ROE Kindergarten - Week of Jan. 27
We Are Better Together!
Greetings Kindergarten Families
Greetings Kindergarten Families,
It was a busy week full of learning together. We missed those who have been out ill and hope to see everyone back soon! We kicked off our Chocolate Fundraiser on Thursday, so look for the permission slip in your child's folder. Field Trip information and permission slips were sent home of Friday, so be looking for those documents as well.
Following are some important reminders to keep in mind for this school year:
- School hours are 7:20-3:05. If you are dropping your child off after 7:20, please park in the front parking lot and sign your child in at the front office. If you are arriving after 3:30pm for pickup, please park in the front parking lot and walk to the office with your car tag.
- Attendance Matters: Arriving on time ensures that your child can begin the day smoothly, without missing out on valuable instruction time or important activities. Please help us by ensuring your child arrives at school by 7:25 ready to win the day.
- Transportation changes need to go through the office. Please call 972-617-3523 before 2:00 pm for any transportation changes.
- Contacting your child's teacher: If you call or email your child's teacher, they will respond within 24 hours as our focus during the day is your students.
- Lunch with your student: Parents are welcome to visit during lunches of scholars on any day of the week.
- Birthday treats: Birthday treats will only be served on Fridays. You may drop off treats in the office and they will be delivered to the classroom.
Art Club
School Cash
Pay for field trips and student school fees
School Cash is now open to pay for the field trip. The cost is $6.00 plus a small fee.
World's Best Chocolate Fundraiser
Our Chocolate Fundraiser information was sent home last week. If you would like to participate, please send the signed permission slip to school and we will send home a box of chocolate for you to sell. Thank you in advance for your participation!
What We Are Learning
We will begin our study on 3D shapes; sorting and identifying attributes as well as comparing them to 2D shapes.
Social Studies and Science
Social Studies: We begin our "kindness" study and learn how to be an "upstander"
Science: We will continue our study on our natural resources and how we use them
Suite 360: We will learn how to set "goals"
Dates to Remember
Thursday, January 23 -- Chocolate Fundraiser Kickoff
Tuesday, February 4 -- 100th Day of School
Thursday, February 6 -- Art Club
Tuesday, February 11 -- Spring Picture Day
Friday, February 14 -- No school Students -- Professional Development Day
Monday, February 17 -- President's Day, No school
Thursday, February 27 -- Black History Month Program, 6:30pm
March 3 - 7 -- Read Across America, Book Fair
March 10 - 14 -- Spring Break
Wednesday, March 26 -- Kindergarten Field Trip to the Dallas Zoo
Ideas for Learning at Home
Read, Read, Read
Read with your child every day. Talk about the difference between and "author" and "illustrator" and take a picture walk through the story. Ask questions before, during and after you read. Look for some of our sight words: the, said, we, like.
Math activities
Be a scientist
Talk about our natural resource: Water. "Where does it come from? How do we use it? Is it renewable? How do we use water in our daily lives?"
Order Your Yearbook Today!
See the attached flyer to order your yearbook.