Provider Insider, Fall 2024
October, November, December 2024

Hello Clackamas Child Care Providers!
As the vibrant colors of fall sweep through our surroundings, let’s also celebrate the rich
diversity within our early childhood community. This season reminds us of the beauty in
differences and the strength that comes from coming together.
In the spirit of fall, let's cultivate an environment where every child feels valued, heard, and
included. By embracing diverse perspectives and fostering a supportive environment, we can
create a learning experience that truly reflects the richness of our world.
Wishing everyone a season of growth, understanding, and inclusivity. Together, we can make this
fall the most welcoming one yet!
Sandy Meados, Program Coordinator
Hands on Learning Opportunities Resource Guide
Would you like to include more hands-on learning opportunities or field trips to your curriculum? Take a look at this resource guide that Clackamas CCR&R has put together for our providers! This resource guide is accessible year-round! Click here to find fun in your area!
Focus on the Pyramid Model
Our Purpose
In the first five years of life, experiences and relationships stimulate children’s development, creating millions of connections in their brains. Their brains develop connections faster in the first five years than at any other time in their lives. Our hope is that these newsletters will give you tools to help support your child's social and emotional development and prepare your child to enter preschool and Kindergarten ready to learn!
The Pyramid Model
The Pyramid Model is a framework for supporting the social and emotional development of our children. The goal of the Pyramid Model is to create an environment where every child feels good about coming to school. We do this by designing classrooms that promote a child's interest in learning and by building positive relationships among children, families, and staff.
Why do we use Pyramid Model? Click the links below to learn more.
Pyramid Model Quick Tip
Building Connection With Your Child: Encouragement
Persistence is about helping your child move from “I can’t do it” to “I can’t do it yet — I’m learning!” When young children focus on a task, make a plan, and keep trying even when something is hard, they’re learning important lessons about how to persevere, problem-solve, and tackle challenges for themselves. “All parents want to see their kids succeed, but it’s just as important to teach your children how to fail,” says Jaime M. Howard, Ph.D, Director at the Child Mind Institute. “Failing can be reframed as trying, practicing, and putting in effort” and it is okay. In other words, both failing and succeeding take persistence!
Encouragement is a tool that supports building positive relationships with young children and builds their skills in persisting at a task until they succeed.
How do you give encouragement? Click on the links below for examples you can use at home and school with the kids in your life.
Link to video we included as an example
Link to our newsletter
Inclusive Partners Tip of the Month
Did you know….
That all children are entitled to equal rights in childcare?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law stating that people with disabilities are entitled to equal rights in employment, public services, and access to places of public accommodation. Public accommodations include childcare in homes, centers, after school programs, and everywhere childcare is provided. The ADA clearly states that providers cannot refuse to enroll a child with a disability and that “reasonable accommodation” must be made to serve them. A reasonable accommodation is any adaptation or alteration of strategies to better serve all children.
Since inclusive practices support children regardless of age or ability, imbedding inclusive strategies in your daily routines, your ways of communication, and your curriculum is a win-win! Inclusive Partners (IP) can help you at no cost! IP can provide individual consultations, talk through inclusive practices that work in your childcare setting, free staff trainings, and more. Call us at 971-673-2286 or email DELC.InclusivePartners@ode.oregon.gov
The Pyramid Model is a framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. The Pyramid Model works in conjunction with the program’s curriculum, but is not a curriculum itself.
The Pyramid Model provides guidance for:
- early childhood special education personnel
- early intervention personnel
- early educators
- families
The Pyramid Model builds upon a tiered public health approach to providing universal supports to all children to promote wellness, targeted services to those who need more support, and intensive services to those who need them.
Over 5 Saturday in this cohort participants will have an opportunity to learn all levels of support for children for immediate implementation in your early childhood program. Participants must attend all classes to receive ORO credit. Classes will be held:
10/19/24 8am-430pm
10/26/24 8am-430pm
11/2/24 8am-430pm
11/16/24 8am-430pm
11/23/24 8am-11:30am
ORO Set 1, FSC 2 hrs, HGD 11 hrs, LEC 3 hrs, SN 2, UGB 11.5 hours
Cost: $150 (scholarships will apply)
New Cohorts
Teaching Empathy, Kindness, Open-Mindedness & Compassion Cohort
Teaching Empathy, Kindness, Open-Mindedness & Compassion Cohort
Dates: Oct. 22, 23, 29 & 30, 6pm-9pm
Cost: $60 (Betty Gray and OFCC scholarships will apply)
Location: Online
ORO info: DIV 12 hours, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Trainer: Kelley Lawson
Join us for this 4 class deep dive into be intentional about teaching empathy and kindness in the early childhood environment. Participants must register for all 4 classes to participate. Classes are listed below:
10/22 Learning to Spot our Blind Spots: Understanding Implicit Bias and Working to Eliminate It In Our Teaching Practices (84064)
10/23 Privilege & Me: Examining Social Identity, Unearned Advantage & How We Can Work to Make Things Fair for Everyone (84065)
10/29 Interrupt & Educate: Activities for Early Childhood Professionals to Impede Systems of Oppression (84066)
10/30 Intentionally Teaching Empathy, Kindness, Open-Mindedness & Compassion in the EC Classroom: Demystifying DEI and Prioritizing Social Justice in Your Program (84067)
Neurodiversity/Autism Cohort
Dates: 11/12, 11/13, 11/19 & 11/20 6-9pm
ORO info: LEC 3 hrs & SN 9 hrs, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $60
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Join us for these 4 classes to learn more about autism, neurodiversity and understanding what adaptations we can make to make our learning environments places where all children are welcome and thrive!
11/12 Terminology: Neurodiversity, Neurodivergence, Neurotypical (83920)
11/13 STEM Learning in the Neurodivergent Young Child (83921)
11/19 & 11/20 Ensuring All Children Succeed Differentiating Instruction (83922)
Getting Started: Becoming a Provider
There are two paths to becoming a child care provider: becoming a Licensed Child Care Provider or become a Listed Child Care Provider with DHS. Read below to learn the benefits of each type of provider and what trainings each type of provider needs to complete.
Become a Licensed Child Care Provider
As a licensed Family Licensed Child Care Provider, you can care for up to 10 children at one time. To become a licensed provider through Office of Child Care (OCC), you will need to attend a free, two part Introduction to Registered Family Child Care. Part 1 can be found online at Educadium. See dates below for Part 2. You will also need to complete the required Health and Safety Schedule listed below before applying (we offer two kinds of CPR, but you only need to take one).
Upcoming Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part 2 sessions:
- Oct.10, 9am-12pm, online (83912)
- Nov. 14, 9am-12pm, online (83913)
- Dec. 12, 9am-12pm online (84473)
Pre-registration required. Call us at Child Care Resource & Referral of Clackamas County at 503-675-4100 to register.
Become a Listed Child Care Provider with ERDC/ODHS
As a Regulated Subsidy DHS Listed Provider, you can care for up to 3 children at one time. Being “listed” throughEmployment Related Day Care (ERDC) Department of Human Services (DHS) means that you are approved to receive subsidy payment for child care of approved families. To become listed through DHS, you will need to attend a free, two part ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation. Part 1 can be found online at Educadium. See dates below for Part 2. Providers must be active and have received a letter telling them they need to take the ERDC/ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation, which we offer once per month. https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ASSISTANCE/CHILD-CARE/Pages/Provider-Listing.aspx
Upcoming sessions of ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation Part 2:
- Oct. 17, 9am-11am, online (83914)
- Nov. 21, 9am-11am, online (83915)
Pre-registration required. Call us at Child Care Resource & Referral of Clackamas County at 503-675-4100 to register.
Health and Safety Schedule
Four trainings need to be taken before turning in Child Care Listing Form to ODHS.
- Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety: available on demand, free
- Foundations for Learning: available on demand, free
- Safe Sleep Packet: available on demand, free
- Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect: available on demand, free
- Food Handler Packet: available on demand, free. The Food Handler test can be taken online.
- CPR and First Aid Certification* Adult, Infant, and Child, $65. Upcoming classes:
- In-person CPR and First Aid Certification*
- Blended CPR and First Aid Certification* (First Aid online, CPR in person)
*The CPR and First Aid class is required for child care licensing and must be renewed every two years. Licensed family child care providers (only the person named on the license) renewing their license can take this training at no cost by emailing ccrr@clackesd.org or calling 503-675-4100 to register. If you registered before contacting us and paid, no refund will be issued. All others must register online at pdnetworks.soesd.12.or.us . Provider applying to be license exempt take the Health & Safety set before the CCR&R training.
Upcoming Trainings
Click the links to learn more and register!
A key to the Oregon Registry Training codes is available below the list of upcoming trainings.
Please read our registration and training policies and distance learning policies and procedures before registering.
October 2024
Date: Oct. 1 & 2, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN 3 hrs & UGB 3 hrs, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainers: Darcy Lasley & Alicia Balfrey
Date: Oct. 1, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC -SN Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Roxana Hoyle
Date: Oct. 1, 6pm-9pm
CKC - DIV, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Creating Positive Connections Purposeful Preschool Classroom Engagement (STATE) (83926)
Date: Oct. 2, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Erica Hinshaw
Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior (83928)
Date: Oct. 3, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tracy Branscomb
Date: Oct. 7, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Understanding and Guiding Behavior in Children Affected by Trauma (83929)
Date: Oct. 7 & 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: Anneliese Sheahan (NEW TRAINER!)
Applying Principles of Respect (82566)
Date: Oct. 8, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe: Staffing, Interviewing & Recruiting (STATE) (83930)
Date: Oct. 8, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rhonda Schock
Social Stories: The New Social Story Book (STATE) (83932)
Date: Oct. 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Date: Oct. 9, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - FCS, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Karla Young
Date: Oct. 10, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - PM, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: FREE
Date: Oct. 10, 6-730pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: Bridget Abshear, Clackamas County
Construyendo STEAM Durante Todo el Día/ Building STEAM Throughout the Day (STATE) (84910)
Date: Oct. 10, 6pm-730pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - LEC, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda M. Perez
The Prepared Environment and Prepared Adult for Children on the Spectrum (STATE) (83935)
Date: Oct. 15, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Amy Williams
Date: Oct. 16, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Connection B4 Correction (84055)
Date: Oct. 17, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 1, ARC: IT, PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Yolanda Gordon New Trainer!
Date: Oct. 17, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - DIV, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Roxana Hoyle
Date: Oct. 21, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - HGD, Set 3, ARC: IT
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alona Halychanska
The Wondering Years: Nurturing Curiosity in Early Childhood (STATE) (FREE) (83939)
Date Oct. 22, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: ELSI/Kim Omoto
Holiday Safety for Child Care: Fall and Winter (84521)
Date: Oct. 24, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - DIV 1.5 HSN 1.5, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Sonia Thomas
November 2024
Date: Nov. 4, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Observar a los niños: mirar y aprender/Observing Children: Looking and Learning (Spanish) (83941)
Date: Nov. 5, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - OA, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Esther Horta
Capacitación en Defensa de la Primera Infancia (STATE) (84911)
Date: Nov. 5, 6pm-8pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - PPLD, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Cunningham
A Deep Dive Into the Importance of Vocabulary in the Preschool Classroom (STATE) (83945)
Date: Nov. 6, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Deborah Laimon
Date: Nov. 7, 6pm-9pm
CKC - DIV, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Karen Ramirez
刚刚添加!"Teaching Children to Learn About Weather Like a Meteorologist"教孩子像气象学家一样了解天气
Date: Nov. 9, 930am-1130am
Language: Mandarin
CKC - LEC, Set 1, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Clackamas ESD
Trainer: Peng Su
Exploring Professional Development Options and Resources (83931)
Date: Nov. 12, 6pm-8:30pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Candi Stark
Early Childhood Advocacy Training: Connecting Your Story to Early Education Policy (STATE) (84926)
Date: Nov. 12, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Cunningham
Date: Nov. 13, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Cunningham
Positive Strategies to Support Young Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings (83950)
Date: Nov. 13, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior (83951)
Date: Nov. 14, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tracy Branscomb
Handling Picky Eaters in Child Care (STATE) (83952)
Date: Nov. 14, 6pm-9pm
CKC - HSN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Date: Nov. 18, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alona Halychanska
Date: Nov. 21, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - FCS, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: online
Trainer: Ty Morris
Critically Examining Special Education Services (83954)
Date: Nov. 21, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC 1.5 & SN 1.5, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Shandell Landon
Salud Mental en la Niñez Temprana/ Mental Health in Early Childhood (STATE) (Spanish)
Date: Nov. 25, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - HSN, Set 1, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
December 2024
Self-Care-Stress Management: Self-Care & Stress Management Strategies(STATE) (84927)
Date: Dec. 2, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC: HSN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Date: Dec. 3, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC: DIV 1.5 hr & LEC 1.5 hr, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Cindy Ryan
Creating a Language-Rich Environment (84061)
Date: Dec. 4, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Debby Laimon
Date: Dec. 5, 6pm-730pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - HGD, Set 2, Set 2, ARC: IT
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda M Perez
Date: Dec. 9, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Family Handbooks & Gathering Information from Families (STATE) (83957)
Date: Dec. 10, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Teresa Ashford
Examining Resilience & Stress in Early Childhood (83958)
Date: Dec 10, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Megan Wurst
Date: Dec. 11, 6pm-730pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: Bridget Abshear, Clackamas County (new trainer!)
Nurturing Wonder in Early Childhood (83959)
Date: Dec. 11, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
DATE CHANGE Date: Dec. 12, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - HGD 1.5 hrs & UGB 1.5 hrs, Set 2, ARC: IT/PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Evelyn Salvatierra
Date: Dec. 12, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HGD 1.5 & UGB 1.5, Set 2, ARC: PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Benjamin Smith
Date: Dec. 17, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - OA, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rhonda Schock
Give Me Five 5 Key Practices to Prevent Challenging Behavior (83964)
Date: Dec. 18, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tracy Branscomb
Desarrollar la Autoestima de los Niños a Través de Actividades/Building Children's Self-esteem Through Activities (STATE) (Spanish) (83966)
Date: Dec. 19, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - UGB, Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Karen Ramirez
Oregon Registry Training Key
- DIV – Diversity
- FCS – Families & Community Systems
- HGD – Human Growth & Development
- LEC – Learning Environments & Curriculum
- OA – Observation & Assessment
- SN – Special Needs
- UGB – Understanding & Guiding Behavior
- HSN – Health Safety & Nutrition
- PPLD – Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
- PM – Program Management
- Set One training presents introductory knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide an overview of basic principles, theories, and/or research. Participants are expected to gain basic, introductory knowledge of session topics.
- Set Two training presents intermediate knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to build on previous knowledge by having professionals use what they have already learned and experienced to think in depth and to learn more. Session are developed assuming that participants already have basic knowledge of the subject in order to participate at this intermediate level of complexity.
- Set Three training presents advanced knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide in-depth study of the session topic. Sessions provide opportunities for analysis, comparison, critical examination, evaluation, research, and/or practical study. Set Three participants are expected to already have significant and/or intermediate knowledge of and professional experience in the session topic.