Klatt Weekly News
FINAL Publication of the 23/24 School Year
Klatt Families
It has been our pleasure serving your children this year. It was certainly a year of changes. While many of these changes caught us by surprise and there has been some reluctance in the process, we are certain that your children will find their footing during this transition. Before we know it, this stage in their life will be a happy memory far in the past. Middle School will be their new adventure. Together as educators and parents, we have instilled your children with the independence, confidence and academic fortitude to thrive. We will miss all of them dearly. We hope that your families have a safe and adventurous summer. Urge your children to continue honing their reading and mathematical skills. We will be eager to stay updated on your children's successes and to see other faces again in Fall. Be well Pumas!!
Registration Dates for 24/25 School Year
Pre-School Registration
End of Summer Dimond Estate BBQ & Registration
Volleyball Club
🏘️ Community Opportunities 🏘️
***Please note that these opportunities are NOT facilitated or funded by Klatt or ASD***
Around the World Kids Day Camp
Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts
Alaska Club Camp
Kung Fu
AFWC Wrestling
Summer Tennis Club
Students of the Week
❓Any Questions❓
We will be in the office Until the 28th of May.