LB Williams
December 2024
November was a great month of celebrating our families at LB Williams. Our successful LBW Carnival held by the PTO at the beginning of November was a huge highlight for all. The event was quite a success, and our students successfully sold over $13,000 in raffle ticket sales. We appreciate all of you that volunteered at the variety of games and in the kitchen to allow the kids to have an enjoyable afternoon. Certainly, we are proud of our entire school and families for making this such an amazing event.
We celebrated our staff in honor of American Education Week Nov. 18th - 22nd. Thank you, PTO and others, for celebrating our outstanding staff. The staff loved Corona Village for a meal and other special treats the entire week. We continue to appreciate & admire the work our staff does each day.
Attendance continues to be important. As a friendly reminder, we are required to inform you of the number of days absent and or tardies. If you do take your child to the doctor, please have a dr. note sent to school. We appreciate your support with having your child at school each day to learn and grow.
May you enjoy your time with family and friends during this holiday season! Only the best to each of you!
Mrs. Roth
New Family or Household Information? Please Update Today!
Do You Have a New Phone Number OR Address?
If you have changed addresses or phone numbers (work, home, or cell) since the beginning of the school year, please contact the school office or send a note with your child to update this information. That also pertains to the emergency contact number and doctor/clinic info.
Each week we are finding phone numbers that are no longer in service. We cannot stress enough the importance of having current information in case there is an emergency with your child or an early release from school.
Upcoming Events
December 2nd - PTO Meeting - 6PM
December 3rd - Parade of Lights @ 7PM
December 7th - Christmas Shopping for kids - 9AM-2PM @ Masonic Hall
December 9th - School Board Meeting - Longfellow @ 5:30PM
December 13th - Klock Werks Christmas Extravaganza 6-8PM @ Klock Works
December 23rd - January 3rd - No School (Christmas Break)
January 6th - School Resumes @ 8:15 AM
Caring Closet
The Caring Closet of Mitchell is a great opportunity for any student in need of basic daily essentials. If you are in need of some supplies, please discuss those needs with any school staff member, OR any school staff member can bring forth a student’s needs. If the school does not currently have the needed items, the school will reach out to The Caring Closet of Mitchell, and our volunteers will do our best to help fulfill the student’s needs. The request of items is completely confidential. There are also Pop-up days listed in the link below.