Leopard Lines
Begich Middle School Newsletter
In this January 2025 edition:
- From the Principal - Title 1 Community Needs Survey
- Sign-Up for Quarter 3 Sports
- Native Youth Olympics Sign-Up
- Quarter 2 Grade Recognition
- Cell Phone Policy Update
- PE Department News
- Message from Indigenous Education
- ASD Student Advisory Board - Begich
- Access Testing Notification
From the Prinicpal - Title 1 Community Needs Survey
Happy New Year Snow Leopard Families!
With the new year we are looking for input on how we can continue to improve as a school. We invite you to take a few minutes to complete our Title 1 needs survey. Your responses are anonymous and will be used to guide decision-making and improve our school community. We truly appreciate your time and effort in sharing your thoughts with us. The survey is only 5 questions and shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete. - Title 1 Community Needs Survey Link
Matthew Witthoeft
Sign-Up for Quarter 3 Sports Now!
Quarter 3 sports include: girls basketball, wrestling, and cross-country skiing. Both girls and boys may participate in wrestling and cross-country skiing. Practice for wrestling and girls basketball begins on January 7th and practice for cross-country skiing begins on January 9th, 2025.
To sign-up, students will need to turn in: middle school activities registration form and $110 fee which can be paid at Begich or on Parent Connect. Fee waivers are available.
Students must have a current (within the last 18 months) physical on file. Please contact Ms. Heiken at 742-0507 if you are unsure about the status of your physical or paperwork. Make an appointment to get a physical as soon as possible. If you do not have a doctor's office in the community, the school clinic may be able to help. Parent permission is required, but can be given during ASD online registration. The clinic bills insurance, if you have it, and can adjust your bill based on family size and income. More information is available here. Appointment requests at the school clinic can be made by clicking here.
Native Youth Olympics Sign-Up
Begich Middle School Native Youth Olympics (NYO) practice will start on Monday, January 13.
Permission forms are available at Mr. Jerue’s or Ms. Holman’s (7th grade school counselor) offices.
NYO is for ALL students in 6th, 7th & 8th grade!
Students may have a chance to compete in an event at the end of the season if they come in first or second place: Scissor Broad Jump ○ Alaskan High Kick ○ Eskimo Stick Pull ○ One-Foot High Kick ○ Two-Foot High Kick ○ Seal Hop ○ Wrist Carry ○ Kneel Jump
Practices are on Monday and Tuesdays from 4:15-5:30 in January and February.
Quarter 2 Grade Recognition
Congratulations to the following students who earned a 4.0 for quarter 2! These students will be recognized at our 4.0 breakfast on February 21st. Great job Snow Leopards!
6th Grade:
Mazehia Amaya
Karson Andrew
Lillian Beals
Karina Chang
Seng Sai Chang
Kini Ene
Shawn Fo'ilefutu
Mahealanialoha Gionson
Chloe Grunst
Averie Hannafious
Benny Her
Thomas Her
James Hill
Laniya Holmes
Jaden Kiehl Islan
Bailey Ivanoff
Adrianna Jordan
Angelina Khang
Emma Lee
Sandy Lee
Jacob Malone
Crista Meekins-Ortiz
Jamil Nguyen
Kaitlyn O'Toole
Presley Parks
Paige Popely
Getsemani Reyna Hernandez
Grant Schaffan
Isabel Siaumau
Cale Stamm
Benjamin Stevens
Jeanette Sund
Louis Taylor
Amy Vang
Avery Vang
Annabella Welch
Casen Witt
Richard Xiong
Ryan Xiong
Andrew Yang
7th Grade:
Jay-J Alejo
Xian Andrea Arevalo
Theia Zafina Bautista
Daniel Blanford
Parker Bowlin
Keefe Kaizer Ceballos
Arika Chang
Alayna Davis
Gavin Dunham
Tory Fike
Reilly Fitch
Leanezariah Fonoti
Roselynn Galles
Moanilehua Gionson
Butch Hunter
Lawrence Keobouala
Alex Miller
Madison Pearson
Evan Seng
Justice Shinn
Jayla Stevens
Henry Strickland
Kaillou Thao
Angel Vue
Cameron Young
8th Grade:
Caeleigh Davis
James Drake
Zheiany Vreil Fieldad
XzavierTisega Fogamomi
Jasmine Frey
James Gay
Genevieve Gendron
Thaddeus Greenwood
Caden Grunst
Charlotte Hemming
Analina Henderson
Tyler Howell
Mindy Huynh
Jeremiah Johnson
Amoon Lee
Jason Lee
Emily Mott
Kaleinani Naka'ahiki
Achilles Nunez
David Ofiu
Delia Rima
Minah Vang
Delilah Vue
Alexander Xiong
Liana Xiong
Cell Phone Policy Update
All student’s confiscation counts will reset for second semester. This means everybody will start 2025 with a clean slate. Please encourage your student to keep their phone off and away in their locker for the duration of the school day. Most of our students did a great job with this during first semester. Thank you for being responsible Snow Leopards!
PE Department News
We want all of our students to succeed!
Here are a few tips for thriving in PE:
-be in your assigned spot for attendance on time and ready to go
-wear proper shoes
-give your best effort in warm-ups and activities
-complete make-up work when absent
-have a positive attitude and be a team player
Thank you for your support towards our goal of having every student exercise for at least 60 minutes every day!
Message from Indigenous Education
Welcome back from Christmas break!
Indigenous Ed is having a Fashion Show. See the flyer attached. This will be a FUN one!
CITC has a Before School Program for Middle school students only. See the flyer attached.
Goooooooo Snow Leopards!
Mr. Jerue - Student Support Specialist at Begich Middle School
ASD Student Advisory Board - Begich
Our Student Advisory board has been busy representing Begich at the district wide meetings. Our 8th grade representative moved away and was replaced by 8th grader Ichiro Justo. Keep up the good work SAB representatives!
Quarter 3 Dance
On February 27th, during period 7, Begich will hold an all grades dance. To be eligible to attend the dance (or go to the library at this time) students may not:
Have more than 20 tardies in quarter 3
Have a truancy in quarter 3
Have more than one phone confiscation in quarter 3
Tardies are counted while students are traveling between classes at Begich and do not include first arrival at school. Students really enjoyed our first two dances, so we hope to see your student on the dance floor at the end of the quarter!
Access Testing Notification
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Beginning February 1st our school will be conducting a state required assessment for English Language Learners. This assessment is called ACCESS and provides important feedback about the progress of our English Language Learners in Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing. Students will take the test using our school’s computers. Only students who are currently identified as members of the English Language Learners (ELL) Program will be assessed. Most of the assessments will be completed during the first two weeks of February but some may continue into March. More information about the ACCESS assessment can be found on the Alaska Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s ACCESS page, http://education.alaska.gov/assessments/elp.
If you have any questions about this test, you are encouraged to contact us here at school (907) 742-0501. You may also contact the District’s ELL Department at 742-4452. Information about the English Language Learners Program in the School District can be found on ASD’s website.
As always, with testing, we ask that families plan so that their students are in school and are well rested for testing. Your patience and support for this process is very much appreciated as this assessment does provide useful information that helps our district and school improve programs for English Language Learners.
Matthew Witthoeft
Begich Middle School