Eagle Lake Lookout
September 13, 2024

Updates from the Office
Thank you! As we close out our second week together at Eagle Lake I once again want to thank you for your role during this week. I am a strong believer that in times of challenge true character shines through. The character of every student, staff, and family member this week shined through brightly and made us all feel incredibly proud to be an Eddie and grateful for our village of people we are surrounded by!
Eddie Spotlight
Each week I will record a short video interview of one of our students at Eagle Lake who has been an awesome Eddie to help spotlight what is happening at school! There is nobody better than our students are sharing what is happening in school. In the video, they will answer two questions: first they will highlight what has been the best part of their week. Secondly, they will share how they have either shown Eddie Pride themselves or witnessed Eddie Pride while at school. Please click the picture below to hear from one of our amazing Eddies!
Dates to Remember
- September 13th- Fundraiser Kick-off
- September 16th- Go for the Gold Reading Incentive Program begins.
- September 17th- Constitution Day
- September 20th- First Popcorn Friday! Email Astein@goeddies.com if you'd like to volunteer.
- September 23rd- Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 PM
- September 27th- Edwardsburg Homecoming!
- September 30th- PTO Fundraiser Packets Due!
- October 2nd- Fall Count Day
Book Nook
Welcome back, everyone! This week students checked out their first library books of the year. Books are due every two weeks, but students may not borrow a new book until the previous book has been returned. If you still have a book from last year, please bring it back to school. We will make sure it gets returned to the proper building.
Next week, our Go for the Gold program begins. Students will borrow an additional book, which they will need to read. After reading the book, they take a quiz in the Reading Renaissance program, which we refer to as RR. Students may only test during school hours, but they are welcome to read books from home. To see if your book has a quiz in RR, you can use the website Accelerated Reader Bookfinder. This site can also be used to search for books in a certain reading level or on a certain topic. While we have access to all of the quizzes, we do not have all of the books listed available in our library.
Happy reading!
Patti Thunell, District Media Specialist
PTO Fall Fundraiser
Celebrate Greatness!
Here at Eagle Lake we are proud of our Eddies and how hard they work to grow and learn each and every day while at school. When we see students making great choices we want to celebrate them and recognize their efforts of doing the right thing! The image below outlines our schoolwide system that we use to celebrate our students and continually encourage them to maximize their potential to be the best they can be!
Biggest Fan
On the topic of celebrating greatness. I know that many of our Eddies are involved in a variety of activities and events outside of school. I would love to support our students at their games, concerts, shows, recitals or whatever it may be that they are performing in. If your student would like for me to attend an event please email me a copy of their schedule and I will do my best to be in attendance. Go Eddies!