Wild Cat ROAR!
Steuart W. Weller Elementary Weekly Newsletter
A Message from the Principal:
December 22, 2024
Dear Weller Families:
We hope everyone enjoys Winter Break!
School will resume on January 6, 2025.
The PTO After School Activities Program (ASAP) starts the week of January 6!
There is a Special Election taking place on January 7th. Please consider having your children use the bus on Tuesday, January 7.
See you in the New Year!
Respectfully yours,
Julia Burton, Principal
Holiday Fun:
The last school day before the winter break, students were welcomed with music and merry...Oh, and the Elf. Holiday spirit was buzzing throughout the day. The Weller Wild Cats ended the day with more music with a holiday sing along and inflatable guests.
We want to thank Mrs. Shi and Mrs. Neelan for sharing their musically talented children on our pianos for this celebration. Kendrick Wang is a former Weller Wild Cat. Ethan Neelan came from Jefferson, Maryland, to play for the students. A fun time was had by all. Enjoy all the pictures below.
Thanks for the Beautification of Our Campus:
We want to thank our Weller Family, the O'Neill's, that own Sean's Yard Service. They spent their valuable time on Tuesday, December 17 to make our campus look beautiful. The company took this opportunity to educate their daughter's (Charlotte) second grade class on landscaping. If you are in need of their services, don't hesitate to reach out and give back to our small family business in our community!!!
Share your Thoughts about Student Cell Phone Use in School:
At the beginning of this school year, after extensive community, staff and student feedback, LCPS implemented Policy 8655, Student Personal Device Use. This policy covers the student use of personal technology in schools, including cell phones, tablets, earbuds, personal gaming devices, and other technologies during the school day. We are asking for feedback on these changes. We want to know what is working well and what might still be confusing or need further clarification.
We are using ThoughtExchange so everyone can share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to the group.
You may recall that the goal of this policy was to foster a productive academic environment and help ensure that LCPS students participate in their classes undistracted by cell phones. It was our belief that this change would boost student engagement in class, help promote more positive interactions between classmates and help reduce feelings of anxiety to help promote student’s mental health and wellbeing.
This policy did not deny students with a valid accommodation access to their personal devices. Parents/guardians and multi-disciplinary team members supported students who required and requested access to personally owned devices as an accommodation.
Your input is valued and appreciated. Simply use the QR code below or this link to participate in the Policy 8655 ThoughtExchange, which closes December 20. All ThoughtExchanges can be found at www.lcps.org/thoughtexchange. Your participation is anonymous.
Last Opportunity to Sign up for PTO Winter ASAP:
Registration for our Winter ASAP (after school activities) has launched. Registration closes December 31, 2024.
Classes begin January 6, 2025 and end on March 14, 2025.
*Classes will be made up for holidays and elections.
**Classes will NOT be made up for inclement weather/snow cancellations.
Watchdog Parents:
We are officially launching our "Watchdog Parents" program for 2024-2025. What is this wonderful program you ask? This is an opportunity for parents to become role models for our students. You will have the opportunity to work with classes, students, and your children's classroom throughout the day. You pick the full day or half day to commit your time working with the Wild Cats. Click here to find out more.
It is important that you provide admin two (2) weeks notice so that they can plan for your visit. All requests to be a Watchdog Parent will be confirmed by admin via email.
Watchdog Parent Experiences:
Thank you Mrs. Nguyen for volunteering as a "Watchdog Parent".
Stella and Larkin Davidson are excited their father visited Weller as a "Watchdog Parent".
Elijah Salinas enjoys when his mother joins the Wild Cats for a day as a Watchdog Parent.
Thank You Business Partners!
We want to thank the following local businesses for partnering with Steuart Weller throughout the year!
- Costco: 60 New Student Backpacks
- University Painters: Preparing and Sealing the mural
- Nando's: Lunch for the Teachers & Staff
- BKD Bagels: Teacher breakfast
- NOVA Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics: Communication Folders for Students
- Sean's Yard Service LLC: December beautification of school grounds
If you have a partnership proposal, do not hesitate to reach out to the Weller Administration with your idea!