Scott Middle School
February 24, 2025
Scott Middle School's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
What Has Been Happening in Mr. Henry's Classroom?
In Mr. Henry's ELA class we are currently working on TDA’s (Text Dependent Analysis) focusing on developing the ability to annotate, enhance our writing skills, and learn key vocabulary words. We will soon be reading The Odyssey, a classic by Homer. This tale follows the journey of Odysseus as he faces numerous challenges while trying to return home after the Trojan War. We will explore concepts such as theme and heroism. The students will be challenged to understand the literature will thinking analytically as we dive in the story.
February's PBIS Focus- Being On Time to Classes
Thank you for your support!
Prison Ball Tournament
Last Wednesday, the students and staff gathered in the gym to have a little fun. Our Physical Education classes have been playing Prison Ball (A version of volleyball) and students from each of the classes played each other and then the staff in an ultimate Prison Ball challenge. We all had fun whether watching or playing. Thank you, Mrs. Gehris, for organizing this successful event!
Honoring Black History Month
We have been learning about famous Black Americans during morning announcements. Two weeks ago students heard about Percy Julian, Mae Jemison, Benjamin Banneker and Ray Charles. On Monday, a trivia question was asked and students were able to answer for a chance at a prize. We were very proud of how many students knew that Mae Jemison was the first African American female astronaut, but Lincoln's name was the one called from the pile. Congratulations, Lincoln!
Last week students learned about Barack Obama, Aretha Franklin, Jackie Robinson and Morgan Freeman. On Friday, a trivia question was asked and students were able to answer for a chance at a prize. So many students knew that Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball, but Stephan's name was pulled from the pile. Congratulations, Stephan!
The last chance for a prize will be this Friday.
Field Trip to CASH to see "Beetlejuice"
Permission slips are coming home today for our middle school students to go see "Beetlejuice" at CASH on Friday, March 14th. The cost of the trip is $5.00 and can be paid via Revtrak. I have included the link below for ease, but Revtrak can also be accessed from the Coatesville School District homepage. Click on Middle School, then Scott, and finally "Beetlejuice." All permission slips and payments are due by Monday, March 10th. All students are invited to attend, but only students with slips and payment will be allowed to go.
Bus Status Application
Wondering if your child’s bus is running late?
Download the new “Bus Status” app for iOS and Android to receive bus notifications straight to your phone.
The Bus Status app displays up-to-date bus information for schools and school districts. The app sends out push notifications for canceled, delayed, or early buses, keeping parents and students updated. Select your bus route as a favorite to receive notifications for special announcements and late bus information. See instructions below to use this new app.
Step 1: Search “Bus Status” on the App Store or Google Play.
Step 2: Download the Bus Status app by Box Clever.
Step 3: Open the app and select Coatesville Area School District from the list.
Step 4: Go to All Buses, and tap the star to add a bus to your list.
Step 5: Click the bell icon at the top right to see general notifications.
Code of Conduct Review
Please Plan to Attend
It is time for the CASD Annual Student Code of Conduct Review! This year will feature an information session hosted by the district. Topics will include current discipline practices, restorative practices implementation, interventions for students and opportunities for questions and answers.
Families, there are two dates and two locations to choose from. You do not have to attend both sessions.
Translations services will be provided.
Light Refreshments will be provided!
Please come to gain understanding of the Student Code of Conduct and the student intervention process. The CASD welcomes your input and your questions. For families who cannot attend, you will have an opportunity to provide your input online using the Feedback button attached below.
Multilingual Learner Family Night – March 6, 2025
Coatesville Youth Lacrosse
Coatesville Boys Soccer
Scott Store Is Now Open through March 7th!
Scott R.O.C.K.S.
Nurse's Corner
Donated gently used or new clothes, especially pants , would be greatly appreciated by the nurse.
1.If your student needs medication in school, please have their doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring the medication to the school nurse.
2. 7th grade students require a Dental Exam. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
3. 6th grade students require a Physical Exam by their Primary Care Physician. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
If you have any questions, please email: keenana@casdschools.org
Upcoming Dates
February 26- Code of Conduct Review (Option 1) 6 to 7:30 at The Brandywine Center, 744 E. Lincoln Highway
February 28- Mental Health Fair/ Be Well Series Session 2 sponsored by the Coatesville Youth Initiative (Students visit 1 period during the day)
March 1- WCU Super Science Expo
March 3- Code of Conduct Review (Option 2) 6 to 7:30 at Administration Building, 3030 CG Zinn Road
March 6- Multilingual Learner Family Night 6- 8 pm at TCHS Brandywine
March 14- Field trip for all students! We have been invited to watch CASH's Musical "Beetlejuice".
March 18- PTO Meeting at new time 5:30 and only via Zoom this month
March 19- Early Dismissal/ PM Professional Development for Staff
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Devyn Hamilton- Guidance Counselor hamiltond@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary shumates@casdschools.org
Attendance Email
Attendance email- scattendance@casdschools.org