An Update from Hough Elementary

January 21, 2025 Newsletter
Principal Update
Ours students are doing an amazing job demonstrating perseverance these past couple of weeks! Whether it is a hard math problem, MAP testing, a long reading passage, or a tough basketball game, our Hawks are showing determination and growth mindset! They are not giving up when circumstances are challenging and are demonstrating a positive can-do attitude! Our Character Strong classroom lessons and announcements will continue to offer insight and inspiration to our students for the rest of this month. I am so proud of our students' efforts, and especially want to commend our 5th grade basketball players and our Spelling Bee participants for their perseverance during these activities.
Character Strong Trophy
Congratulations to Mrs. Goitein's first graders for demonstrating the Character Strong traits during the first week back to school.
Hough Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all of the students who competed in the Hough Spelling Bee on Monday, January 13th! They did a terrific job! It was a tough, one and half hour competition that eventually resulted with our winner, Dorian T. and runner-up, Anika E.! Good luck to Dorian as he competes at the next level!
Athletes of the Month
Congratulations to the December/January Athletes of the Month.They regularly demonstrated the Character Strong traits in P.E. class.
Left to Right in Photo Below
Back Row: Kyal, Hattie & Blake
2nd from Back: Lorelai, Luca, Frances & Will
Center: Claire & Andrew
2nd from Front: Alex & Isla
Front Row: Atticus & Ariana
Incoming Kindergarten Registration
If you have a student who will turn 5 years old by 9/1/25, please plan on joining the Hough Kindergarten Team on Monday, February 3rd from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. This is a parent-only session where we will give an overview of important dates, as well as the kindergarten curriculum. Click here for lots of important information concerning 2025-26 Kindergarten and be sure to complete this quick form so we know you are planning to register your child.
Last Call to Donate Eye Glasses
Our friends at the Lion's Club are asking for assistance collecting any eye glasses that families no longer need. We have a donation box located in the front foyer near the office and we are accepting donations through January 31st.
PTO Update
The PTO Needs You - With so many amazing events coming up at Hough, we need your help! Check out our updated PTO Committee Sign Up to help with this school year’s remaining events. Our little hawks love to know their big hawks are involved with their school
Snowball Dance this Friday, January 24th from 5:30pm-7:30pm - Get ready for a night of fun at our Snowball Dance. This exciting event is for both kids and adults, featuring awesome games with prizes, and amazing music to keep everyone dancing. Don’t miss out on this winter wonderland of fun! Register here: https://e.givesmart.com/events/Ggd/
Fundraiser Community Meeting February 13th at 6:30pm - We need your help to make this year’s fundraiser a huge success! Got an awesome idea or just curious about how you can get involved? Come join us for an informal, fun meeting at Kate Fanselow’s home (350 Westwood Drive) on February 13th from 6:30-7:30 PM! There will be appetizers, etc. and plenty of time to brainstorm, ask questions, and be part of something amazing. Let’s unite, share ideas, and create an unforgettable event together.
The Hough Fundraiser April 5th 5:00-10:00pm at Wild Onion - Join us for an unforgettable evening of fun and philanthropy at our school fundraiser. Enjoy exciting games, bid on unique items at our silent and live auctions and dance the night away. Don’t miss this chance to support our students while making memories that will last a lifetime! Follow us on social media to stay up to date on all our prizes and the highly sought-after Teacher Treasures. Tickets go on sale March 1st! Help us reach our fundraising goal by making a donation at hough25.givesmart.com.
POP-Packs of Plenty - Please sign up for newly added packing dates for the remainder of the year. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Hough Sweatshirt Flash Sale - Does your Hough Hawk need a new sweatshirt with these freezing temps? Order these sweatshirts before January 24th and they will be hand delivered to your student. Tie dye sweatshirts are $40 and rainbow sweatshirts are $35. There is a limited quantity, so order today! Email Katie Stetson at kschlarb@gmail.com to place an order.
Important PTO Dates:
Big Hawk/Little Hawk Save the Date: Friday, April 11th
If you have pictures from last year’s event and are willing to share them for social media and future Hawklines, please send them to houghvpofcommunication@gmail.com.
Fifth Grade Escape Room: Friday, May 16th
Is your fifth grader ready to be locked inside of the school with Principal Schumacher or will he or she figure out how to escape? Save the evening for the annual fifth grade escape room on Friday, May 16, 2025. More details to follow.
Field Day 2025: Thursday, May 22nd
It’s cold outside but spring is coming! First grade through fifth grade will have field day at Citizen’s Park on May 22, 2025 with a rain date of May 23, 2025. Kindergarten will have their field day at Hough on the same day.
Hough Sweatshirt Flash Sale!
Order by January 24th at kschlarb@gmail.com.
Order tickets to this Friday's Snowball Dance.
Dates at a Glance
-Tuesday, January 21st
- School Closed - E-Learning
-Wednesday, 1/22
- Drama Club Audition Workshop (recess) in Room 27 (Schweiger's Classroom)
- 2nd & 3rd Grade STEM 2:40-3:30 PM
- BBALL vs. RR (girls away & boys home)
- PTO-sponsored SNOWBALL DANCE (gym) 5:30-7:30 PM
- Creativity Kick-off (BHS)
- BBALL vs. Countryside (girls away & boys home)
- Winter Chess Club 2:45-3:45 PM
-Thursday, 1/30
- 2nd & 3rd Grade STEM 2:40-3:30 PM
- BBALL vs. SH (girls home & boys away)