Principal Update: 5/17/2024
Spring Time Reminders & Updates from the Principal
Growing Our Community Beyond the Classrooms
Dear St. Clare Community,
A big part of our Catholic Mission is to grow disciples. As followers of Jesus, we connect to one another in a variety of ways. Yes, we do this in the classrooms and through our Parish activities and ministries. But, we ultimately want to expand opportunities and support a family's ability to feel a deep and life-long connection to God and one another.
Therefore, I am looking for your input on some priorities for 2024-2025. Based on the survey responses, here is a list of possible ideas that the school community is curious about. We are looking to build a strong, vibrant, and faith-filled community beyond the classrooms. Please take a moment and vote on which of the priorities below you are curious to see more of in the coming year.
Please vote for your top priorities for 2024-2025: (Pick 1)
We Believe that Catholic Education Makes a Difference
Renaissance STAR 360: The Results are In & THEY ARE AMAZING!
Let's Talk Student Data and Growth:
At the start of the 23-24 school year, the Diocese of Green Bay switched from the NWEA MAPS Assessment platform to the Renaissance STAR 360 testing. St. Clare students took this assessment in the Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. Well, the data is in and I am SO PROUD of all that our teachers and students have accomplished.
If you like to crunch the numbers, like I do, then let me show you the results of the impact of high quality Catholic education. Here are just a few of the amazing highlights, but know that the student specific results will be sent home in the family folders on Tuesday.
According to the State of Wisconsin the standard benchmark in Reading is 39.1% and for Math, it is 46.8%. The St. Clare Disciples are out performing both of these benchmarks IN EVERY GRADE K-8 by massive leaps!
80% of our 1st graders are READING At or Above Grade Level! 93% of our 1st graders are AT or Above Grade Level in MATH!
81% of our 2nd graders are READING At or Above Grade Level!
Over 80-93% of our students IN EVERY GRADE K-8 are AT OR ABOVE their expected performance level in MATH! That's almost 40% more, on average, higher than the state benchmark for Math.
Over 60%-81% of our students in EVERY GRADE K-8 are AT OR ABOVE their expected performance in READING! That's an average of 31.4% higher than the state benchmark for Reading.
These data points are just a a small shoutout that proves the immeasurable dedication, collaboration, and supportive community that exists at St. Clare's. Our teachers have a standards-aligned and vertically supported curriculum that is faith-based, value-centric, and academically engaging for each of our grades. We are honored and proud of the work that we do, the growth of our students, and the impact we have on growing strong, healthy, and intellectual families.
Catholic Education Makes a Difference
Enroll Today & Refer a Friend!
After School Child Care: Spots are Still Available for 2024-2025
Contact the Principal with any questions, concerns, or application submissions:
Principal: Katie Stanczak
Phone: 920-532-4833
Congratulations to our 1st Holy Communion Recipients
Quick Date Reminders:
1. Friday, May 24th = Early Release at 11:30am
2. Monday, May 27th = No School
3. Spring STAR 360 results will be sent home next week, by 5/21.
4. 8th Grade Graduation is Thursday, May 30th at 6pm
5. Last Day of School = Tuesday, June 4th
Scrip Spotlight:
A Family Favorite
And they have the 11% in store rebate going on
Options... Who loves options?
Did You Miss the Art Show? Check out some of the student work below:
Feasting For Funds: Brought in over $3,200 for St. Clare's this year!
MISSION: A family of lifelong learners dedicated to the growth and development of each person, as a disciple, by nurturing Catholic faith, talents, and stewardship.
VISION: To be witnesses of the Gospel in our words, actions, and all that we do.
VALUES: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, & Self-Control
Office Phone: 920-532-4833