JSS Newsletter
Jack Stuart School - March 2024
In Our House
JSS School Administration Message by
Mr. Todd Sieben, Principal
Ms. Erica Easton, Assistant Principal
Student attendance has the greatest impact on student learning and success. Please help us out and ensure your child(ren) regularly attends school. Certainly, if they are ill or have an appointment, they will be marked excusably absent.
We look forward to the warm weather and puddles in March. Please remember to send with your child their splash pants and rubber boots on warm days and snow pants and winter boots on cooler days. We want our students to enjoy their time outside during recess. Thank you to our JSS parents/guardians and staff who have gone above and beyond each day to ensure students are safe, cared for and have an optimal learning environment for all students.
JSS will be part of Real-Time Reporting starting in March 2024. Historically, report cards were used to inform parents/guardians of student performance at a specific period in time. With our move to PowerSchool, BRSD parents/guardians now have real-time access to their child's academics and growth through the parent portal or the PowerSchool phone application. Many schools in BRSD and school divisions throughout the province of Alberta have also made the move to digital reporting with positive results. Now, teachers will be working to provide regular and consistent updates in their markbooks, which will include comments about student achievement attached directly to the assessment items in the PowerSchool markbook. The change to reporting is intended to ensure you can: stay in close communication with teacher(s) and have real-time information on your child's learning, partner in your child's learning (collaborate as more than an observer), check on assessment results anytime and help your child in a more timely manner (not limited to 3 times per year), and readily access teacher feedback on assignments and better support student learning. Please note that any parents/guardians who want a printed report card may contact our school office with your preferences, however please note report cards will not have traditional report card comments any further. You can now expect your marks and comments showing up in PowerSchool so be sure to set up your PowerSchool account and download the app (if you have not already). If you need support, please call our office.
Just a quick reminder…pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration for the 2023/24 school year opened at the start of last month. Here is the new link: https://www.brsd.ab.ca/families/registration
The 2023/24 Alberta Education Assurance Surveys are on the way to our grade 4 JSS parent/guardians via Canada Post. The 2024 Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey for grade 4 parents/guardians launched the week of January 22, 2024. Parents/Guardians of all Alberta grade 4, 7 and 10 students are asked to complete the AEA survey each year. To increase awareness and encourage parental participation in the AEA survey, Alberta Education has prepared a package providing information about the survey, why the survey is needed and how grade 4 parents/guardians will take the survey. This package also provides a Random Access Code (RAC) for accessing the electronic survey online (with instructions and the electronic survey link), and instructions for accessing the survey in other languages. Grade 4 parents/guardians will receive this survey package, mailed directly from Alberta Education. Thanks to our grades 4 parents/guardians in advance for completing the electronic survey. Be sure to click submit at the bottom of the survey. The deadline for completion is Friday, March 15, 2024, just before BRSD spring break. Your feedback is appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who came to see our JSS Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 19, 2023! Based on parent/guardian and staff vote, we decided to host a traditional concert in December 2023, and try out a Christmas carnival next year in December 2024. As a result of that survey input/feedback, we will try both events and then decide future events on a year to year basis depending on staff, student and parent/guardian input. Thank you in advance for your support and willingness to try something new!
As we continue to recognize students who say and do the right things, especially when no one is looking, we randomly pick two student Jaguar Cards (submitted into the “Caught in the Matrix” Jaguar Card Bin in the school office) each week to enjoy a free lunch (made possible by our local eatery/restaurant supporters). Those students have their picture taken and uploaded to the electronic bulletin board in our north entrance lobby. 139 JSS students received Jaguar Cards in September, 107 in October, another 224 in November, 120 students in December, 228 more in January, and 121 in February … for a total of 939 Jaguar Cards so far this school year. We are very proud of all our students living the school pledge each day. Stay tuned for our March totals and beyond.
Thank you to …
Our grade 5 Safety Patrollers who show up for early morning and afternoon duty.
Mr. Brett McCarroll for coaching our Grade 4 Basketball team this year.
Ms. Erica Easton for coaching our Grade 5 Basketball team this year.
Mrs. Atema, Ms. Ewasko and our School (Parent) Council for supporting our “Pink Shirt Day”.
Community volunteers who give of their time working with kids
Parents/Guardians who have helped supervise field trips and assist in our classrooms this year.
The parents/guardians that continue to help out with our School (Parent) Council hot lunch program.
Follow us …
Website: http://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Instagram: jackstuartschoolbrsd
Facebook: Jack Stuart School
Twitter: @jstuartschool
JSS Council & Parents' Society
by Terra Manion, President: jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com
The Rolling Hills Coffee fundraiser orders were delivered to the school on Fri., March 8. If you have not received or picked up your order yet, please do so asap at the school office. Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy your coffee!
Our next and final fundraiser of the year will be the Spring Flowers from Growing Smiles/Devry Greenhouse. Details to come.
We have added Dominos pizza into our Hot Lunch rotation. It will remain an option for the rest of the year along with Subway and Boston Pizza.
There are no playground fund updates but we are still actively working on it and have applied for 11 grants this school year alone.
As the school year begins to wind down I am announcing that I will be stepping down as President of JSS Council & Parents’ Society (as my youngest moves to middle school next year). One of our current council members has volunteered to fill these positions and to continue running the Council & Society next year, if there are no other persons interested.
* Please Note: These positions are open to anyone and a vote will be held in May or June to fill them for the upcoming school year. A notice will be sent out prior to this vote.
If you would like to learn more about this or if there are any other questions or concerns regarding Council or Society, please don’t hesitate to attend a council meeting or contact me (Terra) at jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com
Our Hot Lunch Coordinator position will also need to be filled for next year. If you would like hot lunch to continue and wish to volunteer for this role or to help, please contact me for more info.
Please note that there will not be any meetings in March due to scheduling conflicts. Join us at our next Parent Council meeting followed immediately by our Parent Society Meeting on Wednesday, Apr. 10 at 5:30-6:30 pm.
From the Learning Commons
Overdue Reminders for all library books will be sent home by the end of this week with any students who have overdue or unaccounted for library books. Please check your child's backpack to see if you have received a notice. Information on how to pay for lost or damaged books will be found on these overdue notices.
A friendly reminder that library books should be returned weekly to ensure that your child learns the importance of borrowing and returning books to our library on a weekly basis. Students in higher grades who require an extended period of time with their chapter books or books other than picture books, are welcome to renew their books as needed.
BRSD & Public Libraries join together to offer SORA
BRSD students are now able to log into the Parkland Regional Library through Sora, an eBook and eAudiobook app for students, using their school credentials. Many students may already have a public library card and access these resources already, however, this partnership eliminates the need for students to have a separate card. Access will be restricted based on the division of the students.
If students visit this library in Sora, they will now see Jack Stuart School as a sign-in option when they borrow a title from the library. Users will have access to content from the public library. Access will be restricted based on the division of the students:
- Juvenile: Grades K-5
- Young Adult: Grades 6-8
- Adult: Grades 9-12 and Staff
Important Dates
Mar. 6 - Hot Lunch - Boston Pizza
Mar. 7 - Early Dismissal @ 11:52 am/Staff Meeting
Mar. 18-22 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 27 - Hot Lunch - Subway
Mar. 29 - Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
Apr. 1 - Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
Apr. 4 - Student Led Conferences - 3:00 - 8:00 pm
Apr. 4 - JSS Grade 5 Parent/Guardian ECKS Meet & Greet 4:00 - 8:00 pm (during Student Led Conference)
Apr. 10 - School Council/Parent Society Meeting 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Contact Us
Email: jackstuart@brsd.ab.ca
Website: https://jstuart.brsd.ab.ca
Location: 200 Mount Pleasant Drive, Camrose, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-672-0880
Facebook: facebook.com/JackStuartSchool
Twitter: @jstuartschool