Parent Pocket - January 17

Galileo Magnet High School
Galileo Magnet High School hosted their "Prospect Student Open House" last week. Potential Galileo scholars and their families were provided the opportunity to tour the campus as well as speak with current students and teachers.
Westwood Middle School
Families were eager to support and cheer on the Westwood Middle School Girl's Basketball Team as they lead their way to a victory over Fieldale Collinsville! Way to go Lady Tigers!
Activ8 STEM Academy
E.A. Gibson Elementary School
E.A. Gibson Elementary School scholars were celebrated as the earned their "Bulldog Boost" this week! Keep up the great work!
Park Avenue Elementary School
Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember
January 17 - GW and Galileo Swim Meet at the YMCA at 5 p.m.; GW Boys Basketball home games vs. Tunstall, starting at 5:30 p.m.
January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 21 - Bonner Girls Basketball home game vs. Carlisle at 5:30 p.m.; GW Boys Basketball home games vs. Mecklenburg starting at 5:30 p.m.
January 22 - Schoolfield Sixth Grade Academy Open house at 4:30 p.m.; Governor's School and AET Open House at 6 p.m.; GW Wrestling home match at 6 p.m.
January 23 - Arnett Hills International Academy Open House at 4 p.m.; Bonner vs. Westwood Boys & Girls Basketball, starting at 5:30 p.m. at Bonner; School Board Meeting starting at 5:30 p.m.
January 24 - GW Girls Basketball home games vs. Bassett starting at 5:30 p.m.
*Check out school websites for school-based events!
School Choice & Open Houses
With our School Choice applications open again, many of our choice schools and programs are offering open houses. The remaining open house dates and times are as follows:
Early College Open house - January 21 at 6 p.m. at DCC**
Schoolfield 6th Grade Academy - January 22 at 4:30 p.m.
Governor's School and AET - January 22 at 6 p.m. at the Institute
Arnett Hills International Academy - January 23 at 4 p.m. at Johnson Elementary
**Rescheduled from January 13.
Interested in applying for any of these schools/programs? Stop by, meet the staff, and learn more about what they have to offer! View more information about our new and returning programs, including our 25-26 School Choice Guide, and the applications on our website here.