RMS Staff eNews
Season 2: Edition 7-Week of September 14-18
Form here: https://forms.gle/AFy9VKbBeNVcPK288
Leadership Team Meeting
Thursday, September 17th @ 345pm on TEAMS (link to come)
All Staff Meeting
Happy Birthday Septemberificators!
Lisa Rakofsky 9/9
Susan Stern 9/16
Lauren Akolkar 9/18
Arien Hardin 9/25
Nelson Hooks 9/25
Birthday girl...Lisa Rakofsky!
Yearbook Sales...Please post in your google classrooms!
Hey Renner,
This week started our first yearbook sale of the year. If you send out a parent email/newsletter, please consider adding the following to help our sale be successful:
The 2021 yearbook is now on sale! If you order by Friday 9-18, you will not only receive the 2021 book for the lowest price of the year, but you can get 4 free cover icons as well when you add personalization! The free cover icon offer ends on Friday 9-18.
NOTE: You do have to purchase personalization in order to receive the 4 free icons.
You can purchase the 2021 book online at jostensyearbooks.com or by clicking on the below link: http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A08506750
Top Words in 2020 to NOT SAY around Jingles...don't say that you weren't warned.
This week's new additions:
**New Normal
**Agnostic Document
(more to come as the list grows)
2020 DBIC Selections - Middle School Teacher Position
To all Middle school teachers,
Below you will find the link that will take you to the 2020-2021 District-Based Improvement Committee Ballot. Please take a moment to open the link and follow the instructions to vote in the appropriate category.
· Each PISD employee may vote only ONCE and only in the category representative of their position.
· Faculty representatives shall be elected by their representative grouping (elementary, middle, or high/senior high) from a slate of volunteers who have applied for the position on the committee.
Nominee bios can be found at the Assessment, Research, and Program Evaluation DBIC webpage located here.
Access to ballots will remain open through September 18th at 5:00 PM. Thank you for participating in this important process.
*ACTION REQUIRED: All Staff Must Do by 9/18*
Employee Handbook Receipt and Compensation Notice
There are two documents for all employees to view and accept through the TEAMS Employee Service Center at esc.pisd.edu: The 2020-2021 Compensation, Supplemental Duties and/or Stipend Acknowledgment and the 2020-2021 Employee Handbook Receipt.
You must view and then accept each document.
***The deadline for electronic acceptance is Friday, September 18, 2020.***
Step by step instructions can be found here. Please contact the Help Desk (ext. 28767 or TSOS@pisd.edu) if you need assistance with your login ID and password, or with any part of the acceptance process.
Last Minute Prep
So...what had happened was...
But, seriously, don't they/we look good doing it? Impressive right. Kelley's pose, Jill's smile, Cravens' mandals...(I cropped out the mandals)
The, real REAL Day 1!
Torrential rain...just in time for dismissal!
Celebrating the survival of Day 1!
Are you a technology expert who is willing to help out fellow teachers?
We are putting together a list of our campus experts on various technologies.
If you are super confident in a technology and willing to help a staff member in using it, please complete this 2 question, 20 second form.
Form here: https://forms.gle/9AZqfpJPZWP3SVXJA
How about throwing in a nest of bees into Day 2?
Quick Admin Reminders: MUST READ!
Please do not plan to have any big assignments due or any assessments on the following dates:
Friday, September 18th (Rosh Hashanah is Saturday, September 19th, but the district allows the day prior for traveling)
Monday, September 28th (Yom Kippur)
New Students
When you receive a new student or transfer student to your classroom, please add that student to your Google classroom as soon as possible.
Cell Phones
Cell phones can be used to sign out/in using the QR code in your room. Remind students to leave their cell phones in the class. They are not to be used in the hallways or bathroom. We will also be reminding students of the cell phone policy.
Picture Day
Pictures will run through Science classes this year. Order forms will be in your boxes next week. Please give out the order forms during your advisory period.
MTSS Video
We will be going through to ensure that all MTSS Videos have been watched. You will receive an email if you have not completed the training and submitted the accompanying google form.
UIL eligibility and progress reports will be collected on September 21st. As you plan your lessons and grades, you should have a minimum of 1 or 2 major grades and 5 daily grades in your gradebook by this point. On September 21st we ask that you not make any changes on grades until the following day. All grades need to be updated before 8:00 am on September 21st. This will help us with our eligibility report for UIL.
Picture Day
Monday, September 21st: Remote Students Only (remote staff can take pics this day)
Wednesday, September 23rd: Face-to-Face Students Only
Renner All Emails
Please be mindful of your Renner All emails. We completely understand that they need to be sent occasionally, but please do your best to limit them.
Library Reminders: Books
I’ve had a number of teachers ask me whether students are allowed to come to the library to get a library book.
The short answer—Yes, but not until the end of next week.
I need time to go to the ELA classes and explain how the process works in our current environment to ensure safety. I’ll send an email out next week once I’ve spoken to all the F2F students to let you know when the library is open for individual students to come down for a book. At that time the library will also be added as an option for hall passes.
Until then, students can request a book through a Google form and I’ll deliver it to their ELA class.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day,
Katie Aycock
Sunshine Committee Updates:
New Donors!
Match the Pet to the Owner Board: Paula has volunteered to update the big bulletin board outside of the lounge. Please send her your pet pictures. No people! We want to play the game where we match the pet to its person. Email your pics to: paula.sandoval@pisd.edu
(Please contact Sharon.wilder@pisd.edu if you have donated and your name is not on this list!)
Positive Phone Calls
Form here: https://forms.gle/Bk5yUCvXj7iVSrmi9
**Please make sure to include the student's entire first and last name(s) when filling out the form. Be detailed in your reason for recognition as Ms. Cindy will read it verbatim to the parents.
Self Care is Essential.
Please Join the Renner PTA!
**37 more staff members to go!**
We only have 37 more staff members needed to meet our goal of 100% PTA membership!
Dear Renner Teachers and Staff,
Thank you ALL for your hard work in getting this 2020-2021 school year off to a great start! We are excited for another amazing year at Renner, albeit a challenging one! Please know that we are here to support you in any way that we can!
We hope you will join us this year and help us achieve recognition again as a Texas PTA Golden Apple campus with 100% faculty and staff participation in our PTA. As a faculty/staff member, your PTA dues are only $6.00. Membership dues directly fund teacher grants/wish list items and appreciation projects, teacher treats, parent and student programs, website and enews communications, and much more!
Below is a direct link to the faculty membership form where you can join PTA:
If you are a Texas PTA Life Member, please contact me at membership@rennerpta.org to receive your promotional/discount code for this school year. Please include in your email the name of the school and year that you were awarded Life Member.
Thank you for your support of Renner PTA! We look forward to working with you to help our students, school, teachers, and staff achieve their very best this year! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance!
Why Join?
-Support the Renner Community
-Our PTA is the best
-Teacher Treats (every 9 weeks)
-Teacher Grants/Wish List
-Huge Teacher appreciation Week in May
-and much more!
Best regards,
Kara Grimes
4th VP - Membership, Renner PTA
Tracey Huston/Katie Aycock
Thank you for making, laminating, cutting, and/or delivering a million QR codes and posters for the entire school!
Sara Andrade, Dionne Hudson, Martha Gonzalez, Nelson Hooks, Chris Koons, Julia Hayter, Daniel Anaya, Ann Kizer
Thank you covering classes this week. I know it was super last minute and the "one more thing" to do. Thank you!
Julia Hayter
Thank you for helping out a fellow teacher with WeVideo. You are the best!
Sara Andrade
Thank you for helping out with our long-term substitutes and helping them get set up!
Sophia Cantu
Sophia's enthusiasm & positive energy is contagious to our SPED team.
Tyler McClain
You've handled a seemingly impossible situation with such positivity and grace. Keep it up!
Marlen Quiroa
She has had to help out in so many ways that I can't even explain them all. Thank you for all of your hard work, Marlen. You are greatly appreciated.
Jonathan Loveday
Loveday went above and beyond to set up my room for learning at home! I really appreciate all his help. Thank you!
Michelle Conway
Michelle always takes time to help me when I’m having all things google issues. And I’m ALWAYS having issues. She is an AMAZING teammate/hall-mate and I’m
BLESSED to call her my friend.
Chrysanthie Yianitsas
Chrysanthie is a selfless friend who is always there when I need her!
Jill Engelking
Thank you for your supportive leadership.
Marshall Morris
Marshall is an awesome hall-mate, technology guru and friend. The Red Hall wouldn’t be as crazy without him.
Michelle Conway
Michelle is a treasure trove of tech information. She patiently has answered all of my questions and is always willing to help!
PJ Jefferson
She is such a go-getter. Thank you for all that you do to support our kids!
Lisa Whitman
Lisa has worked so hard on putting together 7th grade online history lessons for our students. SHe always has the kids in mind when transitioning our curriculum to online learning!
Mr. Roldan
Thank you for helping us clear the stage of all that leftover furniture. It was definitely a workout, but you made it look so easy!
Winners from the August random drawing are: ****Cindy Clay & Athulya Bright!****
**At the end of each month, I will draw TWO names from the shout-out list who will receive an item from their Staff Favorites list.***
**To give a staff shout-out or two, please complete the form. It doesn't take long and it goes a long way to support one another. Link here: https://forms.gle/s5S2SzGgBQ6y7hea6*
Final Thoughts.
Hi! I am the campus REP for ATPE.
ATPE stands for: Association of Texas Professional Educators
Do you buy a house or rent an apartment without insurance? Do you drive your car without insurance? Being a part of any teacher organization gives you the protection you need in any unprecedented situation. ATPE provides you liability insurance by simply the cost of a takeout meal once a month. There are several options to sign up. You can pay online for a discounted rate, you can use payroll and have 12 deductions, or you can pay in full by check. All pricing can be found on the application or on ATPE website. Our Plano Local ATPE provides monthly social events for our members, opportunities for you to attend different region socials, and will pay for you to attend Summit- the biggest convention for any teacher organization. We know this year looks so different, but we will have creative ways to still make all of these events happen! Please, let me know if you have any questions.
Your Campus Rep,
Sara Andrade, CALT
Academic Specialist
(469) 752-5892
(brochure below)
Staff Favorites List!
Important Information:
Optional Technology Help for Teachers
PL and DLT will be providing additional training sessions and office hours in order to support our teachers. Teachers can sign up to attend Online Tools for Synchronous Learning: Google Meet and Zoom, one of the back-by-popular-demand sessions from Friday’s training. Additionally, the teams will be available to answer questions related to Zoom, Meets, and google Classroom during office hours. To see the full schedule and registration links, click here.
August 7 PL Sessions - Recordings Available
Thank you for your participation and engagement on Friday, August 7 District Day. Several of the sessions from this day were recorded and are now available for viewing. Teachers may access the recordings of these sessions in this folder. If prompted, please sign into Google Drive using your PISD login information.
Core Store
Launched in 2016, the CORE Store has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in supplies and classroom materials to teachers throughout Plano ISD. The CORE Store allows teachers to shop for additional school supplies for their students at no cost. The Foundation was proud to adjust our services during the COVID-19 closures and deliver school supplies to over 900+ families during the Spring Semester. We continued to provide supplies directly to families by partnering on the district’s Back to School Fairs. Our next phase will include teacher shopping days in the CORE Store. We will limit shoppers to 6 teachers at a time and we ask that shoppers do not arrive early. Please plan to view the shopping list in advance and plan ahead since shoppers will only be allowed 20 minutes. More information on how to utilize the CORE Store can be found at https://www.pisd.edu/corestore.
Fall Shopping Days:
- September 16 & 18 2:00-6:00pm for 20 minute increments
- September 19 9:00am-2:00pm for 20 minute increments
Employee Crisis Fund
The mission of the Employee Crisis Fund is to provide a source of financial assistance to Plano ISD employees who are facing an emergency situation and are unable to handle immediate short-term financial obligations associated with the crisis. If you find yourself in this situation, please visit our website to learn how you can submit a request for assistance. At Plano ISD, we are dedicated to caring for our PISD family.
Step by Step Instructions: Making Parent Email Groups for Outlook
Copyright Info
I was looking up a copyright situation for a teacher just a minute ago and came across this great link from the Library of Congress about what remote learning teachers can post online and how it applies to copyright: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2020/03/teaching-from-a-distance-and-copyright-considerations/
Good Info:
- Direct Deposit: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/directdeposit
- W-4: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/W4_2020-standalone
- Payroll Questions: If an employee has a payroll related question, please have them send an email to payroll@pisd.edu.