The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: August 26, 2024
Happy 1st Day of School
Dear Raider Nation,
Woo hoo! 1st day in the books. 1 down, 179 to go. It was great to see all of our students together for the first time this year and there were lots of positives to celebrate: the Class of 2025 held a very successful Senior Sunrise before school this morning, all of our buses arrived before 7:50am (let me say that again because we know what a debacle the first day was last year...ALL OF OUR BUSES ARRIVED BEFORE 7:50AM), and you could see that students who are new to Atholton this year were figuring out where their classes were each period (and not falling for the pool on the roof trick).
In case you missed our new student orientation or Back to School Night program, the presentations can be found below. Feel free to contact your child's teachers if you want a copy of any presentations they shared that night. We'll be continuing to provide students updates in Raidertime tomorrow, will practice some emergency drills on Wednesday, and end the week with grade level assemblies on Thursday and Friday. Presentations from these events will be shared in next week's newsletter so you can see what your students are seeing.
I hope you have some good conversation with your student this evening about the first day. I'm heading home right after I finish writing the newsletter to see how my 9th grader's first day went! Looking forward to a great year! Go Raiders!
Nick Novak
Important Information
Morning Drop Off
For many of you, today was your first glimpse of morning drop off. To help ensure that things run as smoothly as possible, please remember the following:
- If you can put your student on the bus, do it. The fewer cars we have in the drop off lane, the faster it goes.
- If you were late arriving to school today, leave earlier. Anticipate that there will be traffic and make adjustments so that your student is in 1st period by 7:50am.
- Please do not create your own drop off lanes or spots. Drop off in the main loop should happen at the end of the fence. Drop off near the junior parking lot should happen at the auditorium entrance.
- Please do not drop student-athletes off near the dumpster area. Student-athletes can take equipment to team rooms through the building by entering the front lobby. Dropping off near the locker room and then leaving campus creates an additional area for back-ups.
Reminder! Complete Your Family File
HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to supply emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child every year. Thanks for making sure we have updated contact info.
Free and Reduced Meals
Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of benefits including free or discounted college tuition, testing and application fees, academic and athletic program fees and many others in addition to free or discounted meals. Families are urged to check their eligibility and complete a FARMs application as soon as possible. Families must submit a new application every school year. Details on the Free and Reduced Meals program, including a link to apply, are available online.
HCPSS Bullying Information
The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Preventing bullying is an important part of this goal. HCPSS Policy 9460 states that bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation are prohibited in HCPSS. Our administration and staff have been trained and made aware of this policy as well as preventative and responsive measures.
We know how important your role is in not only supporting your children, but also reporting possible incidents as you become aware of them. The Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment and Intimidation (BCHI Reporting Form should be used to report all alleged incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation that occur at school or have a connection back to the school setting that create a risk of harm to other students while they are at school, or interfere with the educational environment. An online version is available and can easily and confidentially be used by students, staff, and family members. Hard copies of this form are available in the main office, staff workroom, school counseling office, media center, and health services office. If you believe your child has been bullied, please complete and submit this form as soon as possible and/or assist your child in doing so.
Once the form is submitted, school administrators will ensure the parent/guardian of both the alleged target and alleged offender are aware of the report and will begin an investigation within two school days of receiving the report. Parents/guardians can expect a school administrator to reach out to them during the investigation. Once the investigation is completed, parents/guardians will be provided written notice of the outcome of the investigation within fifteen days of receiving the compaint, excluding extenuating circumstances.
There are times when incidents of peer conflict or code of conduct offenses may occur that may not be bullying, but may need follow up action. If you become aware of something that falls under conflict and/or a code of conduct offense, please notify a school administrator via email or phone call so that they can become aware and follow up as needed.
Lastly, I want to take a moment to specifically lift up cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying using electronic media like computers, cell phones, and game systems. Our digital interconnectedness makes bullying different and more damaging than it’s ever been before. It allows hatred and publicly humiliating gossip or photos to be instantly far-reaching and inescapable as electronic media is everywhere. It can NOT simply be ignored. In October 2013, the State of Maryland enacted Grace’s Law, making misuse of interactive computer services a criminal offense. Its purpose is to prohibit anyone from using electronic media (computers, tablets, phones, etc.) to maliciously engage in conduct that inflicts serious emotional distress on a minor and/or places that minor in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. A person who is found guilty of violating this law is subject to imprisonment and/or fines.
While all of this information will be reviewed with students at school, we are asking you to do the same at home. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring all of our students feel a sense of safety and belonging in their school communities! More information can be found on the HCPSS Stop Bullying website. If you have any questions regarding this policy or its implementation, please contact a school administrator.
Academic Dishonesty
The HCPSS Student Code of Conduct defines Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism as:
Academic Dishonesty can take many forms including plagiarism and/or cheating.
Plagiarism, using the work or ideas of others, may also include the use of Artificial Intelligence writing programs without proper acknowledgment, giving the false impression of original authorship.
Cheating may include forgery, such as faking a signature of a teacher or parent; or copying the work of another person digitally or in person.
Furthermore, supplying work to be copied is the facilitation of cheating. (Policy 8120 Testing: State and Local Responsibilities and Protocols)
*Plagiarism may include but is not limited to the following types of sources: ChatGPT, textbooks, Wikipedia, other online sources, etc…
If a teacher suspects a violation of the student code of conduct:
The teacher will gather appropriate evidence (review of materials/resources, student statements, etc.)
The teacher will explain to the student(s) the nature of the offense and the possible consequence(s) for that offense.
The teacher will complete an Incident Report, assign the appropriate consequence, and contact the parent/guardian.
Consequences for violations may include:
Level 1 consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
Level 2 consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
Completing a comparable assignment
A grade of 0 for the assignment with the ability to re-do the assignment
A grade of 0 for the assignment without the ability to re-do comparable assignment
*When determining a consequence, consideration may be given to the severity of the incident as well as previous academic dishonesty violations.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and check out the full school calendar on our website:
8/27 Fall Sports Parent Meeting
8/28 Emergency Drill Practice for Students
8/29 9th Grade Assembly-Period 1/12th Grade Assembly-Period 3
8/30 10th Grade Assembly-Period 1/11th Grade Assembly-Period 3
9/2 Schools & Offices Closed
9/9 & 9/10 School Pictures for Grades 10 and 11 (and any 9th grader who missed orientation)
Got Any Advice?
Need some tips to share with your student? If you run out of ideas of your own, try some of these: