Wilder Blast
January 2024
From the Principal
Wilder Family,
Welcome back! We have loved having students back in the building. We are setting goals for the second half of our year and going over building and class expectations to set us up for success. In addition, you will see a parent/guardian survey to complete. We would love to hear from you about how the year is going as we are always looking to learn more and grow with our students. You will also see a snapshot of some attendance and academic data from the first half of our year.
We believe in the power of working together toward a common goal and want you to always know what is going on at Wilder so we can partner with you. With our new standards-based grading system, we are intentional to share where your students are as we progress towards mastery for each grade level. This is a year-long process and we are excited to see how far we have come this year.
As a reminder, AMI days start on our 4th day out of school. Here is a link to the AMI webpage on the SPS website. You can find a virtual copy of your students packet on this page. While your student cannot edit the packet, you can print and and still complete the work if your student is missing their packet.
With students in mind,
Ms. Hangen
Counseling Corner
During school counselor classroom lessons in January students are learning to correct mistakes when someone is hurt. Students will learn that taking responsibility for our actions involves being honest about how our actions influence others. They will also learn how offering sincere apologies and forgiving others moves relationships forward.
Home-to-School Connection Ideas:
- Role-play with your child various conflict scenarios they might encounter. Practice how they might take responsibility and apologize sincerely for their part in the conflict.
- Discuss how and why certain decisions are made within your family and at school to build an understanding that the easy way isn’t always the best.
- Set goals for each family member to increase motivation wherever needed
Middle of Year Data
Below you will see some middle of the year data. First is attendance, we are sitting at about 94% and we would love to see that be at 95%. You can see how we have trended this year with attendance. You can also see a building view of our middle-of-the-year Galileo scores. If you would like your student's individual scores, you can visit the Home Access Center or ask your student's teacher.
Calendar at a Glance
10: Talent Show Auditions
14: Talent Show Auditions
20: No School
24: Wilder's Got Talent Show
14: Class Parties
17: No School
24: Spring Pictures
16: Author Izzy B. Visit
Read to Succeed
January: Literacy at home toolkit
Your student's attendance matters. Being at school on time consistently is important to your students success at school! Reach out if you need support getting your students to school on time daily.
We had our first surprise attendance day in October where the students had extra recess! There is another one coming in November!
Wilder's Current attendance is 94.26%. Our Goal 95% and above!
Behavior Expectations
We will be completing a PBIS Bootcamp as we come back from break. Ask your students what they learned from their experience and how it will help them be successful as we finish out the school year.
This month we are focusing on Determination!
PTA Information and Updates
Wilder's Got Talent
- Wilder's Got Talent is January 24!
Plan to come out and support fellow student performers and view artwork and writing submissions! It's going to be a blast!
- Speaking of those, WE WANT TO SHARE YOUR STUDENT'S CREATIVITY! We still need artwork and writing submissions!
All Artwork and Writing is DUE WEDNESDAY, JAN 15th!
- Please have your student turn their pieces into their classroom teacher.
- Artwork: Max size 11" x 14; 2D (flat); Any media
- Writing: Short story/Poem/Song/Nonfiction
- All submissions will be displayed during the Wilder's Got Talent show on Friday, Jan 24th!
- Door 6 will be the only door open on this night. That is the main door to the storm shelter.
- Questions? Contact Janelle at jbd42c@gmail.com
Wilder Elementary
Website: www.sps.org/Wilder
Location: 2526 South Hillsboro Avenue, Springfield, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 523-5300