Ryan's Weekly Family Update
Have a Fantastic Summer Ryan Rhinos!
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
BVSD Calendar Link
Ryan Elementary School Hours: 24-25 Ryan School Hours
Important Dates for K-5th grade at Ryan Elementary School:
1st through 5th Grade Teacher notification will be on Friday, August 9th, by 4pm. Please note that anything that is viewable now is not final until the notification goes live on August 9th. We are unable to take requests for specific teachers.
August 8th: Welcome to Kindergarten BBQ at Waneka 5:30-7pm
August 12th: Meet the Teacher/Staff 4:00-5:30, School Tour for new families 5:30-6:00
August 14: First day of school for 1st-5th grade students (NOT a Late Start Day)
August 21: First Wednesday Late Start for all students
August 27: BVSD Assessment Day-students attend classes
August 28: Back to School Night 5:00-6:15 PM
August 28: 5th Grade Outdoor Education Parent Meeting 6:20-6:50 PM
September 11th, 12th and 13th: 5th grade students have Outdoor Education at Calwood
Kindergarten Welcome Days
Please let us know your family's preference for the kindergarten welcome days. The welcome days will be a half-day schedule on August 14th, 15th, and 16th. While your placement is not guaranteed, we will do our best to accommodate everyone's first choice.
Option 1:
Half Day AM (7:50-10:45)
Option 2:
Half Day PM (11:50-2:45)
Note: There will be no lunch for kindergartners until full-day begins on August 19th, but please make sure to pack them a snack.
If you haven't already, please explore our Incoming Kindergarten Website!
On our website, you will find:
Digital Welcome Packet
Teacher Bios
Summer Playdate Schedule (Coming Soon!)
A 'Get Ready for Kindergarten Checklist'
Important Links and Google Forms
Action Items: Please fill out our Family Survey and Welcome Days Preference Form to help us plan for the 2024-2025 school year.
Ryan Welcome Days For Preschool Fall 2024
August 15th:
Morning cohort open house 8:00-8:45 or 9:00-9:45
Afternoon cohort open house 1:00-1:45 or 2:00-2:45
Our preschool teacher will contact families with a sign-up sheet to determine which session students and families will attend.
August 16th- Ryan preschool playground playdate 8:00-8:45 am for morning and afternoon classes.
Fall 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, October 16th
Thursday, October 17th
Tuesday, October 22nd
Spring 2025 Parent Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, February 19th
Thursday, February 20th
Tuesday, February 25th
In this Weekly Update you will find the following:
- Upcoming School Dates
- Garden to Table Summer Volunteers Needed
- Instructions for viewing Grades after June 3rd
- Moving out of BVSD?
- BVSD Menu Information
- Volunteer Opportunities & Instructions
- PTA Update
- Summer Counseling Resources from Mrs. Short
- Lafayette Public Library Reading Program information
- FAQs Section from past newsletters information
Important Upcoming Dates:
August 8th Welcome to Kindergarten BBQ at Waneka 5:30-7pm
August 12th Meet the Teacher 4-5:30pm
August 12th Ryan School Tour for New Families 5:30-6pm
August 14th First Day of School 7:50am-2:50pm
August 28th Back to School Night 5-6:15pm
Garden to Table needs Summer Volunteers!
The school garden at Ryan helps children to connect with nature, grow food and learn science and the fun continues over the summer months! Last week, 3rd graders planted seeds and we need our community to help over the summer with harvesting and weeding. Sign up to be a Garden Steward for a designated week over the summer. Enjoy some time outside with the family, the kids can help or play on the playground!
Instructions for Viewing Grades
Report cards for grades 1-5, will be available for Parents to view on Monday, June 3rd.
Report Card Access Directions HERE
Students and families can view student score letters for i-Ready
These can be accessed by guardians and students in the Infinite Campus Parent or Student Portal using these parent/student directions
Not Returning to Ryan or BVSD for 2024-25?
If your child will not be returning to Ryan or BVSD next year please fill out this notification of withdrawal (In Spanish). This process ensures that the necessary paperwork and records can be prepared for your child's transition to their next school.This includes any PK - 5th grade students NOT returning to a BVSD school.
Volunteer Opportunities & Instructions
Please read this information if you are thinking of volunteering at Ryan during the 2024-25 School Year.
Volunteering is a fun, simple way to get involved within the Ryan community. We have all sorts of opportunities to get involved. Whether you volunteer regularly in your teacher’s classroom or bring treats and coffee to teachers for late start or volunteer for the upcoming book fair, the impact can be huge. Not only does it benefit the school but it benefits your kids and families in our community as well! Please take a moment to explore this link: https://www.bvsd.org/parents-students/get-involved/volunteers you may need the Raptor check or CBI Background fingerprint check. These are both good for 12 months.
Volunteers and field trip chaperones should be under line-of-sight supervision by BVSD staff at all times. Line-of-sight can be through a transparent wall or door. For volunteers, partners, or field trip chaperones who will not be under line-of-sight supervision by BVSD staff at all times – CBI fingerprint check required through a third party vendor, paid by the volunteer/partner/school AND volunteer must sign a BVSD volunteer agreement (Spanish).
Please see the Volunteer/Visitor FAQ and the Volunteers/Visitors Flowchart for additional details.
PTA Update
Counselor's Summer Resources
We hope that all Ryan families take some time to relax and recharge this summer. We know that summer is a wonderful time of joy, and can also present different challenges. Please remember that even though schools are closed, there are still many resources available to you. BVSD Elementary Counselors have put together a Summer Resource Guide for you filled with activities, support and mental health resources.
The Lafayette Public Library is kicking off their 2024 Summer Reading Program!
Summer Reading signup begins online and in person starting June 1 (or you may get a head start by picking up a Passport at the Jeff & Paige Festival Plaza concert at 11am on Thursday, May 30. Earn FREE books or a FREE pass to the Great Outdoors Waterpark on August 2, 2024!
BVSD Calendar Links
If you have any questions please be sure to reach out!
Ryan Elementary STEAM School
Website: https://rye.bvsd.org/
Location: 1405 Centaur Village Drive, Lafayette, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-7000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanElemSTEAM