October 25, 2024
PTA Halloween Bash 10/25/24
Halloween 10/31/24
Fall Back 11/3/24
Board of Education Meeting 11/4/24 7:00 PM in Library
Parent Teacher Conferences 11/4/24 12:40 PM Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences 11/5/24 12:40 PM Dismissal
NJEA Convention School Closed 11/7/24 & 11/8/24
Board of Education Meeting 11/18/24 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Turkey Dance 11/22/24
October has been a busy month for our preschool students! We have begun our tree study and it has been unbe-leaf-able!! Students have been exploring everything about trees from the trunks, branches, bark, and leaves to the fruit, nuts and even seeds! Trees offer us so many things that are wonderful, diverse, tactile, sensory, and engaging. The nice weather has provided us time to take nature walks outside and explore the trees up close. We loved collecting leaves, twigs, conkers, and acorns for crafts and activities. Our investigations will provide us with opportunities to discover characteristics of trees, who lives in trees, what food comes from trees, and who takes care of trees!
Mrs. Bradley
This week, students in 3rd grade brought an exciting twist to their math lessons with Pumpkin Math! As part of their hands-on learning, students used pumpkins to explore a variety of mathematical concepts, including measurement, estimation, and graphing.
Every third grader estimated the height, weight, circumference, and seed count for their pumpkin. Then, they measured the actual height, weight, and circumference. The best part was opening up the pumpkins and counting the number of seeds in each pumpkin. The students then graphed their results and compared data, fostering a deeper understanding of math concepts in a fun, real-world context. Pumpkin Math turned out to be a festive and memorable experience for everyone!
Mrs. Robinson
In Reading Workshop, students have been reading our class novel, Shiloh by Phillis Reynolds Naylor. Reading a class novel in fifth grade can be a transformative experience for students, fostering an array of critical reading skills. It cultivates comprehension abilities by encouraging students to understand the plot, characters, and themes within the story. As they delve into the text, they develop inference skills, learning to read between the lines and grasp implicit meanings. Analyzing the novel helps refine their ability to identify literary devices like foreshadowing or symbolism, deepening their understanding of storytelling techniques. Discussing the book in a classroom setting nurtures communication skills, prompting students to articulate their thoughts, support their opinions, and engage in dialogue. Overall, this shared reading experience not only enhances their reading proficiency but also fosters a love for literature and encourages collaborative learning.
Students are also excited to participate in their first Book Talk on Wednesday, October 30th. Year after year, fifth graders have come to love “Book Talk” (formerly known as Coffee Hour) as one of their favorite parts of their ELA experience. We will be learning to value one another as readers and learners, as well as practicing our speaking and listening skills.
Mrs. Hoon
Art News
Our 6 th graders have been working very hard on creating
their original Candy Corn Paintings. Elements of Design
Line, Shape, Color & Form were reinforced while
demonstrating an understanding of CONTRAST, The
Principle of Design.
Stillwater students in grades K-6, participate in a unique
class called Mindfulness. Homeroom classes meet with
Mrs. Piazza on a by-weekly schedule. During this time,
students explore techniques in self-regulation, self-
awareness, social-awareness, mindful breathing, art
activities, yoga, games and much more. Students are
encouraged to practice their mindful breathing techniques
at home. A daily practice can lead to a calmer, more
peaceful lifestyle.
In Makerspace, the 6th grade students have been busy building a playground for their robots! Using only Blockly code, they programmed the robots to play soccer, kickball, and a board game that they created on the Makerspace floor! Once the 6th grade finished the playground, students in grades 3-5 were also invited to code a robot to join in on the technology recess!
Students in grades K-2 are working hard on making "Room on the Broom" for their spooky characters so they can complete a STEAM challenge related to Mrs. Ciccolella's favorite Fall storybook. The kind witch and her friends are always helping each other, but can they all balance and stay on their broom when they get too high in the sky? We'll see if our engineers can help the characters meet the challenge next week!