EEM Newsletter (12/16 - 12/20)
December 16, 2024 - December 20. 2024
Upcoming Dates
12/16 - Advanced Band Nursing Home Tour
12/17 - School Spelling Bee
12/20 - End of 1st Semester
2nd Quarter Reward Day (AM)
Game Wars (PM)
January 2025 Dates:
- 01/06/25 - Staff Professional Development (no school for students)
- 01/07/25 - 2nd Semester Begins
- 01/14/25 - Report Cards Sent Home
- 01/17/25 - 2nd Quarter/1st Semester "On a Roll" Awards Assembly
- 01/20/25 - No School: MLK Day
- 01/27 - 01/31/25 - The Great Kindness Challenge Week
We need YOUR input. If you haven't already, please complete the following short survey. Thank you for helping us make EEM the best place for your child.
12 Days of Christmas
Students may participate in holiday dress-up days. Dress code still applies. EX: Please no hats unless it is Holiday Hat day!
Shout Outs
Our choir students did a great job performing at the Arkansas Capitol and Park Plaza Mall on Friday, December 13th.
Order a Yearbook
Staff Shoutout
How Do I Check My Child's Grades?
All grades can be accessed on Home Access Center (HAC): HAC Parent Access Codes were sent home last week, which will allow all parents to login to view their child's grades. If you have any questions or do not receive your parent letter, please contact Dr. Williams at Thank you!
Character Word for December
During the month of December, students at EEM will learn all about RESPONSIBILITY.
What is Responsibility?
Responsibility is the willingness and ability to take ownership of our thoughts, words, and actions. We have a responsibility to our school, family, and community to be accountable for our choices and how they impact ourselves and others.
Why focus on Responsibility?
- Responsibility teaches resilience. It is not possible to persevere and achieve our dreams without taking personal responsibility seriously.
- Responsibility empowers us to own our actions. There is great power in being able to make conscious, calculated choices to reach goals and manage those things in our control.
- Responsibility teaches us to manage our time and resources. Responsibly organizing and prioritizing needs is an executive function of the brain that improves with practice.
2024-2025 Student Handbook
Please see the attached link for the 2024-2025 Student Handbook. Please pay close attention to the cell phone policy, dress code policy, and attendance policy. If you have any questions, please contact the front office at (501) 261-6565.
Nurse's Corner
I hope we have a fun and educational last week of school. It’s still cold, flu, and lice season so continue to practice good hygiene, sharing is not always caring, and be on the lookout for itchy heads. Have a wonderful, safe, and relaxing Christmas Break!!
The Reminders:
If your child needs a check-up, immunizations, or is feeling ill our Jacket Health and Wellness Clinic is convenient and quick. For more information click the link Jacket Health or call (870) 484-4411 to set up an appointment..
If students wear glasses they must have their glasses on for the Vision screening or they will not be screened.
It is the holidays, please be mindful when buying candy or snacks for the school that the Sheridan School District is a peanut/tree nut free district. Please do not send or allow your child to bring food items into the school that contain peanuts, peanut products, or tree nuts. This information will be found on the label under ingredients. Due to continual changes in manufacturer packaging and processing, please read the ingredient label to ensure that it does not contain any of the following: peanuts/ nuts, peanut/nut butter, peanut/nut oil, peanut/nut flour, peanut/nut meal, or any of the statements “may contain traces of peanut/nuts.” (M&M’s, Butterfinger).
If your child has a health condition, please inform the school nurse. We want to keep all our students safe and make sure they are receiving proper care while at school.
Please keep your child at home if they have a fever, vomiting, or have diarrhea. Students must be 24 hrs without fever or symptoms in order to return to school. Please also let attendance or the school nurse know. Parents, be on the lookout for head lice and remind students not to share combs/brushes or clothing items.
Thank you and please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Cynthia Terrell, RN (501) 261-6565
Please feel free to contact East End Middle administration for any reason. We are here to partner with you to ensure success for your child. You may call the office at 501-261-6565 or email those listed below.
Dr. Heather Williams, Principal
Mr. Alan Westfall, Asst. Principal
Ms. Jessica Ashcraft, School Counselor