The Leprechaun Lookout
St. Patrick School Official Newsletter 24-25

September 26, 2024
Our Mission
As a community we educate the whole child in Mind, Body and Spirit through the Augustinian tradition.
Principal's Message
Dear SPS Families,
It’s hard to believe, but we are already halfway through the first quarter. Students and teachers have settled into their daily routines, progress report cards just went home, and its finally starting to feel like fall. The Fall Festival committee is in full swing, and before you know it, Mr. Fleming’s music classroom will be filled with the sound of students preparing for our Christmas program. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! As I mentioned, we have the Fall Festival coming on Oct. 12-13, quickly followed by our Trunk or Treat which is becoming a fan favorite, and our Jog-a-thon in November which has replaced our annual chocolate sale. That’s right, in case you missed it the first time, there will be no chocolate sale this year. As you can tell, there is a lot going on at this time of the year and it will not let up any time soon. I would like to thank all our parent volunteers who step up in so many small and large ways to make sure we can provide the best educational and spiritual experience for our children. Without your help this school simply does not fulfill its mission. It’s going to be a great year!
Fall Festival is almost here! 🍁🌻🎃
Our largest community-building and fundraising event is right around the corner! The Fall Festival committee has been busy planning to make this one of the greatest years ever and they need your help. You can help by donating books for our Read-Cycle room, jewelry for our Lucky Charms room, handmade crafts for our artisan Artisan Market, household items for Granny’s Attic, and most importantly your time and energy. All families are required to volunteer 12 hours over the course of the weekend beginning Friday, October 11 (with set-up) through Monday, October 14 (with clean-up). Please see attached flyers for more details.
- For all FF info: -
- Sign up to volunteer at FF:
- Want to be a FF sponsor:
The Drama Club is Back! 🎭
The “St. Pat’s Players” are back this year under the direction of Mr. Morie Williams, a 20-year veteran of teaching children’s musical theater in San Diego. Mr. Williams’ resume includes experience working with the Walt Disney Company, San Diego Musical Theater, East L.A. Classical Theater, and San Diego Unified School District. More importantly, he brings a passion and enthusiasm to teaching with the goal of providing children spaces to fall in love with theater. His passion has led him to start his own company called T3 Triple Threat ( a non-profit organization that teaches “unity through arts, inspiration, and education.” The afterschool drama club fall session will begin on Tuesday, Oct. 15. This Introduction to Musical Theater eight-week session will meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm and run through November 12. The cost will be $100, billed through FACTS. Permission slips will be available in the front office.
Farewell Fr. Carlos Flores Haylock, O.S.A.
We would like to thank Fr. Carlos for his pastoral leadership these past three years since arriving from Panama City, Panama. He will be leaving at the end of September to serve as the new associate pastor at Our Lady of Good Council Catholic Church in Los Angeles, another Augustinian parish. May God continue to guide and bless you on your vocational journey.
Blessing of the Animals 🐶 🐯
One of our favorite celebrations of the year is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of all God's creatures, when students have an opportunity to bring their pets to school in the morning to be blessed. It will take place on Friday, October 4th at 8:30am in the school parking lot. All well-behaved pets are welcome but must be taken home when the ceremony is finished. This year's blessing will be administered by Deacon Valdivia. Please park on the street and walk or carry your pets through the open gates of the parking lot.
Parent Safety Patrol ✋🛑
We are still looking for a few more volunteers for the Parent Safety Patrol. The goal and purpose of the Safety Patrol is to provide parent supervision of the campus during morning drop-off and after-school pick-up. These are transition areas when school gates are open and we would like to monitor all persons entering or leaving the campus. As you know, our school is located in a neighborhood where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic so adding this extra level of supervision will help increase the safety of our students and staff. We are looking for a few more parents so please let us know if you are interested.
Friday, October 4th - Blessing of the Animals - 8:30am SPS Parking Lot
Wednesday, October 9th - Minimum Day - Noon Dismissal - Daycare Available
Friday, October 11th - Grades - K,1,2 Fieldtrip to Oma's Pumpkin Patch - Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 11th - Grades - 3,4,5,6 Presidential Fitness Test @ Morley Field - Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 11th - Grades 7,8 - Fall Festival Setup - SPS Parking Lot - Noon Dismissal
***Any questions regarding your contract, fees, tuition, payments or billing please email Lisa Laughter at: Thank you!***
I Heard You Want to Volunteer! 😁
Here at SPS are always in need of volunteers and here is an easy way to sign up. Please click on the link for more info!