Bookcliff Middle School
January, 2025
Hello Bookcliff Families,
Happy New Year!
This month's newsletter features two important upcoming events, some good news regarding a BMS staff member, and continued good news about student choices. You'll also find a message from our counselors, and some other important reminders.
In addition, there's a reminder to complete the school district's Family-School Relationship survey. I'd love to get as much feedback as possible from our families so we can continue to take steps to make our school even better.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact me.
Brian Dickes, BMS Principal
970-254-6220 x32104
PIT/SAC Meeting January 15th
Our next Parent Involvement Team/School Accountability Committee meeting will be held January 15th from 3:30-4:15 in the school library. Come find out about school initiatives and ways you can support Bookcliff staff and students!
Parent Teacher Conferences January 29th
Our next parent-teacher conference night is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29th from 3:30-7:30. Stop in when you are able to meet with your child's teachers.
Good Things!
BMS White Iced Award Winner
Congratulations to 8th grade DIA teacher Mr. McLaughlin, who was selected as one of this year's White Iced Award recipients!
Numbers are holding steady-see below
Directly below is copied from the last newsletter. I'm pleased to report that our numbers changed very little in the month of December, with one major exception--Not a single student repeated their poor behavior choices. That's great news. The vast majority of our students are making good choices in the classroom, which benefits all of our learners! I'm extremely proud of our Mustangs.
Students are improving their behavior, leading to more learning for everyone
Our efforts to increase access to learning for our students is paying off. Since October 22, when we implemented our increased classroom behavioral expectations, just over 10% of our students have faced disciplinary action, and only a handful of those students have repeated their poor behavior choices. Our Mustangs are proving that with direct reminders, they can make good choices, which increases the learning for themselves and their classmates. Students and teachers are reporting fewer classroom disruptions and more learning time in their classes.
Family-School Relationship Survey
Dear Bookcliff Families,
We value your feedback. On Monday, January 6, 2025 you received an email from our communications department asking you to participate in a brief survey to tell us about your experience with our school. To ensure we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. The Family-School Relationship Survey was developed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to provide schools with a clear picture of family attitudes about several key topics. We will use the Family-School Relationships Survey to gather feedback to make sure we are effectively partnering with you.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. It will be available until January 17, and you may take the survey online, at home, or at your child’s school.
Thank you so much for your support,
Brian Dickes,
A note from our counselors
Grief Group Starting January 27th
The school counselor in cooperation with a Youth Counselor from Hope West Kids, will co-facilitate a grief group for students at BMS. Any student who has experienced the death of a special person is welcome and encouraged to attend. Each session will include grief education and small group discussion. Activities such as writing, art, and literature will assist participants in coping with issues of grief and loss. Students may pick up a permission slip in the counseling office or the main office. For questions call your student's school counselor.
Mrs. Moore Mrs. Ritterbush
Last Names A-L Last Names M-Z
(970)254-6220 ext. 32121 (970)254-6220 ext. 32122
Important Upcoming Dates
- January 15----PIT/SAC Meeting, 3:30
- January 20---No School
- January 24---Student of the Month Celebration
- January 29----Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:30-7:30
- February 3---Wrestling Starts
- February 17---No School
Colder Weather
School drop off time is 7:40am
Staff supervision and breakfast service begin at 7:40am.