Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 5, Term 1, 2020
Generosity is giving and sharing. It is giving freely.
It is seeing a chance to give what you have and then giving just for the joy of giving.
The Second Week of Lent
Loving God,
I hear your invitation, "Come back to me"
and I am filled with such a longing to return to you.
Show me the way to return.
Lead me this day in good works I do in your name
and send your Spirit to guide me and strengthen my faith.
I ask only to feel your love in my life today.
From the Principal
A reminder that this Saturday, March 7 at 6.30pm and Sunday, March 8 at 10.30 am we will be celebrating special enrolment masses for students receiving Sacraments in 2020 . If your child in Years 3, 4 or 6 will be receiving the Sacrament of Penance, Communion or Confirmation, you need to attend one of the two masses this weekend to commit to preparing for the Sacrament later in the year.
Each year level has constructed their 'Code of Conduct' which is agreed to at the class level in relation to classroom behaviours. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe agreed standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students. The Code applies to staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians as applicable. The Orana Parent Code of Conduct can be found on our web page or by clicking here.
Coronavirus - COVID-19
With public and media commentary about COVID-19 continuing to ramp up, it is understandable that staff, parents and students may feel stressed and anxious about the situation. The fact is that both the WHO and the Department of Health continue to advise that the current risk of transmission in Western Australia remains low. The WA Health Department has updated information which addresses frequently asked questions, please visit their site for the latest information.
A Statement from Bishop Sproxton regarding measures to be put in place for the celebration of the Eucharist, which address risks presented for the transmission of the COVID-19 coronavirus was released yesterday.
These measures will be implemented in parishes across the Archdiocese of Perth, and should be adopted by all schools in the Archdiocese to lower the risk of transmission of the virus. Full details of the temporary changes can be found here
Parents/Carers are reminded that supervision of students by staff does not commence until 8.30 am each day. Students should not be arriving before this time and if they are, they need to be supervised by parents/carers as staff are not accessible. At the end of the day students are supervised as they leave school from the shed and back gate by staff until 3.30 pm. Your assistance in ensuring students have exited by this time is appreciated. A reminder that OSHC is available on site and open in the morning at 6.45 am and closes at 6pm each day.
Hi Tippers
There are only 14 days before the 2020 AFL season begins. As usual we will be running our Orana Footy Tipping Competition.
Traditionally, we have had really great cash prizes at the end of the season as well as weekly winners. This is dependent on how many tippers we have. Please encourage your family and mates to join as well.
As existing ESPN tippers, please follow these steps:
- https://www.footytips.com.au/home
- Update your details
- Join Orana2020
Payment details will follow in the next few weeks. This message is simply to round up our "GANG" of 80 tippers and hopefully more this year. Cost will be $40 as usual.
Would you like to be our guests at Freo's games this season?
Orana's membership consists of seats for two adults and two children. The seats are FANTASTIC - in Block 130, Row 5, Seats 1-4. They are behind the goals with the sun setting behind. You don't have to be a Freo fan to enjoy an outing to Optus Stadium.
We have been running our Dockers Raffle for 17 years. During that time many of our families have been our guests at the Footy. We would love you to buy a ticket or two in our Raffle. Tickets are $25 each and go towards the payment of our School's Membership. It is such good value for money and represents 1/5 of the value if you were to purchase tickets on the day.
Many thanks,
Lyn & Monica
Dear Families,
To ensure we adhere to centre polices we kindly ask your assistance by;
- Providing written authorisation of all persons collecting your child prior to collection.
- Ensuring adults picking up carry ID with them. Educators are required to sight photo identification before releasing a child to a person that is not known to them. This includes a parent or authorised nominee listed on the child's enrolment form.
- Being on time. Families are reminded that OSHC services close at 6pm. If you are unavoidably late and unable to collect your child by 6pm you must telephone the Centre and advise of your expected time of arrival. A late pick up fee will apply of $5 for 5 minutes thereafter.
- Not asking OSHC staff to babysit for you personally. Staff working in our service are required to adhere to a Code of Conduct which means they cannot supervise children in the service in a babysitting capacity.
We appreciate your assistance
From our Social Worker Mrs Warburton
The Week that Was!
P & F
Hi, Hello, this is your new P&F president speaking. I would like to say thank you for having me on board the P&F Exec team. I have always felt astounded at the wonderful and welcoming community that surrounds my children and family at Orana. I feel like I have a role to play in ensuring this community spirit is extended to all of the members of the Orana family, and this year is my chance.
I wish to thank the previous P&F Exec team and all the volunteers for the successful year in 2019 and we look to continue this. I have one request though, I need more parents to come and help out. After all, that’s when a true community spirit is at its best . You can start by going to the P&F meetings, there’s one on this Monday, 9th March 2020 at 7 pm at the school, where we will be discussing the coming events (see list below) and how you can participate this year. I look forward to see you at our first P&F meeting of the year.
Community Events
Mother's Day Friday, 8 May 2020
Movie Night TBA, Jun/Jul/Aug 2020
Father's Day Friday, 4 Sep 2020
Mom's Night Out Term 3/4
Dad's Night Out Term 3/4
School Disco Date TBA - Oct 2020
Parent's Events TBA Nov 2020
Fundraising Events
Entertainment Book Ongoing
Make a Move concert Term 1
Cookie dough Term 3
Wine Fundraiser Term4
End of year event Nov/Dec
Have any other burning ideas and the energy to put into it? We can organise a committee to help you, do share it with us (oranapandf@gmail.com)
So, a bit about me, I have 2 daughters, Olivia (Orana alumnus) and Edith (Year 2B). My wife Veronika was the one that got me to be more involved at the school, and I truly enjoyed experiencing a slice of my children’s school life at Orana, having a peek at classrooms, random chats with other parents and teachers, doing parent reading roster, etc
Kind regards,
Louie Sugiyanto
Calling all ex-students and families of Orana
Orana Reunion, Saturday 28 March. Starting at 1.00pm, show at 2pm, closes at 4pm. There will be music, food trucks, photo booth, planting and lots more fun.
Would love our current parents/carers who were here as students to help us bring as many together as possible for our big day.
From our Parish of Sts John & Paul
Holy Hour 9 March at 7.30pm St. Augustine : "It is our duty to adore the Blessed Sacrament. No one receives the Blessed Sacrament unless he adores it...and not only do we not sin by adoring, we do sin by not adoring. To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement."