classroom in the building multiple times a week. It has been such a privilege, and we’ve been absolutely blown away by what we’re seeing!
Here are just a few highlights from this week:
8th graders are diving into optical illusions and the cool properties of light, with their teachers even creating prisms on the ceiling to make the lesson pop.
7th and 8th grade students in Ms. Reinart’s class are having thoughtful conversations about human rights.
6th graders are all about Greek mythology, reading and writing stories about the gods and their adventures.
5th graders are getting ready for a team poetry slam next week, and I can’t wait to see their creativity in action!
Students in Ms. Vordenberg’s FACS class baked chocolate oat cookies this week, making the school smell incredible (and probably making a few of us very hungry!).
In Ms. Pettus’ art class, students are sculpting wire into unique and imaginative shapes.
The energy in our classrooms is amazing, and it’s all thanks to our students’ curiosity and creativity, along with the passion and dedication of our incredible teachers.
Be well,
Kristen Gauthier
Mike Cuddyer
Assistant Principal, 7/8
Matt Lane
Assistant Principal, 5/6
Upcoming Events
January 20 (Mon): NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
February 3 (Mon): Amherst Deliberative Session
February 12 (Wed): EARLY RELEASE 12:50PM
February 24 - February 28: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
March 11 (Tues): NO SCHOOL - Town Voting Day
New News
6th Grade Ecology School Parent Info Night
Calling all Grade 6 families! Join us for Ecology School Info Night to learn about the exciting spring trip to The Ecology School in Saco, Maine. Mark your calendar: January 30, 2025, from 6:00–7:00 PM in the AMS Cafeteria. Don’t miss this opportunity to get all the details and ask questions about this unforgettable learning experience!
8th Grade Families: High School Information Night
Save the Date: Social Media and Internet Safety Presentation - April 2, 2025
Mark your calendars!
Amherst Middle School is partnering with Amherst PTA to invite all parents and guardians to an Internet and Social Media Safety Night, featuring a presentation by members of the New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children (NH-ICAC) Task Force.
Date: Tuesday, April 2nd
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: AMS Cafeteria
Gain valuable insights and practical tips on protecting your children online, recognizing potential risks, and fostering safe digital habits.
This is a must-attend event for families navigating today’s digital world. Bring your questions and leave with tools to help keep your kids safe online. Together, let’s ensure a safer internet for our children.
Book Buzz
This year, we will be featuring book reviews written by our very own AMS readers! Many thanks to Ms. Maher in the library for putting these together each and every week. If your student would like to participate in The Book Buzz have them see Ms. Maher in the library.
Best of the Nest
Each week, members of our staff nominate students who go above and beyond to carry out our CARE behavior expectations (Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Effort). These students help to make our school a better place to learn.
Stay tuned for next week's Best of the Nest award winners!
SAU39 Budget Season: Important Dates
Please click HERE to learn more about upcoming dates for the SAU39 school budget process.
Bundle Up - Winter is HERE!
The chilly weather has arrived, and while our students are full of energy, their outfits aren’t always ready for the frosty air. We’re asking for your help to ensure your students are bundled up for morning and lunch recesses. Hats, gloves, coats, and warm shoes are highly recommended—otherwise, they might turn into ice sculptures before class! ❄️
Consider it a chance to dig out those gloves from the depths of the closet or finally reunite that missing mitten with its partner. Thanks for keeping our AMS community both stylish and warm this winter season!
Reporting a Long Absence
If you student is going to be absent for an extended period of time please reach out to their team of teachers as well as our general office email ams@sau39.org so our office staff can be sure our attendance is accurate. Please know that teachers are not able to provide all work ahead of time, but will support the student to complete essential assignments when they return.
World Language Placement Test - Grade 8 ONLY
During your student's World Language class, January 21st or January 22nd, they will take a written placement test to help determine if they should continue with French or Spanish level Novice B or restart with with Novice A. This is part of the placement process with Souhegan High School.
AMS Yearbooks
To order yours go to www.jostensyearbooks.com, prices starting at $27.
After School at AMS
GET INVOLVED: Winter & Year-Long Clubs
One of the best ways to be successful in middle school is to get involved. We have so many seasonal and year-long clubs available for students of all grades. Students can stay on top of schedules through our daily announcements in Launchpad/Morning Meeting. Refer to these images below for more specific information.
Pickleball club will only be offered on the following dates:
WED 3/5
WED 3/12
WED 3/19
WED 3/26
WED 4/2
Parent Partnership
Nurse Notes
Increased Illnesses Notice
Due to the increase in respiratory illnesses and the harsh cough associated with it, many students are being prescribed rescue inhalers (Albuterol) for their cough. This is considered a prescription medication and it requires parent permission and a doctors order on file (Rescue Med Form) with the school nurse for them to be allowed to have it in school. Also, students should not be carrying over-the-counter (OTC) medications on them. If they require an ibuprofen or acetaminophen during the school day, the health office with parent permission can administer them when appropriate. If the student requires an OTC medication the health office does not have, please bring in the medication with this completed form and the medication will be given as directed. Lastly, if your student was excused from physical education for an injury and was seen by a doctor, they will need a doctors note to clear them to participate in PE once they have recovered. If you have any questions regarding these policies, please feel free to call the health office for assistance. They can also be found on the SAU 39 website under Section J- students. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and keeping all students safe.
7th Grade Parents
Please send in most recent physical and immunizations. In order to be compliant for school (per state of NH) your student needs their 7th grade Tdap vaccine. This is typically completed at their annual wellness visit in 6th or 7th grade and will be documented on their physical. Please help us keep all students safe and healthy by keeping up with all required vaccinations.
PTA Corner
Becoming a member of the PTA doesn't mean signing your life away volunteering, although we can always use more volunteers. If you are interested in chairing an event/committee, are looking to get more involved or you want to meet some new people, log on to https://amherstnhpta.membershiptoolkit.com/ to complete your registration today!
You can also reach out to the PTA via email if you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed before our first meeting, amherstptanh@gmail.com.
As you complete the PowerSchool Registration forms for school this year, please make sure to opt into the PTA Directory (it is the last form)! This will allow Clark Wilkins and AMS to share contact info directly with the PTA, making it easier for you to stay up-to-date with all PTA communications, including room parent emails.
Amherst Town Library Line Up
Teen Vision Board
Tuesday, January 21st at 6:00pm
January is a great time to start to visualize and manifest your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Using a variety of materials like magazines, markers, and other craft supplies, teens will create personalized vision boards that reflect their dreams—whether it’s academic success, personal growth, future careers, or life experiences. Register for you and a friend today! Click to register
ATL Kids and Teen Newsletter
Don't miss out! You can receive our monthly newsletter right to your email inbox. Click the link below and be in the know!
Community News
Keep checking back for more news about our wonderful community.
SAU 39 School Calendars
2024-2025: Check out this link for the 2024-2025 approved Amherst School District calendar.