Bourne Middle School News
Weekly notes from the Principal's office ~ 9/29/23

Notes From the Principal's Office ~ May 31, 2024
As we approach the end of the school year, students are engaged in final projects, celebrations, and end-of-year activities. Meanwhile, our teachers, counseling team, and administrators are busy planning for next year! Below you will find important information about summer reading assignments and course registration for current grade 6 & 7 students.
Our students will be finishing the year with a strong mix of learning and fun! 6th grade Theater students will have their final performances on June 11th, while our 7th grade students will be fishing at the canal on June 5th and 11th. We also have some fun end of year events planned for each grade: 6th graders are looking forward to field day on June 12th, our 7th graders will participate in The Olympics on June 10 and 11, and Grade 8 will enjoy their final Celebration on June 13th.
Finally, we hope to see you at our upcoming Spring Concerts: Band on Tuesday, June 4th and Chorus on Thursday, June 6th. Our student musicians are outstanding, and we know you will enjoy these performances.
Course Selection for 2024-2025
Caregivers can learn more about our course selection and scheduling process by reading the attached letters:
Grade 7 Course Selection & Scheduling
Grade 8 Course Selection & Scheduling
Any caregivers who have questions or concerns about their student's schedule for 2024-2025 should reach out to Principal Borning (cborning@bourneps.org) or Assistant Principal Lundell (dlundell@bourneps.org).
Summer Reading
All BMS Students are expected to read one independent reading book for summer reading. Students have been visiting the library with their classes this week to learn more about the suggested titles and check out a summer reading book if they would like. Reading lists for each grade level are posted below:
Students should complete the STORY ORGANIZER by September 6, 2024. If you have any questions about summer reading, or your student needs help selecting an appropriate book, please don't hestitate to reach out to your student's ELA teacher.
Thank you to our PTA!
HUGE Thanks to our PTA! Over the last month they have worked overtime to provide a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week for our staff, and to support our Curriuclum Night, Ice Cream Social, and Book Fair. We truly appreciate all of the PTA members who help make BMS events successful.
The PTA is also supporting our Grade 8 Celebration on June 13th! Please check out the June PTA Newsletter to learn more about getting involved with the PTA and all of the amazing work our PTA does!
Upcoming Events at BMS
Monday, June 3: Class of 2028 BBQ Bash @ BHS - for grade 8 students attending BHS - 2:30PM
Tuesday, June 4: BMS Band Concert
Wednesday June 5/Wednesday June 11: Grade 7 Fishing at the Canal
Thursday, June 6: BMS Chorus Concert
Friday, June 7: Grade 8 Music Students to Blue Man Group (optional)
Monday, June 10 - Tuesday, June 11: Grade 7 Olympic Games (During School)
Tuesday, June 11: Grade 6 Theater Performances
Wednesday, June 12: Grade 6 Field Day (During School)
Thursday, June 13: Grade 8 Celebration (During School)
Friday, June 14: Last Day of School - Dismissal at 11AM
Grade 8 Students in Washington DC
Grade 8 Students in Washington DC
Grade 8 Students in Washington DC
Grade 8 Students in Washington DC
Grade 8 Students in Washington DC
Grade 8 Students in Washington DC
Grade 8 Students with a visitor from Buttonwood Zoo
Grade 8 Students taking a Canal Walk
Grade 7 Students visiting Waquoit Bay
Grade 7 Students visiting Waquoit Bay
Grade 7 Students visiting Waquoit Bay
Grade 7 Students visiting Waquoit Bay
Our Admin Team and School Counseling Staff are always here to help!
Admin Team & Main Office Staff
- Mrs. Christine Borning, Principal (cborning@bourneps.org)
- Mr. Dave Lundell, Assistant Principal (dlundell@bourneps.org)
- Mrs. Canterbury (tcanterbury@bourneps.org)
- Mrs. LaFlamme (mlaflamme@bourneps.org)
- Mrs. Fretschl (lfretschl@bourneps.org)
- Mrs. Marisa Souto, Nurse (msouto@bourneps.org)
School Counseling Department
- Grade 6 - Mrs. Feehan (mfeehan2@bourneps.org)
- Grade 7 - Mrs. Burwell (cburwell@bourneps.org)
- Grade 8 - Mrs. Conlon (kconlon@bourneps.org)
Please reach out to any of us if we can be of assistance!
Teacher Landing Pages
Looking for more information about a specific class or assignment?
Visit middle.bourneps.org and scroll down to the link for the BMS Landing Page. From there you can access each teacher's landing page.
Teacher Landing Pages have contact information for the teacher, important information for that class, and any assignments that are due. Landing Pages are a good place for students and caregivers to look if they have a question about an assignment.