Lamoille North District Update
Lamoille North Supervisory Union l October 18, 2024
Dear Lamoille North Community and Staff,
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who participated in our recent community feedback survey. We received almost 300 responses! This is far more than the 50 or so responses we have received in years past. Although this is a wonderful number of responses, it is still not enough to be truly statistically significant in terms of the actual number of school community members that are part of Lamoille North. However, I believe it is worth summarizing patterns and trends from this survey. Your insights are invaluable as we work together to ensure our schools continue to meet the needs of our students, families, and staff. 89.6% of respondents were community members from all of our towns and 10.4% of those who responded work in our schools. Once we have an opportunity to read all of the submitted comments, we will address the survey results in greater depth. Highlights from the survey include the following:
LNSU Feedback Survey - Final Results (10.17.24):
Join Us for Our Upcoming Lamoille North Safe Schools Night!
On the topic of community engagement, we want to remind you to register for our upcoming Safe Schools Night on Monday, October 28, 2024 from 5:00pm – 7:30pm at the Lamoille Union High School campus. This event is an opportunity to learn more about the resources and supports that our schools and community partners provide for our students and families; and hear from our friends in law enforcement, local fire department and emergency services; and participate in discussions about how we can all contribute to creating a safer and healthier school environment. We are providing dinner for all and childcare for those who need it. Please register so that we know how much food to prepare and have enough child caregivers.
VT Agency of Education Spotlight
On another note, we are excited to share that Interim Secretary of Education, Zoie Saunders, has invited the public to join special sessions as part of her "Listen and Learn Tour". The Interim Secretary has already met with district leaders and is meeting with other education professionals as part of her “tour” to gain insights into what schools see as priorities and what opportunities and challenges currently exist in our systems. Following is an invitation for the greater community to participate in conversations about the future of public education in Vermont. Read the following for themes, dates, times and locations for these community conversations.
“Each public engagement session will take place from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Every session will begin with introductory information and data to support more in-depth conversations, followed by breakout sessions on topics related to student achievement and support, career and college readiness, and school budgets, among other emerging priorities.
Please note, every public engagement session will have the same agenda. Members of the public and/or educators are welcome to attend more than one session; however, the information covered will not change.
Please check the Listen and Learn webpage to see the most up to date public engagement schedules, links for virtual sessions and information on language accessibility. While not required, pre-registration is encouraged using the online registration form, Listen and Learn Registration (cognitoforms.com). Please email aoe.publicinformation@vermont.gov with questions.
Public Engagement Schedule
October 22 Woodstock Union Middle/High School
October 23 Mount Anthony Union High School
October 23 Stowe High School
October 28 Montpelier High School
October 28 West Rutland School
October 29 Lyndon Town School
October 30 Enosburg Falls High School
November 4 Virtual Meeting (ASL interpreter available)
November 6 Virtual Meeting (ASL interpreter available)
This is a great opportunity to provide input directly to state leadership and share your thoughts on education in Vermont.
Thank you for your continued engagement and support in shaping the future of our schools. We look forward to seeing you at these important events”.
As always, we appreciate your input, contributions and partnership in creating the best opportunities for all our school community members. We are grateful to have so many dedicated individuals who work alongside us daily to make this the best community we can for all of our children.
My best to you,
Catherine Gallagher, M.Ed.
Superintendent of Schools
Lamoille North Supervisory Union