Tiger Tracks
Oakdale Elementary's Monthly Newsletter | April 2024
Classroom Request Information
It is that time of year when parents begin thinking about making formal classroom requests for the next school year. During April and May, the teachers at each grade level, specialist teachers, and Mr. Jagels will begin building class lists for the next year using the following criteria:
Male/female ratio
Different academic levels of students including those in special education
ELL, Academic Interventions, and the EY program
Matching individual learning styles with teaching styles as best we can
Keeping classroom dynamics in balance (behavior, social, emotional, and personality considerations among students)
As you can see, a great deal of thought and effort goes into making these class lists. Granting every request would undo the long process that has been carefully put together and jeopardize the integrity of that work. In addition, children need to work in and with a variety of circumstances now and in the future, both in terms of personnel and environment.
If you have some unusual circumstances that you feel you must address, please do the following:
Make a formal request in writing to Mr. Jagels addressing your child’s learning style and the type, not the name, of the teacher that would benefit your child (email will suffice).
If there has been a request made in a previous year that still applies, please make sure we are aware of the necessary details for placement in the 2024-2025 school year.
Turn in the request by Friday, April 12, 2024.
Turning in a request does not guarantee that it will be granted.
All teachers work as a professional learning community at Oakdale. In other words, all teachers come together to collaborate about all students in their grade level to discuss the best approaches to meet the needs of all students academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally. Each grade level at Oakdale also incorporates flexible grouping strategies that allow students to work with other teachers in that grade level. We appreciate your understanding of the process, and we look forward to a strong finish to this year and another terrific school year for 2024-2025.
State Testing
Beginning April 8th, Oakdale will be participating in the Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS) state tests. All 3rd through 6th grade students at Oakdale are required to participate in this testing in both reading and math (science for 5th grade as well). Please be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher as to when they are planning to take these assessments. It is difficult to reschedule assessments if students are not present. Please make every effort to not schedule any appointments on these days, ensure students get a good night's rest, and have a healthy breakfast before coming to school. Thank you for your support!
Welcome to April!
Please check out the EY highlights from March!
March High 5 Drawing
Congratulations to Oliver (Mrs. Carruthers Kindergarten) and Baylee (Mrs. Bruning 3rd Grade) for being randomly selected for the March high 5 Drawing. They, and three of their friends, had a picnic with a view outside with our school psychologist, Mrs. Lichtenberg! In addition, they were able to have some special treats during their picnic.
Be on the lookout for the next High 5 Drawing in April! Students can enter a chance to win Yogurt and Yoga with our 1st grade teachers!
Oliver - Mrs. Carruthers Kindergarten
March High 5 Drawing
Baylee - Mrs. Bruning 3rd Grade
Overdue Lunch Accounts
As we enter Spring Break next week, this would be a good time to check your student's lunch account status. Letters, in envelopes, were sent home in student's backpacks yesterday with overdue lunch account statements (if you have one). If you need assistance adding money to your student's lunch account, please reach out to our front office. An easy way to do this is through myschoolbucks.com, where it will automatically pull from an account of your choice. We would never have to bother you again!
Kindergarten Enrollment for 2024-2025
Kindergarten enrollment for District residents for the 2024-25 school year is in progress. Please check our website at westside66.org to start your enrollment online.
Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024. Parents may wait to enroll their child(ren) in kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska law requires that child(ren) who reach the age of six prior to Jan. 1st of the then current school year must be enrolled in school.
For questions about enrollment, please contact the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100 or enrollment@westside66.net.
Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance to kindergarten must turn 5 years old between August 1 and October 15, 2024.
For further information regarding early entrance testing, please contact Early Admissions at 402-390-2142.
Oakdale Year-at-a-Glance Calendar
Linked you will find our year long Oakdale Calendar. This is not an all-inclusive calendar and is subject to change throughout the year. However, it will provide a general outline of events to pencil in on your calendar.
In addition, we encourage you to access our Oakdale Calendar through our Website, the Westside Community Schools App, or to subscribe so that this information shows right up on your own calendar for iPhone, iPad, Mac, or any other Google Calendar subscribable platform.
Calendar Reminders
1-5 NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
8 School Resumes, 8:30 a.m.
9 Smart Gen Society Presentation, 6:30 WHS
11 Don & Millie's Night
11 Science Fair, 6:00
16 Community Club Meeting, 6:30
23 New Kindergarten Open House, 6:00
25 Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Music Program, 7:00 WMS
29 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Teacher Professional Learning Day
30 6th Grade Outdoor Ed
30 District Band & Strings Solo Ensemble, 6:00 WMS
1 6th Grade Outdoor Ed
4 District Big Band Dance, 5:30 WHS
9 Don & Millie's Night
10 Spring Fling, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
15 6th Grade Afternoon of the Accomplished , 1:35 p.m.
23 Triple Be Celebration
24 Last Day of School, 12:00 p.m. dismissal
Emotional Well Being
We know it is important to consider both the physical and social-emotional wellbeing of our students, families, and staff. We continue to be committed to providing regular instruction and support for studying in managing thoughts and feelings.
If your child is experiencing particular difficulties and you would like to explore options for additional support we encourage you to contact our School Counselor, Mrs. Mary McPadden (mcpadden.mary@westside66.net) or our School Psychologist, Mrs. Brittany Lichtenberg (lichtenberg.brittany@westside66.net), who can help in coordinating additional support and resources.
Don & Millie's Night
Don & Millie's Winners!
Congratulations to Analia in Mrs. Pedersen's 1st grade class and London in Mrs. Schmitz's 6th grade class. They each won a free kids meal and cinch sack from Don & Millie's. If you attend our Don & Millie's Family Restaurant night offered each month, your student could be entered into a chance to win this prize! Be sure to stop by the week after Spring Break to see some friends, get some good grub, and enter to win!
Analia - Mrs. Pedersen 1st Grade
London - Mrs. Schmitz 6th Grade
Parents' Night Out
Our students get to see their friends at school EVERY day AND they get recess. Now, it's your turn to have some fun! Parents and guardians are invited gather for a fun night out without the kids. It's a chance to relax and connect with others. Come join us at our Parents' Night Out at the date and time listed below.
- 4th-6th grade - Tuesday, April 23rd, 7:00-9:00 PM
Meet at Public House in Rockbrook Village (11008 Prairie Brook Road). No need to RSVP.
Science Fair
Come experiment with us at the Science Fair on April 11th! There will be many awesome projects on display, so please come and support your fellow Oakdale Tigers! Registration is open now and ends April 5th. Please click the button below for more information and to register for the fair.
Together A Greater Good (TAGG)
How It Works
- Make a purchase at any TAGG business
- Visit TAGG.today to upload your receipt and choose to support Oakdale (Have receipts you forgot to TAGG? Don't worry, you have 30 days to upload them.)
- The business will donate, at no extra cost to you!
Community Club Meeting
Community Club Family Directory
The Oakdale School Community Club offers a FREE online family directory for families to use. Only families who submit information to the Community Club or give permission through the Returning Student Registration Process will be included in the directory. If you have not already logged in to the website, please log in and update your information OR new parents can create a new login.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Westside Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, age, marital/parental status, military/veteran status or any other category protected by law in its programs and activities or in admission or access to, or treatment in, hiring and employment, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following District personnel have been designated to coordinate compliance and can address inquiries about the District’s nondiscrimination policies and procedures:
For questions or concerns by students, parents or others:
- Coordinator of Student Services/Title IX Coordinator – ABC Bldg. 909 So. 76th St. Omaha (402) 390-2100 E-mail: titleixcoordinator@westside66.net
- Director of Special Services/ADA & 504 Coordinator (disability/accommodation) ABC Bldg. 909 So. 76th St. E-mail: ADAcoordinator@westside66.net
For questions by District employees or applicants:
- Ass’t Supt. for Human Resources/Lead Title IX Coordinator - 909 So. 76th St. Omaha, NE (402) 390-2100 E-mail: titleixcoordinatorHR@westside66.net
For further information about anti-discrimination laws or to file a complaint of discrimination you may also contact the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Dept. of Education, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106,
Tele. (816) 268-0550, Fax (816) 268-0599, (TDD) (800) 877-8339, or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.
Welcome To Oakdale - Home of the Tigers!
Oakdale Elementary's mission is to ensure academic excellence and to serve the unique needs of all learners.
Oakdale's Expectations:
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- (Be Kind)
Email: jagels.glen@westside66.net
Website: westside66.org/domain/13
Location: 9801 W Center Rd, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Phone: 402-390-6460
Facebook: facebook.com/OakdaleTigers66
Twitter: @oakdaletigers66