The Warrior WEEKLY
WEEK OF January 27 to January 31, 2025
Upcoming Dates and Information to Know
Student Parking Reminders--students MUST have a permit and park in designated lot only
Student drivers need to park in their designated area and need to follow all school rules and local driving laws. Students MUST have a valid parking pass and must park in your designated lot according to your pass.
Student drivers need to watch their speed and need to stay safe at all times. This goes for all CHS lots, including those in Boling Park. Students and parents, please be reminded that the CCSD parking pass is a privilege, and students who break the code of conduct in any way dealing with driving/parking are subject to fines, towing, and revocation of parking privilege. This includes skipping class/leaving without checking out properly, so students and parents please be sure that students only leave when they have secured the proper permissions.
Reminder: Students are NOT allowed to park in Boling Park unless they have purchased a pass for the CHS Boling lot (adjacent to baseball/softball fields). Students without a CHS parking pass who park in other areas of Boling park are subject to law enforcement action from City of Canton.
We still have some permits available, see Ms. Collins in the 100 Hall office on Main to purchase.
Thank you all for following these guidelines to ensure student safety at CHS!
Course Registration season is here!
See below for important dates and be on the lookout for more information as the semester goes on! UPDATED after a few rescheduled events due to weather related school closings.
Peer Leadership taking applications for next year
CHS Peer Leadership program is now accepting application for 25/26 School year! Do you need service hours? Like helping people? Want new leadership skills? This is your class. To become part of this limited team, see your favorite teacher, Pannell or fill out the QR code on the WANTED posters around school. By helping others, you are helping yourself.
Cheer Interest/Parent Meeting, 2/12
If you are interested in trying out for Football Sidelines, Game Day, Competition, or Basketball Cheerleading, be sure to attend the informational parent meeting on February 12th at 6:00 in the Auditorium.
Dual Enrollment Information Night, Thursday February 13, 5:30 in CHS Main Cafe
Are you interested in learning more about earning college credit while still in high school?
Parents and students are invited to attend our Dual Enrollment Information Session
Thursday, February 13th
CHS Main Cafeteria, 5:30 pm
Prom: Save the Date!
Prom is Saturday, March 22nd from 6:30 - 10:30 at the Foundry at Puritan Mill
Travel to Greece and Italy with CHS and EF TOURS
We are going to Greece and Italy Summer 2026! Travel is so much more than just planes and trains! Students will gain new perspectives, develop a sense of independence, and build skills for the future through this experience. Don’t forget to register for our informational meeting on January 29 at 6:30 pm in the main café at: https://rsvp.eftours.com/jrzvf9r for more details about this Summer 2026 Trip!
Rent the Rock--exciting new opportunity at CHS!
Warriors! Show your spirit or wish a happy birthday to your warrior by Renting the Rock and painting it. Simply click the link for MAIN or for NORTH (you can rent either or both), and all the information and rules are on the link as well. NOTE: Rental of the Rock is for PTSA members only. Join below if you haven't already so you can RENT THE ROCK.
Rock rental is $25 per day, and you can paint it yourself or hire our National Art Honors Society to help you (their info is here: NAHS Rock Painting Service)
PTSA Membership, click here. https://cherokeehsptsa.memberhub.com/store
Donate books for National English Honors Society
The National English Honors Society is continuing to collect books for our ongoing book drive, which we donate to the elementary schools in our area! If you have any gently-used, elementary-level books you are willing to donate, please send them with your child to drop off in Room Main 308 with our sponsor Dr. Peterson. Thank you, parents!
Writing Center is OPEN at CHS--students, come get help!
The Writing Center is open! Come to the Media Center before school or during the second half of lunch to get help with essays, lab reports, short stories, or any other writing that you have!
Lunch information
MEALS: Meal prices have not changed for students this school year. LINQ Connect is CCSD School Nutrition’s system for accepting online payments into your child's meal account and for listing menu items, nutritional info and allergens. The money you had left in your child's meal account at the end of last school year remains in your account for use this school year. If you haven't already created an account, you can set up a LINQ Connect account online here or by downloading the app; it's a simple process - you will need your children's student IDs (number they use to purchase meals in the cafeteria). You can continue to send checks or cash to your child's school for their meal account. The free and reduced price meal application also is available through LINQ Connect.
If you'd like to DONATE to help students and families who need help with lunch debt, please use the ONLINE DONATION LINK or print and turn in the hard copy found HERE.
Cell Phone Tips for Students and Families
Interesting article on limiting device time for students
Please check the article HERE for ideas on how to limit or manage screen time over break or in general.
Community Information, Events, and Opportunities
JOIN PTSA: Help support our students and staff at CHS!
PTSA Membership, click here. https://cherokeehsptsa.memberhub.com/store
Parking and Pickup/Dropoff Reminders and Transportation Information
Dropoff and Pickup Reminders
I want to share a few important reminders with everyone regarding pick up and drop off and student driving and parking at CHS. We want to ensure everybody's safety, and having our parents and student drivers follow these guidelines will help us do that. We appreciate your cooperation as we look to keep everybody safe as they come and go from CHS each day.
1. Before/After school drop-off and pickup is only allowed in the front drivethrough areas of CHS Main and CHS North. Drop offs or pickups are not allowed in any of our parking lots or at Boling park. Furthermore, the access road that runs behind CHS Main will be closed and off limits to traffic until after 4:00 each day.
Please also note that all check outs and check in for the attendance office are at CHS Main, so if students need to check in late or check out early, that will need to occur at CHS Main. Please plan ahead for the time it may take if your student is at North when you come to check them out.
Students may NOT exit the pickup areas to enter vehicles in parking lots on or Hwy 5. Students need to wait in the designated area until their car pulls up for pickup. Parents: Please do not encourage your students to leave the pick up area early, which can be dangerous for them and for others.
2. Student drivers need to park in their designated area and need to follow all school rules and local driving laws. Student drivers need to watch their speed and need to stay safe at all times. This goes for all CHS lots, including those in Boling Park. Students and parents, please be reminded that the CCSD parking pass is a privilege, and students who break the code of conduct in any way dealing with driving/parking are subject to fines, towing, and revocation of parking privilege. This includes skipping class/leaving without checking out properly, so students and parents please be sure that students only leave when they have secured the proper permissions.
Reminder: Students are NOT allowed to park in Boling Park unless they have purchased a pass for the CHS Boling lot (adjacent to baseball/softball fields). Students without a CHS parking pass who park in other areas of Boling park are subject to law enforcement action from City of Canton.
Thank you all for your attention to these matters, and thank you all for working with us toward ensuring that our Warriors stay safe as they come and go to and from our campuses each day!
New procedure for dropping off items--USE THE CART
We will have a new procedure for dropping off items for students this year that will save time and help us keep a safe, secure, and focused learning environment.
If you are dropping off materials for your student (book, form, instrument, sports equipment, lunch NOT from outside restaurants etc...), you will no longer need to enter the attendance or front office. We will have a cart out front where you can drop your item and tag it for your student. Our staff will retrieve it periodically and be sure it gets to your student. Save time in line, drop your delivery, and get on with your day!
Bus information
BUSES: The Bus Stop Look-Up website is open so you can check your child's bus stop times for pick up and drop off. The Versatrans My Stop Bus Tracking System website and app, which allow you to track your child's bus on its way to the bus stop each morning and afternoon, will begin working when buses roll on Thursday, Aug. 1.
Website: https://chs.cherokeek12.net/
Location: 930 Marietta Highway, Canton, GA, USA
Phone: 770-721-5300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHSWarriors/
Twitter: @CHS_Warriors