St. Jerome School Weekly Reminders
Week of May 22nd, 2023
"O sinner, be not discouraged, but have recourse to Mary in all you necessities. Call her to your assistance, for such is the divine Will that she should help in every kind of necessity."
St. Basil the Great
Reminders for the Week:
*Click here for the St. Jerome Parish Sunday Bulletin; please join us for Sunday Mass each week: 4:30 PM (Saturday Vigil), 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, & 11:00 AM. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is offered on Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM or by appointment
*There is no school on Friday, May 26th, or the following Monday, May 29th, for Memorial Day.
*Hot Lunch orders for June 1st are due this Wednesday.
*As a reminder, please make sure that your child's belongings are labeled; this especially applies to outerwear. With it being colder in the mornings and warmer in the afternoons, the students have been taking off their sweatshirts and misplacing them. Having their names in them help us reunite students with their lost items. We have a Lost and Found shelf in the main office.
*RSVPs are being accepted for our Home and School Association's end of year celebration, A Taste of Philly, on Wednesday, June 7th from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM. Click here for the flyer with more information. The flyer may be returned to school or RSVPs may be submitted electronically here.
*The discounted rate for yearbook orders has ended, but we may still turn in orders to the printer at 25.00 per book through Thursday, May 25th. Orders may be placed here. Yearbooks are scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday, May 31st. While we may have extra books to sell, we are unable to guarantee that you will receive one unless you preorder by May 25th.
*Please join us on Wednesday evening at 5:00 PM for Kiss a Pig at the Abington Arts Center. Please see below for all of the details.
*Summer Cash Raffle Tickets are on sale; more tickets may be requested from the office). Friends and family (especially those that live out of town) can also Venmo @sjsphila and we will fill out the tickets and send them a message on Venmo with their ticket numbers. Please see the graphic below for more information.
*Congratulations to Liam Gallagher for winning our tuition credit raffle for the Race for Education! We had 106 students meet or exceed the goal of $100.00, which allowed us to surpass our goal of $20,000. The video capture of the drawing is posted below. The drawing for the tuition credit for the Summer Cash Raffle will be held on June 9th along with the drawing for the cash prize. We are keeping track of the tickets with sellers' names as they are returned; please remind your friends and family to put your child's name on the tickets or in the Venmo purchase so that your family receives credit.
*We are in need of parent volunteers for the morning of Field Day on Thursday. Please click here to sign up; all volunteers need to have their current clearances on file at the St. Jerome Rectory.
*Students need to wear their gym uniforms on Thursday for Field Day; any St. Jerome shirt may be worn in place of the gym shirt. More information is in the graphic below.
*Virtue of the Month for May: Responsibility
*Click here for information about Catapult Learning's Summer Academic Program. St. Jerome School will be hosting the program; registration and questions are being handled by Catapult. Please click on the link for the flyer with registration and contact information.
*Gym Day Schedule (1st-8th Grade Students Wear Gym Uniforms on Gym Day):
- Monday: 4th, 5th, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8th
- Tuesday: PreK-3, PreK-4, KA, KB, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
*If your child will be absent, please call school and leave a message: 215-624-0637. If your child will need to be dismissed early, please notify your child's teacher.
*Our school website's Communication Page contains copies of the flyers that we send home as well as an archive of the school newsletters.
*Our school website's Calendar Page has a listing of all events on a Google Calendar.
*Remember that Box Tops have gone electronic, but you can still use them to support St. Jerome School; click here for more information.