Route 40 Elementary School
Jacqueline Hawkins, Principal
September 27, 2024
“Don’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get.” Michael Phelps
Changes to Transportation
Please remember that if there are ANY changes to your students transportation, you must send a note in with your child or call the school at 301-689-6132, please make sure that you speak to someone, do not leave a message. If the phones are down, the messages don't always come through until later. We ask that you please DO NOT email Mrs. Bolden or your child’s teacher with the change, we may not see the email in time. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Bolden.
If you missed ordering a yearbook last year, we have extras! You can send a note to school with cash or check made to Route 40 Elememntary PTO. The yearbook will be sent home with your child that day. The cost of the yearbook is $20.
We also have a few extra schoolwide panormic photos for sale, $17 each.
Parent Volunteers Needed
Parent volunteers are a vital part of our school routine. We host a regular work session to help prepare supplies on Thursday afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00. If Thursdays don’t align to your schedule, please feel free to call and set up another time to join us. We value the assistance volunteers can provide to our educational program.
🥛🧇Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menu 🍔🍟
September Happenings:
September 30th - Kindergarten to GC- I Can Swim
- 5th Grade to GC - College & Me
October 1st - 3rd
- Kindergarten to GC - I Can Swim
- 5th Grade to GC - College & Me
October 3rd - Qtr 1 Midterm
October 9th - Fire Prevention - Eastern Garrett VFD
October 10th - Staff Development - 12:15 Dismissal
October 11th - Autumn Glory - Schools are Closed
October 15th - Vision Screening - Grades PK-1
October 25th - Fall Pictures
- Halloween Social 7:00-9:00pm
November 1st - School Costume Parade 2:30pm
November 5th - Schools Closed - Election Day
November 6th - End of Qtr 1
November 11th - 12:15 Dismissal - Staff Development
November 27th - 12:15 Dismissal
November 28th-29th - Schools Closed - Thanksgiving Break